
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-16 17:06:09


1 . 歌曲 song

2 . 地铁 subway

3 . Better luck next time

4 . 西瓜 watermelon

5 . She is gaining weight because she likes eating dtoo much

6 . Among all the subjects, Jack likes mathematics best, which, I think, is the most c_____________ one

7 . tutor 导师

8 . The policeman followed the person whose_________ ( 行为

9 . approach 鼓掌

10 . Are you married?


1 . During the eighteenth century, Little Turtle was chief of the Miami tribe whose territory became what is now Indiana and Ohio

2 . 社会心理学的主要焦点是人与人之间的交往,而不是他们各自生活中的事件。

3 . victim 受害者

4 . 写报告 write a report

5 . sympathy 同情

6 . I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield

7 . 听起来 sound

8 . intelligence 智能

9 . 第二十 twentieth

10 . 直到年第一条横跨大西洋的电缆才完全成功的架通。


1 . celebrity 名人

2 . 小升初英语必背单词(字母T开头)

3 . 小建议 tip

4 . 毛线衫 sweater

5 . 玩具 toy

6 . specialty 专业

7 . 优化历史是由一连串的迷人事件组成,其源头大概可以上溯到最早的图画。

8 . Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they communicate through facial expressions and by making noises

9 . 南 south

10 . 太多了 too many


1 . 责任感 / 成就感 sense of responsibility / achievement

2 . 他们 they

3 . 小升初英语必背单词(字母S开头)

4 . popularization 普及

5 . 倒垃圾 empty the trash

6 . triviality 琐事

7 . Absolutely impossible!

8 . Talk to her more, and you will find that she isn’t as bad as you thought she was

9 . measure 测量;评估

10 . abuse 滥用


1 . 对…有益 be beneficial to / be conducive to…

2 . 人造花卉即可用于科学目的,也可用于装饰目的,它们可以用各种各样的材料制成,臂如蜡和玻璃;其制作如此精巧,几乎可以以假乱真。

3 . 英语书 English book

4 . fidelity 忠实

5 . 美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。

6 . Don&#;t be so modest

7 . John Crowe Ransom在他的著作中描述了他认为是由科学技术给社会带来的精神贫困。

8 . millennium 千年

9 . rumor/gossip 谣言;传闻

10 . 七 seven


1 . The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the waters flowing into the Atlantic Ocean from those flowing into the Pacific

2 . Be frank with sb: 对某人坦白

3 . distraction 干扰

4 . reward 奖赏;报酬

5 . 再见 see you later

6 . involvement 参与

7 . tragedy 悲剧

8 . 唱 sing

9 . patricide n杀父

10 . stress 压力


1 . As a result of what is now know in physics and chemistry, scientists have been able to make important discoveries in biology and medicine

2 . 天气预报 weather report

3 . incise vt切割,雕刻

4 . 看电视 watch TV

5 . 史前的人们制造颜料是将植物和泥土等原料磨成粉末,然后加水。

6 . favor 喜好

7 . regression 衰退

8 . 吃晚饭 eat dinner

9 . 别出差错。

10 . 国际市场研究者的活动范围常常较国内市场研究者广阔。


1 . exploration 探险

2 . I regret to say that your suggestions is far from satisfying

3 . behavior 行为

4 . Dont beat around the bush

5 . Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soil fertility, and decomposes animal debris

6 . 为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society

7 . 圣诞老人 Santa Claus

8 . No matter what difficulties I meet with, you always give me encouragement and support

9 . 你能给我一些建议吗?

10 . commodity 商品




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