
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-09 07:35:07


1 . 文明用餐,杜绝浪费。

2 . 共建安全文明就餐环境,共育文明消费社会风尚。

3 . All things not having to do with food should remain off the table: keys, clutch bags, cigarettepacks, sunglasses, BlackBerrys

4 . 喝酒容易出事,不喝酒一样出事。

5 . 我讨厌喝酒,但却喜欢那个能让我喝酒的人。

6 . If everyone is having a good time, would it be rude of the hosts to encourage their guests to remain longer?

7 . 你不让我喝酒,只怕我难受。你让我喝酒,是想照顾我。

8 . 按时就餐,吃饱就好。

9 . 成由勤俭败由奢。

10 . For westerners, putting lots of food on the plate is very rude


1 . 不喝酒,不抽烟,三年省下无数钱。

2 . 抽刀断水水更流,举杯销愁愁更愁。明朝散发弄扁舟。

3 . 新春贺喜,我将心底最衷诚的祝福送给你,祝你心想事成,春风得意。

4 . 爱护餐厅,从我做起。

5 . Do not take your seat till guests and elder people are seated

6 . 新春快乐~我的朋友!愿你~年年圆满如意,月月事事顺心,日日喜悦无忧,祝福你~~

7 . Cover your mouth and nose with your handkerchief, or if you have no handkerchief, with your napkin

8 . 吃多少点多少,不剩饭不剩菜。

9 . 心碎喝酒,喝酒伤肺,到头来没心又没肺。

10 . 酒入愁肠,化作相思泪。


1 . In France, a meal is like a ceremony People relish it and make it&#;s a specialoccasion

2 . 战死的人死了,活着的人还要继续活,要喝酒,想起他们跟我们一起喝酒的时候。

3 . 酒伴的是孤独,是寂寞。醉后才发现,只是少了身边的那个人我不记得了,只是那场酒浸满了全身,发自肺腑,只入心里。

4 . There is also difference about the position of tableware

5 . 酒是我人生的旅伴。"功名万里外,心事一杯中",因了酒,我多了一份生活的淡然;"酒给人勇气,酒使人多情",因了酒,柔弱的我有时也会变得坚强。小酌怡情,滥饮伤身,这是我喝酒最深刻的体会了。

6 . 酒是一种灵感和情感催化剂。这人据说对着月亮也得喝而且斗酒诗百篇。

7 . 愁肠已断无由醉。酒未到,先成泪。残灯明灭枕头欹,谙尽孤眠滋味。离愁渐行渐无穷,迢迢不断如春水。

8 . Souping soup loudly is very rude

9 . When dining "family style" do you use the same table manners as when dining in a restaurant?

10 . 谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。


1 . 剩下的是饭菜,流走的是血汗。

2 . 积水成河,聚米成箩。

3 . 她喝酒总哭,说没你才叫输。

4 . 节约光荣,浪费可耻。

5 . 不要怪男人抽烟,不要怪女人喝酒。抽烟的人有故事。喝酒的人有心事。

6 . 酒满了,满了则溢,可是那溢流出去的到底是谁多余的惆怅?我再次满上我的惆怅,把最近的烦恼最近的不快都一饮而尽!别人眼里也许我是海量,或许说我喝酒很痛快,可其中的酸辛也只有自己心理在打鼓掂量。

7 . 祝福是份真心意,不是千言万语的表白。一首心曲,愿你岁岁平安,事事如意!

8 . 人喝酒就得醉,要不主人多惭愧!

9 . 无需喝酒,看花也是会醉人的。

10 . 在这个充满喜悦的日子里,在长久的离别后,愿新年的钟声带给你一份宁静和喜悦,和新世纪的祝福。


1 . 路见不平一声吼,你不喝酒谁喝酒?

2 . We will not ask them to eat more

3 . don&#;t stick your chopsticks upright in the bowl Instead, they put in the dish for you This is the important figure in the holy to their death, containing sand bowl or rice have incense sticks the two sticks in it So honest if you stick your chopsticks in the job, it is like this holy place and is equivalent to the desire to die in person on the table!The spout of the teapot

4 . 取之有度,量力而食。

5 . 拒绝酒驾,遵循礼仪。

6 . 有人问,为什么你不喜欢吸烟而喜欢喝酒。我说因为喝酒伤的是自己,吸烟还会伤害到别人。

7 . Both hands to take their own food after food, must use his hands A baked potato should take to become left-handed fork, spoon holders the right to food into their own folder after Do not use a fork to fork food to the wrong sites, it is extremely impolite

8 . 第一次报复人,我尝到了滋味,像喝酒似的。刚一喝,芬芳甘醇,过后却满嘴苦涩。

9 . 朋友来了有好酒,若是色狼来了迎接他的要靠女色狼。

10 . 学会了抽烟喝酒,学不会天长地久。




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