
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-18 01:51:11


1 . 既如此,

2 . 我仰望着繁星闪烁的夜空默默的祈祷,我仰望着白云飘荡的蓝天默默的期盼,我仰望着日出的太阳真诚的祝福:祝亲爱的朋友生日快乐,万事如意!

3 . 生活的悲剧不在于人们受到多少苦,而在于人们错过了什么。ThomasCarlyle(英国散文家卡莱尔)

4 . Almost any situation ---good or bad--- is affected by the attitude we bring to

5 . 尊敬的***朋友:

6 . Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want

7 . -(Robbins Staca(英国作家斯达卡)

8 . -Alfred North Whitehead(英国哲学家怀特海)

9 . 每个人都有潜在的能量,只是很容易:被习惯所掩盖,被时间所迷离,被惰性所消磨。

10 . -Pearsall Paul(美国哲学家保罗)


1 . The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out

2 . All I am, or can be, I owe to my angel mother

3 . 后来,我从她的口中得知,那时是她在校园里最后的日子。她可能拿不到毕业证,因为她来自贫困的山村,已经欠了两学期的学费。而所学的专业在社会上也很难找到工作,正如她的学姐们一样。不过,她说她需要那张毕业证书,但她拒绝任何人的援助。

4 . 人在最悲哀,最恐慌的时候,并没有眼泪,眼泪永久都是流在故事的结尾,流在一切完毕的时候!

5 . 【快】马加鞭来祝福,【乐】不可支青春驻。

6 . 二〇XX年**月**日

7 . The way to win an atomic war is to make certain it never starts

8 . 工作是一种乐趣时,生活是一种享受!工作是一种义务时,生活则是一种苦役。

9 . Ittakesalotofthoughtandeffortanddonrightdeterminationtobeagreeable

10 . Treatotherpeopleasyouhopetheyilltreatyou


1 . Theaytoinanatomicaristomakecertainitneverstarts

2 . Friendshipisbothasourceofpleasureandacomponentofgoodhealth

3 . 感觉孤单,只是因为你无所存眷,无处付出。

4 . The tragedy of the world is that those who are imaginative have but slight experience, and those who are experienced have feeble imagination

5 . 最好的时光在路上。

6 . -Pearl Buck(美国作家赛珍珠)

7 . 我不知道是否应该记住她,但她给我的表情正如这座每日迎着朝阳醒来的城市表情一样,无论人们如何拒绝,终是难以抹去。如今,她的照片仍然储存在我的电脑里。

8 . 向差别行业的人吸收新知,记住!要用请教的态度。

9 . -Lucius Annaeus Seneca(古罗马哲学家西尼加)

10 . 不肯让朋友共享果实的人,不要指望朋友与他共患难。Aesop(古希腊寓言作家伊索)


1 . Experienceisthechildofthought,andthoughtisthechildofaction。Wecannotlearnmenfrombooks

2 . -Lucius Annaeus Seneca(古罗马哲学家,西尼加)

3 . Experience more than sufficiently teaches that men govern nothing with more difficult than their tongues

4 . Onethornofexperienceisorthaholeildernessofarning

5 . Young men make great mistakes in life; for one thing, they idealize love too much

6 . 有句话一直没敢对你说,可是你生日的时候再不说就没机会了:你真的好讨厌……讨人喜欢,百看不厌!

7 . The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse

8 . 次痛苦的抵得上千百次的告诫。JamesRussellLoell(英国诗人洛威尔)

9 . Thesecretofbeingmiserableistohaveleisuretobotherabouthetheryouarehappyornot。

10 . -Desiderius Eramus(荷兰人文主义者伊拉莫斯)


1 . Hethatillnotallohisfriendtosharetheprizemustnotexpecthimtosharethedanger

2 . There is something that is much more scarce, something rarer than ability It is the ability to recognize

3 . 人的聪慧并不是来自研究伟大的学说,而是来自对平凡事物的不雅察看。

4 . The Chinese word for crisis is divided into two characters, one meaning danger and the other meaning opportunity

5 . Itisnousedoinghatyoulike;youhavegottolikehatyoudo

6 . 忍一时,争千秋。忍也是一种进修和磨练。

7 . One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning

8 . 今天是你的生日,我决定送你一份快乐,一份幸福,一份健康,一份顺心。愿你的生活美满如意。

9 . People need to know one another to be at their honest best

10 . 我之所有,我之所能,都归功于我天使般的母亲。AbrahamLincoln(美国总统林肯)


1 . 我们会活的更快乐更踏实,

2 . 我从不等待情绪的来临。如果你一味等待,就将一事无成。你必须牢记,只有动手才能有所得。PearlBuck(美国作家赛珍珠)

3 . Follow your own course, and let people talk

4 . 勿满足于眼前的小小成就。你要问本人,我这辈子只要这样吗?不知道本人缺点的人,一辈子都不会想要改善。

5 . Peopleneedtoknooneanothertobeattheirhonestbest

6 . 人们需要相互了解才能达到最诚实的境界。

7 . 记住别人给予我们的温暖,

8 . 如果要将事情做好,就得亲自动手。HenryWadsorthLongfello(美国诗人朗费罗)

9 . When a man is wrapped up in himself he makes a pretty little package

10 . 没有人愿意一辈子云淡风轻平庸到老,但如何才能激荡起生命的涟漪,实现人生的最大价值?




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