
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-21 22:43:42


1 . My shirt _____ white and my trousers _____ blue

2 . Are there any _______ on the farm?

3 . ( fetch表示的是“去取来去拿来去叫来”等意思,包含去和来两趟。

4 . A My name’s Tom Smith B I’m Tom Smith

5 . Will she not like it?

6 . A Oh, yes, please His number is in the phone book

7 . This place hurts

8 . aHello! May I speak to …?

9 . Mr Brown sent her children away布郎夫人送走了孩子们。

10 . John: Yes, of course Is there anything else I can do?


1 . M: What do you want to do tonight, Jenny?

2 . The cars which are produced in Hubei Province sell very well

3 . 二 关系代词和关系副词的功用

4 . The company sent him to study abroad公司派他到国外学习去了。

5 . 先看题后听音:在做听力题时,一定要做到听前先把听力试卷全部看一遍,尤其是听对话和听短文这两种类型,以大概掌握主题内容,缩小听力范围;

6 . A By bus B By car C By taxi?

7 . No one agrees with you 没有人同意你的说法。

8 . ---I’m sorry I’ve broken your cup

9 . That man can’t be our new teacher 那人不可能是我们的新老师。

10 . A has built B have built


1 . 【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是引导定语从句的关系代词的选择。因为先行词是人,而关系代词又在定语从句中作主语,所以只有who合适。

2 . Don`t waste your time on a man/woman ,who isn`t willing to waste their time on you 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。

3 . Jim: Oh, hello, John Yes, come in, please

4 . if you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars 如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。

5 . all在句中的位置是放在所有格,定冠词和指示代词的之前。

6 . Either you or I am right

7 . ---What are Johnson’s family like?

8 . be able to/ can

9 . I like/love to…

10 . Would you like to…?


1 . 另一方面,电脑有许多吸引人的东西,有些人会对它上瘾。有些人可能会专注于在电脑中寻找乐趣,而忽略了真正任务,例如,学习和工作。结果,电脑就会对人们的未来有着不良影响。

2 . ------Two months _______ quite a long time

3 . 【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是定语从句的关系代词的选择。因为先行词是物,而关系代词在定语从句中作宾语,所以只有that合适。

4 . A Watching TV less B Watching TV more C Stopping watching TV

5 . 这类题目要求考生在听完一个句子的录音后,从书面的三个备选项中,找出所听到的句子的答语。这类题型在考察中一般属于较易题,考察的重点为大纲中日常交际用语表中所列项目。请看年陕西省听力部分第题:

6 . Can you swim?

7 . v 铺地板;打倒;难倒

8 . A Neither; nor B Not only; but also C Both; and D A and B

9 . Now, you want to know about life in the past, right? I can tell you When I was a boy, things were different I had to get up at six every morning That was not very bad in summer, but in winter it was cold And we didn&#;t have any hot water in the house We had to wash in cold water We didn&#;t have a bath-room My dad had some chickens I had to feed them every morning and then I had to walk to school with my little sister It was two miles to school and two miles back in the evening And we had to go to bed at seven o&#;clock every night We couldn&#;t watch TV because there wasn&#;t any On Sundays we had to go to church three times-morning, afternoon and evening And we couldn&#;t play outside on Sundays But it wasn&#;t too bad We had some good times We could go out and our parents didn&#;t have to worry about us There weren&#;t so many cars on the roads then, so the streets were safe to play in And there were not many robbers and thieves in those days We had to work hard and we weren&#;t able to buy all those things in the shops today Life was hard, but it was simple and people were happier

10 . I’ve read the newspaper that(which carries the important news




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