英语文章摘抄 范文(英语范文摘抄大全带翻译)

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英语文章摘抄 范文(英语范文摘抄大全带翻译)

英语文章摘抄 范文【一】

1 . A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world

2 . 这时,旁边传来一个声音:“我愿意随你一同离去。无论你到哪里,我都会跟着你。”商人抬起头,看到了自己的大老婆。她是那么消瘦,一副营养不良的样子。商人悲痛万分,他说:“我过去就应该好好地你啊!”

3 . A man, a woman and a child are telling the tree their troubles

4 . ——出自Voltaire(法国思想家伏尔泰)

5 . 第三位老婆代表财产地位与。一旦我们撒手西去,它终究会转向他人。

6 . ——出自Samuel Johnson(英国作家和评论家约翰逊)

7 . It is all about having the proper mindset。 Be positive。

8 . 相信自己是一种精神的充实,灵魂的丰满。精灵般的大黄蜂就是一个世间的智者与精神上的英雄,它用自己的真实行动默默地向世人昭示着;每个生灵,每个人,其潜力都是无限的。不要相信外界的轻蔑与嘲讽,坚守自我,相信自己,最终定可化腐朽为神奇,成就一番非凡的伟业。有这样一群贫苦的人。他们不甘于困顿,却毫无造反欲望;他们感到拥挤,却不倾轧乡亲同胞;他们不相信不劳而获,却不愿将心血仅浇灌在身边的一方焦土。于是,他们渐渐将目光投向远方。试图以男子汉的强筋健骨踏出人生求变的第一步,他们的步伐,沉重而响亮。

9 . ——Mendeleyev(俄国化学家门捷列耶夫)

10 . ——Norman Douglas(英国作家道格拉斯)

英语文章摘抄 范文【二】

1 . I know that we tend to be our harshest critics and often times will keep fiddling with a project even when it’s good enough。 While I am not advocating pushing out halfhearted work, I believe sometimes you have to accept good enough and move on。 Spending too much time obsessing over tiny details means that you are putting in an additional amount of time to tweak something only % of people will notice。 It also means you will get bogged down in the minute details and before you know it, the day is over。

2 . Life in the world, if can have a pay to view the mood, can not for the detachment of the tired, in the face of everything, can sing, can sing a long can drinking drunk, can also be as quiet as water But I am only a mortal, and it is difficult to have such an open-minded and natural and unrestrained Maybe a person&#;s life is not about success or failure It&#;s about the strength and persistence in the wind and rain No matter what the ending is, at least I know what I need

3 . You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements

4 . 如果您很有天赋,勤勉会使其更加完善;如果您能力一般,勤勉会补足其缺陷。

5 . When we want to have more roses we must plant trees

6 . ——出自R Peters(美国法学家彼得斯)

7 . 一个人可以失败多次,但是只要他没有开始责怪旁人,他还不是一个失败者。

8 . ——JBurroughs(美国博物学家巴勒斯)

9 . 理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;

10 . Will, work and wait are the pyramidal cornerstones for success

英语文章摘抄 范文【三】

1 . ——RH Stoddard(美国诗人斯托达德)

2 . 你能留给孩子的最好财产莫过于允许他完全独立自主地摸索自己的道路。

3 . ——出自Carl Schurz(美国政治家舒尔茨)

4 . ——John Burroughs(美国博物学家巴勒斯)

5 . This is a very important factor。 Sometimes we are so stubborn about doing things on our own that we don&#;t ask others for help。 Generally speaking, doing things alone isn&#;t wrong, and, in fact, it&#;s even preferred to be independent。 However, there are really instances in our life that we need to ask others for help。 You shouldn&#;t regard it as being weak, and other people won&#;t think less of you if you do this。 We humans are communal individuals and we could achieve more in this world if we help one another。 So don&#;t hesitate to ask for help if you need it, and also lend a hand to others when they need you。

6 . Say “No” to procrastination and always say “Yes” to today。

7 . 我用一首又一首优美的旋律,来遥祭我们的倩影。用满含深情的歌喉轻声吟唱。卸下那涂满胭脂的脸庞,原来我还是我!希望脑海中残留着的美好记忆不会被过滤掉

8 . Stop obsessing and start completing。 Don’t let the inner perfectionist monster get the better of you。 Work that is completed and pushed out on time is better than work that is perfect, but late。

9 . 理想与现实之间,动机与行为之间,总有道阴影。

10 . 求知需要勇气,江涛排空,任海浪呼啸,求知者无所畏惧。求知需要坚韧,任山崖陡峭,任沟壑幽深,求知者决不退缩。求知需要信心,任驼道漫漫,任朔风凛凛,求知者心有绿洲。

英语文章摘抄 范文【四】

1 . 怀着希望去旅行比抵达目的地更愉快;而真正成功在于工作。

2 . ——出自(La Racheforcauld(法国作家罗切福考尔德)

3 . ——出自Willian Shakespeare(莎士比亚)

4 . 孩子害怕黑暗,情有可原;人生真正的悲剧,却是成人害怕光明。

5 . ——Willian Shakespeare(莎士比亚)

6 . Genius is formed in quiet, character in the stream of human life

7 . 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。

8 . ——Mark Twain(美国作家马克?吐温)

9 . ——Charles Chaplin(美国演员卓别林)

10 . 假如我们想让孩子在某一个方面有所改变,我们应首先检验一下,看看我们自己是否最好在这方面变一变。




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