
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-01-11 22:48:10


1 . I’m one of the boys ______ ________(like English best

2 . B how will he go to Beijing tomorrow C if had he bought that car D where did he go yesterday

3 . B.what is in their stockings C.where is their stockings in D.what in their stockings

4 . ( Write clearly __your teacher can understand you correctly Asince Bfor Cbecause Dso that

5 . .自从我来到这个城市,我一直在这所学校。

6 . 平时看美剧看港剧的时候经常看到剧中角色去吃牛排,有些人喜欢三分熟的牛排,而有些人喜欢五分熟的牛排,但是似乎没有人喜欢吃全熟的牛排?三五七分熟的牛排又什么区别?今天我们就来一起学习一下吧!

7 . ( -“Do you know_ have our summer holiday?”-“Next week”Awhen will we Bwhen are weC when we will

8 . 那就是我所知道的全部情况,我再也告诉不了你什么了。(not any more

9 . ( This is the place ____ the old man lived last year A when B where C that Dwhich

10 . 四)结果状语从句:由so… that…/such…that/so that引导的从句(so后接形副原级)


1 . 他问我今天是否有空。

2 . A where Kate is studying B how Kate studies C why Kate was studying D when Kate studied

3 . 我一直相信,在这世界上存在着一个地方,一个让现实抓不到你的地方。在那里,梦想离你很近,很近,就像我相信,在城市里来往的人群中,总有一个,会让你记得一辈子。直到你咽下最后一口气。你一眼就认出她。我时常做同一个梦,在梦里,我总是不停地跑,不停地寻找。他们说要到那个地方,要找到那个人,你必须比别人多一点勇气,多一些幸运。你可能会付出冒险的代价。你可能会死在半途上。你敢不敢去?有一个地方,你去了就不想离开,有一种人,你一辈子只会遇见一次。

4 . KEY: experienced developedapproval requiredprofessor informed experience attend desserts literature respected

5 . 例句-:I thought the Red Sox had a real chance to win the World Series this year after so long without a championship But they turned out to be no great shakes, just like last year

6 . Donny: You can also use the word "" b-a-l-l-i-n, ballin It also means "cool or very good"。

7 . 科技英语的翻译不仅仅是语言自身的问题,它同时还与其他的语言学因素相关。在这些因素中,最重要的是逻辑推理。一位著名的苏联语言学家曾举例:John is in the pen 毫无疑问,所有人的都会把pen翻译成“牲口圈”,而不是“笔”因为“人在钢笔里”的翻译明显不符合逻辑。翻译是一项逻辑活动,最终的译文是逻辑推理的产物。在进行逻辑推理的时

8 . 我母亲经常在星期日打扫卫生,洗衣服。

9 . .每天晚饭后散步对健康有好处

10 . 复合句综合检测


1 . 第一:语序:在宾语从句中,一律用___________。

2 . Excuse me, you are sitting in my place 不好意思,你坐的是我的位子。

3 . 中考宾语从句真题演练

4 . The car______my father bought last month is beautifulThe man______hair is white is his grandfather

5 . There is something wrong with my right eye, so I’ll go to the hospital to have it examined

6 . B when will my uncle leave C where my uncle will stay D where does my uncle stay

7 . Mr Black is happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been so popular

8 . Those boys who ____ playing the guitar are from our school (be

9 . You may leave the classroom when you__writingAwill finish Bare finishing C have finished Dhad finished

10 . B 与谓语动词的搭配习惯


1 . .怀特先生去过那家书店一次。

2 . 地道口语:用英语夸人“牛”的三种说法

3 . I will never forget the days ______ I worked here

4 . ( The teacher asked the students A if they were interested in chatting online

5 . Awhy she left Bdid she leave Cwhy had she left Dwhy she leave

6 . 这个八岁的男孩酷爱弹钢琴,以致于他坚持练琴叁年了。

7 . This is the hospital in _________I was born This is the hospital____________ I was born

8 . 人原本就是在星星上出生的,暂时居住在这颗叫做地球的星星上,因此,任何一个人,都是具有星星般美好的心灵,生命尽管有限,依然不断用微笑和爱向他人散发光芒。

9 . Apology(名词)以及apologize(动词)常用于正式化的道歉,例如:

10 . The first s_________ in the second act contains a very long speech


1 . Donny在北京学汉语,他的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是方方要问的:牛。

2 . 显然他说shake a leg,是催促Bob赶快行动。这就是这个习惯用语的意思。

3 . 牛排通体为熟肉褐色,牛肉整体已经烹熟,口感厚重。

4 . 刘老师是位非常亲切的老师,以致于我们把她当做自己的母亲。

5 . 他说:我原以为红袜队那么久没有得过冠军,今年一定有可能在世界职业棒球锦标赛中赢得胜利,但是他们却和去年一样成绩平平。

6 . Awill go, is fine; Bgoes, is fine Cwill go, is going to be fine Dgoes; will be fine

7 . 我真是不能理解! 他的独子遭到意外受了伤,而他却对太太说,他要晚些时候才能去医院,因为他另有要事得办:有一笔百万美元的大生意在等著他拍板呢。

8 . 牛排内部为区域粉红可见且夹杂着熟肉的浅灰和综褐色,整个牛排温度口感均衡。

9 . .他们彼此认识已经很久。

10 . 这里他用了习惯用语no great shakes表示这电影毫不出色相当平庸。




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