
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-23 01:35:27


1 . If we don’t spread every effort to challenge ourselves, we will never be able to see the panorama of the sky or to find our own pieces of sky to fly under If you want to be explorer, then be one! If you have a dream, then find no excuses! Only when we try to fly do we realize we may fly that high There is no limitation for a sincere dreamer

2 . 学习,学习,再学习!学,然后知不足。——列宁

3 . 志在峰巅的攀登者,不会陶醉在沿途的某个脚印之中。

4 . At the peak of the climber, not intoxicated in a step along the way

5 . 又漂亮又好的女人一般都很愚蠢。

6 . “Were you so sad, then?” I asked, “on the day of the forty-four sunsets?” But the little prince made no reply

7 . When the night is darkest, dawn is nearest 夜最黑时,黎明最近。

8 . The nice women are ugly

9 . Young people first to ambition, ambition; secondly, to measure the force, determined to a useful talent of the country and the people; therefore it is necessary to choose a struggling target to study and practice -- Wu Yuzhang

10 . Who in the dress and hair on the exhaustion of thought, who has no energy for learning; who only pay attention to the beauty of the appearance of the modification, who can not get the inner beauty -- Yang Zuntian


1 . If you don&#;t learn to think when you are young, you may never learn 如果你年轻时没有学会思考,那就永远学不会思考。

2 . 如果圆规的两只脚都动,永远也画不出一个圆。

3 . 平静的良心能在雷声中入睡,而安宁和负罪则无法毗邻。

4 . 在寻求真理的长河中,唯有学习,不断地学习,勤奋地学习,有创造性地学习,才能越重山跨峻岭。——华罗庚

5 . 学习如果想有成效,就必须专心。学习本身是一件艰苦的事,只有付出艰苦的劳动,才会有相应的收获。——谷超豪

6 . We should praise the rock We should learn from the rocks We should have a strong belief in the revolution -- Tao Zhu

7 . Who judges best of a man,his enemies or himself?

8 . 构成我们学习最大障碍的是已知的东西,而不是未知的东西。——贝尔纳

9 . A good beginning is half of success, but if you do not have a good start, we try a bad start, because of a bad start to start a lot better than never

10 . 渴求美德而非奖赏。


1 . The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up

2 . Cultivating the ability to do things must continue to do, and at any time to improve the learning methods, improve learning efficiency, will be successful -- Ye Shengtao

3 . 只会幻想而不行动的人,永远也体会不到收获果实时的喜悦。

4 . Our cause is to learn to learn, and strive to accumulate more knowledge, because of the knowledge, society will have great progress, the future of human happiness lies in this -- Chekhov

5 . 若做了不应做之事,则必然会听见不愿听之语。

6 . The climber, get past the footprints are unfortunately, lost to forward direction is very dangerous

7 . Keep flax from fire,youth from gaming

8 . When work is a pleasure, life is joy! When work is duty, life is slavery 工作是一种乐趣时,生活是一种享受!工作是一种义务时,生活则是一种苦役。

9 . 目标既定,在学习和实践过程中无论遇到什么困难曲折都不灰心丧气,不轻易改变自己决定的目标,而努力不懈地去学习和奋斗,如此才会有所成就,而达到自己的目的。——吴玉章

10 . If you dont want to spend your whole life in the world, you have to study for a lifetime - Golgi


1 . 中国留学生学习成绩往往比一起学习的美国学生好得多,然而十年以后,科研成果却比人家少得多,原因就在于美国学生思维活跃,动手能力和创造精神强。——杨振宁

2 . if you want to be happy, make yourself useful让自己做一个有用的人,这样才能获得幸福。It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do 不能爱哪行才干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。

3 . Study two bogey, arrogant and self - Digest

4 . Study is like climbing a ladder, to step by step to climb, one foot across the four or five step attempts, ground to ascend to heaven, it must be wrestling -- Hua Luogeng

5 . 天生的才干如同天生的植物一样,需要靠学习来修剪。(英国哲学家 培根。 F。

6 . Feeling: When we judge something, we should judge it by heart Everything is unique and nonesuch for someone We wander in this world and finally we find our beloved one and cherish what we love

7 . The more we learn, the more we feel that we are poor -- Shelley

8 . 事常与人违,事总在人为。

9 . 不是很漂亮但是很好又出身高贵的女人会认为我们看上的是他们的权势。

10 . 激流勇进者方能领略江河源头的奇观胜景。




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