
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-29 01:50:10


1 . ()这支部队的先头连就匆匆占领了汽车路边一个很低的光光的小山冈。

2 . 天空中的小星星(写成拟人句)

3 . 选出与“愚公移山”同类结构的一项:()

4 . ③就在这漫长而又不断地“磨合”过程中,物种之间形成了相对稳定的协同进化关系。

5 . B他抑制不住工作的热情。(助词)

6 . 难道你要违背人类的真理吗?

7 . ①有人曾经进行这样的试验:在大房间里张起密密的铁丝网,然后放出几只失去视力的蝙蝠。

8 . .Could you tell me _________ the radio without any help?

9 . ( --What time will Mr Brown be back to China? -- Sorry I don’t know ___

10 . B冰凉的河水呛得我好难受。


1 . Is this the place _______ your father once lived I’ll never forget the days _______ I joined the League

2 . 2香格里拉的空气像滤过似的。

3 . ()当他岁那年,他发现了一颗小行星。

4 . 下列句子中用主谓短语作谓语的是:()

5 . (书籍不正是我们的好老师吗?

6 . ()他说:“哦,我是要办大事业的。”

7 . 抗洪救灾中解放军叔叔的英雄事迹使我们感动得流泪。

8 . ()我觉得我们的战士太伟大了。

9 . A what her name is B what her job is C what her number is D when she left

10 . ()自古以来,博闻强记过目成诵被视为智力超群的象征,那些天才伟人的超人记忆也常令人羡慕不已。


1 . ()跨进屋门,果然,一个鹅蛋似的双黄蛋躺在鸡窝里。

2 . ()就在我扶住木箱时,顺手抓了一个梨。

3 . ()他想,这是谁丢的,真不讲卫生。

4 . —Why did you come to school late this morning?--___I watched the Football World Cup until : last night AIf BBecause CSince DThough

5 . The film “Kung Fu Panda” is___interesting__I would like to see it again Asuch,that Btoo,to Cas,as Dso that

6 . 如:*Does he live in that house? ( She asked me … She asked me if/ whether he lived in that house

7 . 定语从句:

8 . ()一条羊肠小道穿过田野直通那清澈的小溪。

9 . 小红军对陈赓说:我还要等我的同伴呢?_________________________

10 . ( The farmer was very thankful to the doctor ___ treated his son A what B which C who D whose


1 . 第一:语序:在宾语从句中,一律用___________。

2 . ()啊,原来是这个小家伙在助我一臂之力!

3 . B how will he go to Beijing tomorrow C if had he bought that car D where did he go yesterday

4 . ()过了几天,绿色的小芽从土里钻出来了。

5 . ()走近一看,原来是一团废纸。

6 . ②用来表示贬义的________________________

7 . ()我国桥梁事业的飞速发展,表明了我国社会主义制度的无比优越。

8 . ()而且都戴着一顶黄色穗子的小帽子,它们就是笋。

9 . A①③②④⑥⑤B②①④③⑥⑤C①③④⑥②⑤D②①③④⑥⑤

10 . ()一天清晨,我去浇水时发现它一出芽了。


1 . 结构上全是动宾短语的一组是:()

2 . The woman ___ umbrella you took is angry about itHere comes a girl ___ handwriting is the best

3 . ()上坡以后,我把车子停下来,准备擦擦脸上的汗水。

4 . ( The teacher asked the students A if they were interested in chatting online

5 . ( The pandas that we saved ____better now A are B were C is D was

6 . ()那时候,他们根本没有注意人与人之间的错综复杂的阶级关系。

7 . ④这种苦乐循环,便是这有活力的人间一种趣味。

8 . 学校里只给每人发一张票,这真叫人为难。

9 . -I like films which ____(be exciting and interesting

10 . 一)条件状语从句:引导词为:if, unless。


1 . English is ________ a useful language ________ it is spoken in many countries of the world

2 . __________________________________________________。

3 . ( __cleans the classroom can go home first A Anyone B Those who C However D The one who

4 . 我们小学生要听老师的话。_____________________________________

5 . 这几个特殊疑问句本身就是陈述语序,在宾语从句中不需调整语序。

6 . ()这里的空气多么新鲜!这里的风景多么美丽!]

7 . ()当时的人,都惊讶他的音乐天才,争着要为他出版呢。

8 . 对一些错乱的句子,我们可以找出表示时间概念的词语,如,早晨上午中午下午等词,然后按时间先后顺序进行排列句子。例如:

9 . 妈妈对我说:“我上班去了,你中午在家自己温习功课。”

10 . 我们不会把你老人家忘怀。_____________________________________


1 . D感觉良好完全彻底修饰限制搭配适当

2 . 不劳动连棵花也养不活,这是真理。______________________________

3 . Do you still remember the movie _____ we saw last weekend? A who B what C that D whom

4 . 我很难过。____________________

5 . 写成比喻句________________________

6 . ()但是没有用,仍然看不清楚。

7 . ( No one can be sure____ in a million years

8 . ①用来形容花草树木的______________________

9 . Two years has passed, but Chinese people still remember those exciting days ____ they spent during the Beijing Olympic Games A that B who C when

10 . 下面的词语,从词性上看,分类正确的一组是:()


1 . They are ___interesting books __ I want to read them once moreAso that Bsuch…that Ctoo…to Dso…that

2 . 综合练习

3 . A这个句子的主语中心语是“情景”,谓语中心语是“出现”,宾语是“在眼前”。

4 . 例:我们把“”高地上的全部敌人歼灭了。

5 . The woman to ___________ you talked is my sister This is the hospital ____________ I was born in

6 . ( --I really hope to keep in touch with Lily --Sorry I don&#;t know __

7 . ***其中 以wh- 疑问词或how 引导的宾语从句与动词不定式可相互转换

8 . ()隔了几天,二妹从虹口舅舅家里回来。

9 . This is the hospital in _________I was born This is the hospital____________ I was born

10 . 例6:他很急。他急得一时说不出话来。


1 . ()我很高兴:总算尝到海水的味道了。

2 . 二.综合练习

3 . ( Is that book ____ he borrowed on Friday? A that B which C who D the one

4 . ()他一共有项发明。

5 . 燕子冬天要迁徙到南方去,是因为它是候鸟。

6 . We should be ready to help the people ____ are in trouble A whose B whom C which D who

7 . 小青石说:这样安静的生活,我讨厌了我倘若能和蝴蝶和蚱蜢一样,要到哪里,就到哪里,那多好啊!

8 . A纯洁高尚全面衡量热烈响应热切希望

9 . ---Tommy, do you know if Frank___to the theatre with us this Sunday if it ___?---Sorry, I have no idea

10 . (中国有了自己的铁路工程师。

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