
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-10 05:36:53


1 . The boy ran to the village 男孩跑到村子。

2 . 善待生活,热爱一切,经常开怀大笑。

3 . 决不撒谎,欺骗,偷窃,公平交易。

4 . She&#;sverykindandpretty(对划线部分提问________________

5 . Every noble work is at first impossible

6 . I’ll see you at six. 我六点钟见你。I’m looking for my baggage。我正在找我的行李。

7 . Today&#;s hard work, he who。

8 . 好咖啡要与朋友一起品尝,好机会也要与朋友一起分享。

9 . Say what 你说什么I want to reserve a seat from Los Angeles to Tokyo我要预订一张从洛杉矶到东京的机票。

10 . Those who turn back never reach the summit


1 . Life is rarely a few times, this time not to fight, when to fight。

2 . enrich your life today, yesterday is historytomorrow is mystery

3 . 成功是别人失败之时还在坚持。

4 . Yes I’m sure 是的,我肯定。

5 . Hold on. 等一等。

6 . Love begins with a smile,grows with a kiss,ends with a tear When you were born,you were crying and everyone around you was smiling Live your life so that when you die,you’re the one smiling and everyone around you is crying 爱情以笑开始,以吻转浓,以泪结束。当你哭着降临人世时,身边的每个人都在为此欢笑,好好生活吧,这样你就能含笑离开人世,而身边的每个人都在为此哭泣。

7 . 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。

8 . 千里之行,始于足下。

9 . Yes, you’re right 是的,你是对的。

10 . 相信自己!


1 . 当你懈怠的时候,请想想你父母期待的眼神。

2 . want it more that anything

3 . 不要放弃,不要言败!

4 . All things in their being are good for something

5 . 拼一个春夏秋冬,换一生无怨无悔。

6 . Spell a fall winter spring and summer! Win life no regrets!

7 . To find a reason for failure, to find a way to succeed。

8 . If you are doing your best,you will not have to worry about failure

9 . xcellerate your efforts

10 . There is no such thing as a great talent without great will - power -- Balzac


1 . 只有每天再度战胜生活并夺取自由的人,才配享受生活的自由。

2 . Man errs as long as he strives -- Goethe

3 . I’m not sure 我不确定。

4 . Strive to build strength, attitude determines altitude。

5 . read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life

6 . The class is static, i。e。 seat; senior high school entrance examination will win in the battle。

7 . 只有强者才懂得斗争;弱者甚至失败都不够资格,而是生来就是被征服的。 -- 斯威特切尼

8 . Good coffee with friends to taste, a good opportunity to share with friends。

9 . 不为失败找理由,要为成功找方法。

10 . 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。 -- 穆尔


1 . Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass -- John Ruskin

2 . What makes life dreary is the want of motive -- George Eliot

3 . take control of your own desting

4 . 挑战极限,无悔人生奋力拼搏进取,谱写风华篇章。

5 . He who seize the right moment, is the right man -- Goethe

6 . 没有热忱,世间便无进步。

7 . consider things from every angle

8 . The sway of morale, dream of success。

9 . 站在新起点,迎接新挑战,创造新成绩。

10 . The lamp of life is ignited, and the boat of life is on the way。


1 . I hope you’re enjoying your staying here。希望你在这里过得愉快。

2 . Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity So let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness -- RM Nixon

3 . Very well Thank you! Andyou 我很好。谢谢。你呢?

4 . 充实今朝,昨日已成过去,明天充满神奇。

5 . Shall we go and play there? 我们去那里玩好吗?

6 . Decade of sword, non success today。

7 . 拥有梦想只是一种智力,实现梦想才是一种能力啊。

8 . never lie, cheat or steal always smile a fair deal

9 . Let’s paint让我们一起画画吧。

10 . Fight the seasons change life, no regrets。


1 . 十年寒窗磨一剑,是非成败在今朝。

2 . Issheactive?(作否定回答______________________________

3 . She went into a shop 她走进一家商店。

4 . When you slack off, please think about your parents look forward to the eyes。

5 . 今朝有心苦勤奋,明朝一举步青云。

6 . open your eyes and see things as they really are

7 . Victory won’t come to me unless I go to it -- MMoore生命不止,奋斗不息。 -- 卡莱尔

8 . No way! 不行!

9 . 一息若存,希望不灭。 -- 英国谚语

10 . None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew -- Erasmus


1 . Because of regret, so the day; because of the dream, so to forget about one&#;s own。

2 . you&#;re uinique, nothing can replace you

3 . ignore those who try to discourage you

4 . At the end of Chinese silver sea to shore up the top of the mountain, the peak is me。

5 . I’ve heard so much about you。久仰大名。

6 . give more than you planned to

7 . I’m getting a new computer for birthday present 我得到一台电脑作生日礼物。 It’s incredible! 真是难以置信!

8 . That’s a great idea!好主意!

9 . 混混噩噩的生活不值得过。 -- 苏格拉底

10 . 如果你竭尽全力,你就不用担心失败。




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