
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-19 23:49:52


1 . Bow that is the most gentle, like a lotus cool shy

2 . I need him like I need the air to breathe

3 . Your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful

4 . 优雅是唯一不会褪色的美。

5 . If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden

6 . (你热爱生命吗?那么,别浪费时间,因为生命是由时间组成的。

7 . A guy who whispers in your ears, saying ” It’s alright, I’m here” Holds you when you’re sad, and treasures everything about you That’s the guy I want to give my heart to

8 . 现在很想对天空大喊一声,我想你了,很想,很想。

9 . 因为伤口被肆意展览,所以已经失去了疼痛。

10 . 当我以为我无法继续走下去时,我强迫自己要继续前进。我的成功是基于我的坚持,并非运气。


1 . 也许ー个转身,真的是永远恴别离毕业赠言。

2 . I really do not have much sad, but without you, I really do not happy

3 . 尊重是一缕春风,一泓清泉,一颗给人温暖的舒心丸,一剂催人奋进的强心剂。

4 . Now I want to shout out to the sky, I think you, very want to, very want to

5 . Not every sentence I am sorry, can be exchanged for a no matter

6 . A man&#;s best friends are his ten fingers。人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指。

7 . Life will always love so few people, to the last to accompany in the side of only one

8 . 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。

9 . I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you

10 . The other end of the rainbow is the love we look for, the everlasting love


1 . —— 走得最急的,都是最美的风景;伤得最深的,也总是那些最真的感情。

2 . 那个人会在耳边轻声说:没事,我在这。在你悲伤时给你依靠,与你相关的,他都珍视。有这样的人,我爱定了。

3 . Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you

4 . Struggle comparing upward Happy compare downward

5 . 有时候对一个作家而言,真正的奖赏不是诺贝尔奖,而是盗版。

6 . Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell

7 . 没有什么会永远,也没有什么会很久,找个借口,谁都可以先走。

8 . Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all

9 . Even if the fall is covered with wounds, the smile can still brilliant flower

10 . No one can take away time, time can take away anyone


1 . 旅行要学会随遇而安,淡然一点,走走停停。

2 . In some way, whether it is destined to be a bustling and lonely man walking

3 . Sometimes a stranger can bring great meaning to your life 有时候,一个陌生人会对你的生活产生很大的意义。

4 . Because the wound was wanton exhibition, so have lost the pain

5 . 踮起脚尖,我们就能离幸福更近点吗?

6 . (人就是人,是自己命运的主人。

7 . 德国诗人剧作家歌德:只要奋斗,人就会犯错。

8 . 有一种美丽叫曾经拥有,有一种美丽在爱过以后。

9 . 胜利不是战胜敌人,而是提高自己。我们只要每天进步百分之一,那就是成功。

10 . 你知道么,我爱你爱到了一种什么样的境界。




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