
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-12-29 11:47:05


1 . 有时候,音乐是陪我熬过那些夜晚的唯一朋友。

2 . 不同的时间,不同的地点,不同的人群,相同的只有你和我;时间在变,空间在变,不变的只有对你无限的思念!

3 . 温和的语言,是善良人家庭中决不可缺少的。

4 . Success is a relative term It brings so many relatives 成功是一个相关名词,他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚。

5 . 我开始相信开始害怕开始敏感开始忘记 I began to believe that began to be afraid to sensitive began to

6 . Neither turn back, why not forget, both have no reason, where to pledge

7 . Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can。

8 . you know that I will love you till I die。你知道我将爱你直到我死。

9 . 错误经不起失败,但是真理却不怕失败。

10 . I know it&#;s a lie what you keep inside


1 . To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may bethe world。

2 . The thorough revenge is to forgive and forget。

3 . I miss you write drifting bottle,sent to the full warm winter。

4 . 谁能走到时间的前面,帮我看看未来的画面。

5 . If the whole world will deny you, then I will accompany you to deny the whole world

6 . 我把我的一切都给了你,你笑了,就是幸福。

7 . 习惯像永不愈合的固执伤疤 Habit is like a never healing stubborn scars

8 . Alwayslistentoyourheartbecauseeventhoughit&#;sonyourleftside,it&#;salwaysright

9 . By chance to give you a temper, is to know that I am in your heart

10 . There’s hope beyond the pain


1 . 十二月的奇迹,Miracles of December ——EXO

2 . 向上爬时,对遇到的人好点,因为掉下来时,你还会遇到他们。

3 . 我比她美好,可是我还是比上你对她的感情。

4 . 总有一些事,会让你看清一些人。

5 . 没有一颗心会因为追求梦想而受伤,当你真心渴望某样东西时,日月星辰都会赶来帮你。

6 . Is missing you in the dream在梦里想着你

7 . 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。

8 . 当有一个人开始和你一样对我好的时候,不要再回来。

9 . A friend in need is a friend indeed患难见真知。

10 . 时间不是让人忘了痛,而是让人习惯了痛。


1 . Love me little and love me long。

2 . One is always on a strange road,watching strange scenery and listening to strange music。Then one day,you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone。

3 . You and I remains the same in different time, at different places,among different people; time is changing, space is changing and everything is changing except my miss to you!

4 . All know that the only constant in the world are always changing。

5 . I gave my everything to you, you smiled, is happiness

6 . I decided that I did not love you我决定不爱你了

7 . 从无话不谈到无话可说,只需要一个沉默的瞬间而已。

8 . One flower does not make a spring一花独放不是春。

9 . 每个人都有自己的难处,只不过有的人不容易被发觉罢了。

10 . If I say leave me alone,actually I need you more than at any time 如果我说我想一个人静一静,


2 . 有些事一转身就一辈子。

3 . syousya niwa syourei,haisya niwa tyoukai给胜者以奖励,给败者以惩戒。

4 . Do you understand the feeling of missing someone It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears

5 . 曾经拥有的,不要忘记。不能得到的,更要珍惜。属于自己的,不要放弃。已经失去的,留作回忆。

6 . There is nothing wrong with change,if it is in the right direction。

7 . 越是试图忘记,越是记得深刻。

8 . 及时调整心态,坦然面对失去,正确看待失去。

9 . 把自己从过去解放出来,前进的唯一方法是别往后看。

10 . 我不会原谅任何形式的背叛 I would not forgive any form of betrayal




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