
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-23 09:22:24


1 . 断了线的风筝,虽然无拘无束,但一定会很快栽下地来。

2 . Man cry, because he really love; woman cry, because she really had to give up。

3 . 当一个人笑的时候,也许在他的心里正在流泪。

4 . 请你别说,如果遇见你时以太迟,请当时别让我爱上你。

5 . GZCMy heart has been the existence of your,

6 . The most regret is not too easily, insisted that should not persist, stubborn, give up should not give up。

7 . For some things we do not shed tears, is we ruthless or strong?

8 . I can give up anything in the world except you(我什么都可以失去,但不想失去你)

9 . You still owe me a sorry, but I won&#;t say it doesn&#;t matter

10 . 为了退休后的投资或房子的首付,我们需要更合理的理财。比如说买一辆不错的二手车,而不是把钱浪费在新款车型上……我们也可以减少外出就餐,攒钱买房子,少买点鞋子和衣服,提前还清助学贷款。这么多的攒钱机会都错过了,我们用钱换来了很多实实在在的物品,却没有更多关注我们的未来。


1 . 我们虽然分手了,但是我依旧爱你,记住,你,一定要幸福,一定要过得比我好。

2 . 我不想像现在这样被数理化压垮,因为成绩而丢失存在感,变成一个机械且复杂的人。

3 . 有些事,你把它藏到心里,也许还更好,等时间长了,也就变成了故事。

4 . 不爱了就是不爱,不要为了别人丧失了自己。

5 . In order to invest in our retirement or save for that down payment, we would have needed to make wiser financial spending choices Things like buying or holding on to that perfectly reliable used car, instead of splurging on the new model…because we could, eating out less and saving for a house instead, buying fewer shoes and purses and clothes and paying off student loans sooner So many saving opportunities lost, money spent on tangible things, instead of on the future

6 . Not ready please do not start, do not have the ability to please do not promise。

7 . 不要太刻意去寻找,最好的东西往往出现在不经意之间。

8 . 有些的时候,正是为了爱才悄悄躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的却是那份默默的情怀。

9 . The bodies of youth are wasted on the young… I wish I had run a marathon before my knees ached, that I had biked more, hiked more, and took spinning classes when my legs were stronger I regret not joining a softball team or volleyball league We don’t often realize that we have squandered our physical abilities until things start aching and creaking

10 . 我心中的月牙泉,演绎着多彩的梦,谱写着阳春的歌,点缀着求索的情。


1 . 淡了,散了,不多,一点就够了,睡了,呼呼中,懂了?是的。

2 . 在春天里,拔节的不只是小草,也有我们的梦想;在春天里,成长的不只是禾苗,也包括我们的感悟。就让我们怀揣着一份阳光的感动来拥抱春天,把春的消息化作满腔憧憬,把心的祝福化作满怀豪情,在春天播种下汗水浸润的信念,在秋天去收获果实累累的希望!

3 . Seizing more experiences

4 . 小草偷偷的从土里钻出来,嫩嫩的绿绿的,随即各种各样的沉睡了一冬的植物,也都慢慢的苏醒过来,互相问好说笑,好不热闹。这不,精力旺盛的它们决定开一场辩论会,讨论谁是春天中的最美。

5 . 我删掉了所有人对我说的我爱你,只怕你难过。

6 . 最讨厌的是,在我努力试着放下的时候,你又出现在我面前。

7 . 在春姑娘的引导下,我来到了公园。哇,草儿从地下探出头来,有的吐出了一点嫩嫩的小芽;花儿在春风的吹拂下争先恐后的舒展着自己的身躯;柳芽咬碎了冬天的包裹,萌动了;麦苗仰起泥染的脑袋,拔节了;竹笋挣脱严寒的束缚,冒尖了;花瓣启开温馨的心窗,绽放了!水车也毫不拘谨的运动起来;小河解冻了,"叮叮咚咚"的唱起歌来

8 . I wish I had learned to ski and paint, speak Italian and do the Tango I regret not living somewhere else before settling down Others have said they regret not pursuing their hobbies or learning to sky dive or mountain climb I prefer to stay on the ground, but I do regret not learning more, not trying new things that are hard to fit into the life of a forty something working wife and mother

9 . Who can understand who deep love, and who can understand who leave

10 . Such a person is possible,but such a love your person is wrong


1 . 平安是幸,知足是福,清心是禄,寡欲是寿。

2 . You are in a play, I was lying, anyway, no one really cares。

3 . All the deep loves is secret

4 . Pursuing a more meaningful career

5 . You Are My Sunshine Boy 未情窦初开 却相濡以沫

6 . 一路上,两旁高大粗壮的树木已欣然睁开了双眼,抽出了一条条青色的细枝,长出了一片片绿中带着嫩黄的叶子,愉快地迎接着春姑娘的到来。路边,一棵棵小草,一朵朵小花从土里探出脸蛋,好奇地张望着这个美好的世界,那么的精神焕发,生机勃勃。

7 . 小草偷偷地从土地里钻出来,嫩嫩的,绿绿的。风轻悄悄的,草软绵绵的。桃树杏树梨树,红的像火,粉的像霞,白的像雪。(桃杏梨对应的颜色红粉白花里带着甜味,野花散在草丛里像眼睛,像星星,还眨呀眨的。

8 . 擦去脸上的泪水,却带不走心中痛楚的感觉。

9 . You love me, I love you, then you do not love, and I do not hinder you。

10 . Friendship is like a sticker, and it&#;s never too strong to be torn again。


1 . 你爱我我爱你,后来你不爱了,而我却碍你。

2 . 到最后我才知道,我最对不起的其实是我自己。

3 . Fee1My Word 怎样爱你才好。

4 . 不要让过去左右你的人生,而要让过去成就你的人生。

5 . 我大概是一只鸟。充满了警觉,不容易停留。所以一直在飞。

6 . I can&#;t deduce everlasting it witnessed someone glebe&#;s old

7 . You know, one of my weakness is a bad temper

8 . 在我们相遇的地方依然人来人往,依然是年少无知的感伤。

9 . 你在我心里住了那么久。即使要忘记也会留下痕迹。

10 . 眼里是泪滴手里是勇气会犹豫也会决定。


1 . 怪只能怪自己:有本事喜欢上别人,却没本事让别人喜欢自己。

2 . 明明心事重重却一副若无其事的样子,不是不想找人说。只是怕没人懂。

3 . 要想饱览春天最浓的颜色,莫过于去看湖水了。朱自清先生曾写过梅花潭的绿,深得甚至有些微微发蓝。那是集叶片草尖和天空为一体的颜色。在明澈纯净绿色的湖水中,无数条小鱼在畅游。

4 . 只要你不离不弃,哪怕一辈子我也愿意奉陪到底。

5 . May you say a lifetime is to put a cup of water to drink the time。

6 . 春天来了,万物复苏,昨日下午天气阴霾,按照过往的经验应该是下着绵绵春雨;古言说,"春雨贵如油"这两天全国各地都是干旱急报。人们渴望着一场春雨绵绵,润湿那天气干涸的大地,给那春播下着及时雨,刚刚离开的冬天雪没来,今年春季第一场雨却悄然而至。正如人生里有些不期而遇的美好,总在你淡忘时,在你不存在希翼时也许会悄然而至。

7 . Long—distance love, love is not only the love, but also a kind of persistence。 Long distance love, love is not only love, there is a kind of yearning。

8 . Do I myself, is the best show。

9 . 我没办法演绎天长地久那就亲眼目睹别人的天荒地老。

10 . 大部分人都是听从别人的期待去工作或者按照别人铺好的路去走,而不愿冒更多的职业风险和遵循我们的内心去工作挣钱。比起多年一直从事自己不喜欢的工作,能在多岁时自己选择并去追求一份更有意义的工作是多么的好啊!


1 . 如果不要我,请离开我,留下,只是继续令我难过。

2 . When others laugh at you just fly I have strong, I will also be fragile

3 . 秋夜里,独自沧桑着自己的沧桑,不想有人知晓。

4 . 青春像一场大雨,即使感冒了,还盼望回头再淋它一次。

5 . I don&#;t want to do your life episode just want to make your life the most perfect ending

6 . 我沉默的看着你,你却沉默的看着另一个人。

7 . 不要依赖别人,是你还有人可以依赖的时候才说得出来的。

8 . - Please do not take my sunshine away。

9 . 这分手越长越残忍。你说的越来越诚恳。

10 . Have you ever tried to look back at you with a person chat records, from the beginning to the present。




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