
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-12 12:54:22


1 . A work ill done must be twice done

2 . Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it

3 . Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps

4 . Now you are in my mind linger, you in my head ceased to exist

5 . All time is no time when it is past

6 . 我没说不代表我不会痛我以为你暂时走失了我以为你累了会回头。

7 . The day is short but the work is much

8 . 知识就是力量。

9 . 总有一天,你会遇上那个人,陪着你倾听你人生中的每一次落雨。

10 . 忽视职业便是放弃职业。


1 . One day, you will meet that person, accompanied you to listen to every rain in your life

2 . Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body

3 . Your foot is just the reflection of the heaven, hell the story of my lips was ashes of time

4 . 不爱满世界乱走,只愿在你身边安静环游,长路携手,岁月悠悠。

5 . 若要求知识,须从勤苦得。

6 . Everybody’s business is nobody’s business

7 . You cant wake a dissimulation, just like you never be touched by a man does not love you

8 . 渺小的量变可积累惊人的质变,平凡的脚步可以丈量遥远的旅途。我们常常惊艳别人的功绩,却无心审视自己生命的亮色。很多时候,我们败了,是输给了自己;我们胜了,是赢得了自己。常立志者无志,十个规划比不上一个行动,请相信:就是石头焐久了,也会有心的体温;只要结好了网,又何愁捕不到鱼呢?

9 . 想把事情来做好,就得亲自动手搞。

10 . 时间能缓和极度的悲痛。


1 . 夏天来了,是谁告诉你的呢?哟,原来是一只只勤快的萤火虫。它们提着一个个小灯笼,飞来飞去,时而在空中盘旋,时而在空中舞蹈,好似一张张明亮的小灯,照亮了漆黑的夜晚。

2 . 凡事都应用得其所。

3 . Dont have the ability to realize the promise, that a lie Cant give you dont promise too much Cuts hurt yourself

4 . He that thinks his business below him will always be above his business

5 . 有山脉相隔的遥远是一种绝望,由水道相通的遥远是一种忧伤。

6 . 真正的爱必须孕育着苦难,只有在苦难中才能挖掘回莫大的喜悦。

7 . Learn wisdom by the follies of others

8 . Wisdom is better than gold or silver

9 . Acting is a kind of enjoyment, you shape that person is you, not you

10 . Action is the proper fruit of knowledge


1 . To save time is to lengthen life

2 . 我注定成功。

3 . Many hands make quick work

4 . 演戏是一种创作的享受,你塑造的那个人物既是你,又不是你。

5 . 你无法叫醒一个装糊涂,就像你永远感动不了一个不爱你的人。

6 . Say a joke, we laugh and voice is hoarse, how through lively emotional are harmless

7 . Have you somewhat to do tomorrow, do it today

8 . 守时为立业之要素。

9 . 机遇只是给了你一个很好的起点,接下来怎么做就要看你自己。

10 . 星星点亮了温柔的双眼,青蛙鸣叫着浓浓的思念,梅雨飘洒着美好的祝愿,夏日的萤火虫,飞舞在你我心间,闪烁着祝福无边,愿你快乐在这小暑时节。


1 . Sadness and disaster in the world are all too much, we live in quiet remote corner, unable to pity

2 . 牵手是这个世界上最悲哀的动作,因为在下一刻,注定的是放手。

3 . 时间会冲淡一切,仿佛不断稀释的茶。但有些,一辈子也忘不了。

4 . 人生是场表演,它以生活为舞台,以时间为布景,以情感起伏变化为线索,以我们经历的人与事为情节,以精彩与成功为高潮。你哭也好,笑也罢,愿意也好,被动也罢,这是一场你无法拒绝的表演。有时,我们演饰了别人,丢失了自己,成了自己舞台上的配角。去做属于自己的主角吧,你的表演,谁都无可替代。

5 . 经验学校学费高,愚人旁处学不到。

6 . 有个人就像水蛭一样长在你心里,一碰就疼,去了不舍,留着愧疚。

7 . Wit once bought is worth twice taught

8 . Practice makes perfect

9 . Life is like a ball, your initial steps of the church who may not walk you to the copy

10 . 生活是根绳子,总是牵着我们的鼻子走。为了生活,我们忍让退缩扭曲甚至出卖自己。不要以为这是正常的,很多时候我们习惯的东西,就这样偷偷地改变着我们的性格。不是生活决定我们去做什么,而是我们做的事情决定了我们要过一种什么样的生活。你若把生活扛在肩上,它永远都是你的负荷。


1 . Someone like leeches long in your heart, a touch is pain, dont give up, keep the guilt

2 . 迟做总比不做好。

3 . 夏至就是今天,问候清爽无边。如意锣鼓敲响,开心烟花绽放,快乐阳光照耀,吉祥帆船启航。愿你乘风破浪高挂云帆,顺利驶向幸福彼岸。

4 . 在角落唱沙哑的歌,再大声也都是给你,请用心听,不要说话。

5 . Love exists in dedication of desire, and the lovers happiness as his own happiness

6 . 按部就班,事情很快就做完。

7 . 别说什么是我上辈子欠你的了,你有本事,把欠条拿出来给我看看。

8 . 我的短信具有消暑解渴舒肝明目健脾养胃驱蚊驱蝇等功能。使用方法,先按保存键,再按流传键,夏至快乐,夏日快乐!

9 . More and more cant find you, because your indifference made me feel the initiative is so cheap

10 . 匆匆人追身影,林林楼竞高耸。念念心向何方,久久难把你忘。声声知了鸣夏,句句祝福寄它。福佑身体健康,快乐唱过今夏。小暑节未到,问候提前送到!




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