
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-12-23 07:03:13


1 . The so-called love, is that others worry that you will be fat, but I worry that you do not eat

2 . 生命虽短,爱却绵长。

3 . :there is no remedy for love but to love more治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。

4 . 爱情就像月亮,不增则减。

5 . May happiness follow you wherever you go! 愿您幸福快乐,直到永远永远。

6 . 每天的某一刻,听不到你的声音,见不到你的影子,日子变得无滋无味!我爱搜集你!就象老蛇爱大米!

7 . If tonight the peaceful cantus transflux from your in a dream, so do you think, this is my across the mountains came to your dream。

8 . 若自己不做出一点样子,人家想拉你一把都不知你的手在哪里。

9 . 如果注定,你是我的空气,我情愿,忍住呼吸。

10 . 感情就是这么奇妙,一向不相信一见钟情我开始相信:一见钟情是爱灵光。


1 . New Year time is here I hope you have a wonderful New Year May every day hold happy hours for you 新年来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!

2 . First love is unforgettable all one’s life。

3 . 没有友谊的滋润灌溉,生命只是一种浪费。

4 . Best wishes and sincere congratulations on your graduationMay this special day be the commencement of the continued series of upward steps to further success 祝贺你毕业,并致以最美好的祝福。愿这一天成为你不断取得更大成就的新的开始。

5 . 我喜欢那些让我笑起来的人,就算是我不想笑时。

6 . When god gave you to our, lucky came at the same time with you!

7 . Is the point you should not vexatious not knowing,let me smile and laugh

8 . You are in the north pole, I am in the South pole About nineteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight kilometers, I follow the axis direction, only to get to your heart

9 . 所有的日子酿为一杯浓酒,佳节醉倒成流动的相思。

10 . 有些习惯,无论如何都改不了。


1 . A lively from superstition,fool comfort only self deception

2 . 我什么都可以失去,但是不想失去你。

3 . I am glad to hear that you have passed the examination with a good recordAnd wish you the best of everything in the future 很高兴听说你以优异的成绩通过了这次考试,祝你在未来的日子里一切顺利。

4 . Want to fully understand a man,it is best not to do his lover,but do his friends

5 . As long as you need, I am willing to do anything, as long as you are happy, I will be happy

6 . 初恋是永生难忘的。

7 . 送走了圣诞,迎来了元旦。管他剩没剩蛋,圆蛋还是方蛋,吃他一个大鸡蛋。祝你元旦快乐!

8 . The so-called love is in love, still can come up with a head broken and bleeding after the heart to you

9 . I just spoke by telephone with the moon, to sprinkle it sparkles with you go to sleep; Sent a mail to our stars to adorn the sky it with your dream。 They said yes, I wish you a good night。

10 . In fact, the most happy fairy tale world, however, and you spend years of fuel


1 . Valley, enveloped you me, the blessing is boundless attention, overflow eyes, until the bottom of my heart, let the joy fill you all the year round。

2 . :in love folly is always sweet恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。

3 . 新娘如此可爱,新郎必定英俊不凡。

4 . 聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来了。

5 . 我们早就约定好了的,要以最慵懒的姿势,恍惚地面对这个世界。

6 . :if they did, and life-long in exist 两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮

7 . 手机一开笑口常开;手机一响黄金万两;短信一到一生好报;短信读到好事天天围你绕。

8 . The happiness of love, is the worlds most beautiful expectations And we are walking towards it

9 . 总有一天我会从你身边默默地走开,不带任何声响,我错过了很多,我总是一个人难过。

10 . you two are a perfect match heres wishing you both a lifetime of happiness




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