
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-10 05:54:08


1 . ?心中有情,客户有心

2 . Two unfamiliar people originally came together because of love, it is not easy, because it is required of each others true feelings and trust to pay in order to form the true love Which is due to the existence of love in between, but also the most vulnerable to injuries, but also very fragile, so it should be better cherish and protect the love of primary colors, rather than its loss

3 . 有些人,等之不来,便只能离开;有些东西,要之不得,便只能放弃;有些过去,关于幸福或伤痛,只能埋于心底;有些冀望,关于现在或将来,只能选择遗忘。

4 . April, always rainy season Newcomers unfamiliar to us can only wander aimlessly hanging around in the streets, most of the time to be bored to walk, no fame, no snacks, and even the so-called downtowwn street far "beyond" my expectations, really tired then find a place to eat some random point to sit down and rest, we even went to Internet cafes, you play the game, I go to bed Unusually dull, there is fatigue, they will complain, but our mutual interlocking fingers, I am also deeply satisfied Accompany and help you pick the color of clothes, shoes and styles for your reference, to discuss the location of accommodation, hazy rain you as I hold the umbrella, when I put a chill swept coat, placid warm my heart to heal the remnants of the city disappointed

5 . "如果"看了看"到那时"答道"我也不知道怎么了,只是觉得自己没什么进步。上个星期我发现一个很好的课程,如果有时间的话,我就去学。"

6 . 感情不就是这样你爱着他她却爱着他哪儿去找那么多你喜欢她她也正好喜欢你

7 . 爱决不是一种放纵,放纵的爱少了深度与真度,这样的爱或许永远不是爱的真谛与本质。

8 . "如果"和"到那时"疑惑地看着他。男人继续说从现在开始,数一下你们用了多少次?如果和?到那时这两个词语。你们不要总是思考?如果怎样怎样到那时怎样怎样而是应该着手去做,采取行动,请不要再谈论如果和到那时。"

9 . Love does not have a gain or loss because of the nature and positioning of love To have this love, it is happiness, even if the loss, but also learn to calm Regardless of gain and loss, are we to deny their love, the beauty that the feeling of it? Are we on the negation of their love is true or it?

10 . 我们向来喜欢崇拜自己的人,但我们不一定喜欢自己崇拜的人。


1 . 招商会策划方案

2 . 灰心之余的再次失去,才明白自己曾经憧憬求索过的价值与意义。

3 . 秋天让我们来体会“自古逢秋悲寂寥”的凄凉;秋天让我们来体会“无边落木萧萧下”的哀愁;秋天让我们来体会“秋空雁度青天远”的疏朗。

4 . ⑤关联词搭配不当例如:我们中学生如果缺乏创新精神,也不能适应知识经济时代的要求。(应将“也”改为“就”。)

5 . 他们进一步成功地培养出了新的品种,可以抵抗疾病长得更快更大并且在不同的盐度和温度的水中都能茁壮生长。此外,这些培殖出的牡蛎口感更佳!

6 . 诚实的人,把生活看作连绵的山峰一座座努力攀登;狡猾的人,把生活看作一艘航船,见风驶舵把握方向。狡猾的人,也许终身得利,却失去了真实的自己;诚实的人,也许一生坎坷,却找到了生活的真谛。

7 . 我是你的谁都领不走。

8 . “天下大事,必做于细”。时光虽按部就班的延展,可无声地吞噬了那个囫囵吞枣的粗放岁月,迎来的是一个细节充盈的时代。漠视细节,就会放弃成就,远离尖端。举轻若重的智者,始终不敢懈怠一丝微小和琐碎,总会战战兢兢地把每一个细节做到完美。而举重若轻者,往往漠视一沙一石的凌乱与琐碎,把目光锁定于由砂石堆砌而成的摩天大厦。最终,贪婪与侥幸使其永远与摩天大厦失之交臂。

9 . 钱乃一味良药有明目张胆之功效。

10 . 在十九世纪五十年代,萨缪尔·M·科尔,宾西法尼亚西部的一位制造商,开始从当地的溢出物中收集石油,并将它炼成煤油。与冶炼矿石一样,石油提炼是一个从未加工的原料中除去杂质的过程。煤油被用来点灯。


1 . 空中没有一片云,没有一点风,头顶上一轮烈日,所有的树木都没精打采地懒洋洋地站在那里。

2 . 病因,应删去

3 . 何为细节,一位大师曾形象地刻画过:如果说“大节”是脊椎,细节就是脊椎的每一个骨节,少了那一节足以让躯体瘫痪。细细品味,细节竟然如此的重要!

4 . ?拿望远镜看别人,用放大镜看自己。?态度决定一切,精神成就事业?遇难心不慌,遇易心更细

5 . Nevertheless, when I opened the window one morning, to my amazement, the tree was almost bare beyond recognition as a result of the storm ravages the night before Struck by the plight, I was seized with a sadness at the thought “all the blossom is doomed to fall” I could not help sighing with emotion: the course of life never runs smooth, for there are so many ups and downs, twists and turns The vicissitudes of my life saw my beloved friends parting one after another Isn’t it similar to the tree shedding its flowers in the wind?

6 . 两个原本陌生的人因爱走到了一起,就很不容易,因为那是需要彼此的真情与信任的付出,才能形成这份真爱的。而这爱因存在于两者之间,也最容易受伤,也很脆弱,所以就应更好的珍惜与保护这爱的原色,而不让其丢失。

7 . (“很大”与“心血”搭配不当,应改为“很多”)

8 . 狂妄自大的民族不喜欢聆听,他们只会穷兵黩武,贪欲和傲慢遮挡了他们的视线;闭关自守的民族不喜欢聆听,他们只会坐井观天,浅陋和愚昧妨碍了他们的进取;急功近利的民族不喜欢聆听,他们只会浅尝辄止,浮躁和短视制约了他们的识见。因此,只有喜欢聆听的民族,才是富有智慧的民族。

9 . As we often say: edge in man-made, were in an act of God, we should not contend with Gods arrangements Sometimes more in need of love is a natural formation, rather than contributing to allocate Miller Because love has its growth and a sophisticated process slowly

10 . 人生有两大悲剧:一个是得不到想要的东西,另一个是得到了不想要的东西。


1 . ?主动出击,抢得先机

2 . 很多时候,仅凭我们的肉眼,并不能立即看不出事物的某些细微变化,但是时间就像是一架高倍显微镜,让我们能清晰地感知事物任何最细微的变化。这种变化,不仅仅反映在事物的表面,也体现在事物的内在特质上。

3 . 生活总以一种高压的姿态肆意考验着我们脆弱的神经,让我们叹息或者窒息这个世界真的很拥挤,我们难以寻找一方精神的栖息地。与其在风雨中逃避,不如在雷电中舞蹈,即便淋得透湿也是领略生命的快意。不要抱怨与哀叹不必嫉俗与愤世,只有当心灵坚强了心头那些洪水才会慢慢退去。

4 . ②动词修饰语例如:开考半个小时后,就有人陆续交卷。

5 . 情歌是越听越熟悉后来后来越懂你

6 . ()成分残缺

7 . (句子应是走上……的道路)

8 . 流星虽然陨落了,却用美丽的光芒划破夜空,乐曲虽然结束了,却用激昂的旋律振奋人心。

9 . ②动宾搭配不当例如:在艺术节上,同学们充分发扬了自己的特长,表演了多个歌舞节目。(把“发扬”改为“发挥”(展示))

10 . 那天空舞蹈的美丽精灵,


1 . The idea of sea-floor spreading actually preceded the theory of plate tectonics In its original version, in the early ’s, it described the creation and destruction of the ocean floor, but it did not specify rigid lithospheric plates The hypothesis was substantiated soon afterward by the discovery that periodic reversals of the Earth’s magnetic field are recorded in the oceanic crust As magma rises under the mid-ocean ridge, ferromagnetic minerals in the magma become magnetized in the direction of the magma become magnetized in the direction of the geomagnetic field When the magma cools and solidifies, the direction and the polarity of the field are preserved in the magnetized volcanic rock Reversals of the field give rise to a series of magnetic stripes running parallel to the axis of the rift The oceanic crust thus serves as a magnetic tape recording of the history of the geomagnetic field that can be dated independently; the width of the stripes indicates the rate of the sea-floor spreading

2 . 男人笑着答道"你们说的话让我想起一句古老的谚语:只想不做,就会没有收获。"

3 . 爱心是一片照射在冬日的阳光,它能让贫病交加的人感受到人间的温暖;爱心是广袤无垠沙漠中的一股请泉,它能使濒临绝境的人获得生存的希望;爱心是一首动人的歌谣,它能使心灰意冷的人获得精神的慰藉;爱心是一场久旱的甘霖,它能使悲观失望的人获得心灵的滋润。

4 . Until recently the supply of wild oysters and those crudely farmed were more than enough to satisfy people’s needs But today the delectable seafood is no longer available in abundance The problem has become so serious that some oyster beds have vanished entirely

5 . 十年前,我唯一可以浪费的就是时间。十年后,我除了时间什么都可以浪费…

6 . 过去人们饲养牡蛎的方式很大程度上类似于田地里的农夫种植蕃茄——通过移植来饲养它们。

7 . 倘若生活是一座远山,细节就是旅途上一块块庞杂的砂石。有时人们会感到旅途的寂寞甚至疲惫。这不是我们失去了远山的呼唤,而是缺少跋涉的耐力,不堪迈过每一块砂石的艰辛。当你义无反顾地秉持了那一种艰辛,你就一定会置身于那一座守望已久的远山。早年的乡下,人们都经营着自己的一片土地,伯父以田为天的精神,常常让我感动,甚至影响到后来我的人生态度。他惟恐失去某一个耕耘细节而歉收。从选种,育苗,中耕,每一个环节精益求精,起早贪黑,默默耕耘,每一犁土地,每一粒种子,都承载着他对收获的殷殷期待。一季的耕耘终换来了五谷丰登粮满仓。“人哄地皮,地哄人肚皮”他常说的这句话,并没有在幽远的岁月里淹没,不时在我的耳畔响起。

8 . 我爱她,她却爱着那个不爱她的他。命运轮回逃离不掉伤感。

9 . ?经营客户,深耕市场

10 . 什么是幸福?没有痛苦就是幸福。什么是快乐?内心愉悦就是快乐。什么是成功?不懈追求就是成功。什么是前进?没有止步就是前进。什么是真诚?实事求是就是真诚。什么是朋友?危难相助就是朋友。什么是伟大?能给人幸福就是伟大。


1 . (表数量的“许多”应紧靠中心短语)

2 . 春天,不单是四季之首的名词,春天,也与美好在一起。挨过漫漫严冬,人们希望春光永驻;听着谆谆教诲,人们感觉如坐春风。春晖,为诗歌增添亮色;春雨,使图画洋溢生机。

3 . 生命不在于活得长与短,而在于顿悟的早与晚。

4 . 昨天我市体育健儿凯旋胜利归来,市体委负责人和群众代表到车站热烈欢迎。

5 . 夜晚,花儿闭上了眼睛,仿佛已经沉睡。星星忽闪忽闪地,眨巴着眼睛,好象要和我们说话。看着看着,我就睡着了。浩瀚的天空一望无垠劳累了一天的人们,早已进入梦乡。广西桂林七星区穿山小学四年级:肥达

6 . An important new industry, oil refining, grew after the Civil war Crude oil, or petroleum – a dark, thick ooze from the earth – had been known for hundreds of years, but little use had ever been made of it In the ’s Samuel M Kier, a manufacturer in western Pennsylvania, began collecting the oil from local seepages and refining it into kerosene Refining, like smelting, is a process of removing impurities from a raw material

7 . Sophisticated or not a persons age are not just, perhaps too many are referring to awareness of emotions and grasp the extent of emotion

8 . The first oil well was drilled by EL Drake, a retired railroad conductor In he began drilling in Titusville, Pennsylvania The whole venture seemed so impractical and foolish that onlookers called it “ Drake’s Folly” But when he had drilled down about feet( meters, Drake struck oil His well began to yield barrels of crude oil a day

9 . 小兔子真可爱!它们一只是白色的,另一只是灰色的。它们有一对长长的耳朵,耳朵是竖起来的,真可爱!小白兔的眼睛是红色的,小灰兔的眼睛是黑色的。它们的三瓣嘴像小小的三角形。

10 . 如果他磨光了你的耐心让你恐慌你还不如选择远方。


1 . 招商会时间:

2 . 认真阅读课本P页,独立完成导学案。

3 . 生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,但到后来,那些受伤的地方一定会变成我们最强壮的地方。

4 . 古往今来的英雄哪个不曾经历过寂寞,哪个不曾耐住过寂寞,哪个离开过寂寞。只有揣着一颗清明澄澈又矢志不渝的心,在属于自己或自己闯出的这条路上坚持不懈的奔跑下去,不被太多的身外之物所羁绊,不被外界的不幸打倒信仰和理想,执着勇敢的探索真理,坚定光明的信念,才会摆脱寂寞的纠缠。寂寞会折磨英雄,会打击英雄,当然也会打造英雄,弥补英雄。

5 . ①主谓搭配不当例如:我国的台湾省,地处亚热带,雨水充足,气候温良

6 . 清风淡淡吹过浮躁的青春就别重逢的时光是否仍别来无恙

7 . 我们的科技进步需要你,你的对胜利的执着,你的对自己的无比的自信以及不懈的努力,帮助我们推进了文明。

8 . ?世界,为有目标与远见者让路

9 . 勇气是一种很微妙的东西,它可以在无形中透露出你的情感。也许,这种例子已经很少见了,可是也不能说完全没有。就拿藏羚羊来说:为了保护幼儿,放弃逃生,跪在猎人的面前,用人类的泪水去乞求,去哀求……这是母亲为保护孩子的一刻温存的心啊!因为爱,因为勇气,才展现了这幕让人心中跌宕起伏的场景啊!

10 . ??整理整顿常清扫,环境整洁士气高!


1 . Only per cent said they would never let their partner see them be so uncouth。 只有%的人说他们永远不会在伴侣面前表现得如此放肆。

2 . 秋天的落叶随着秋姑娘翩翩起舞;秋天的落叶随着秋的旋律摇荡;秋天的落叶随着秋的微风留下一片光明的大道。

3 . 拥有好的心态,心灵就会明澈,充满慈爱,无论世界如何困惑,如何纷扰,都会用关爱的心为自己播下一枚与人为善的种子,让它发芽抽叶,直至长成枝繁叶茂的大树,为他人挡风避雨,也为自己带来快乐。人世间所谓的苦风凄雨,在好心态者面前,不过是人生旅途的一个小小点缀,因为人性的光辉是“拈花指”,总会在人生的含笑中普降光明。

4 . ①缺主语例如:通过努力的学习,使她的成绩得到很快的提高。

5 . 例一个风和日丽阳光灿烂的早晨,我们排着整齐的队伍,到珍珠养殖基地去参观。

6 . The man at the next table couldnt help overhear WHEN and IF They both were talking aboutwhen this and if that, finally he couldnt take it anymore

7 . The clock in the high church tower struck and the sound made him remember his parents earlylove for him They had taught him and prayed to God for his good But he chose the wrong waywith shame and grief he dared no longer to look towards the heaven where his father lived Hisdarkened eyes were full of tears, and with a despairing effort He burst out a cry:"Come back, myearly days! Come back! "

8 . 生活是首歌:爱情是轻音乐,工作是交响乐,奋斗是摇滚乐,应酬是流行乐,朋友是通俗曲,事业是进行曲。

9 . 一个人的成熟与否不是仅仅是年龄,或许过多的是指认识情感与把握情感的深浅程度。

10 . 积极者说,人生犹如一首歌,有低音也有高调,抑扬顿挫是人生美妙的旋律;消极者说,人生犹如一场戏,有高潮也有低潮,喜怒哀乐是人生无奈的节奏。消极者说,风雨是小鸟出征长天的罗网,有了它,随时会折羽断翅;积极者说,风雨是雄鹰翱翔高空的翅膀,没有它,飞不出美丽的弧线。




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