
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-30 06:22:54


1 . Life is a continual death and resurrection

2 . 我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。 -- 马丁 · 路德 · 金

3 . Sometimes our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away with tears有时候,惟有一场眼泪,我们才彻底清晰了视线。

4 . "Sad useless, let oneself live your life is the most importantLove is beautiful, but is not the life complete 伤心没有用,让自己好好地生活才最重要。爱情虽美,却不是生活的全部。"

5 . Thought always spent in cigarettes, total love in alcohol broken 思念总在香烟里度过,爱情总在酒精里破碎。

6 . On the way of love, I always stop-go, father said I not the legs and feet

7 . 我受不了打字时,遇到同音字在首位的是他名字。

8 . 人的天才只是火花,要想使它成熊熊火焰,哪就只有学习。

9 . Prime to no longer, once a day morning, when the high ideals in time, time and tide wait for no man

10 . Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases


1 . 懒人做工作,越懒越费力。

2 . 工作不会伤身,伤身乃是忧虑。

3 . 苍天不负有心人

4 . "Sometimes, it is better to turn around and leave than to insist on and pretend to be well有时候,转身离开要好过假装若无其事的坚持。"

5 . Smiles are like band-aids They cover up the pain but it still hurts 微笑就像创可贴。虽然掩饰住了伤口,但是心痛依然。

6 . the shortest answer is doing 最简单的回答就是干。

7 . Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of

8 . 不费力气,一无所得。

9 . 任何值得做的,就把它做好。

10 . Smile to cover up the sad and silent all the way微笑掩盖悲伤,沉默诠释一切。


1 . "Some songs can make you sad&cry when you hear them But it’s actually not the song that makes you cry, it’s the people behind the memories总有那么一些歌,让我们悲伤,让我们哭泣。但其实让我们哭泣的并不是那些歌本身,而是藏在回忆里的那些人。"

2 . 现实掠夺了你的意志,未来却给了你希望。

3 . Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one

4 . Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment, not only about survival生活是一串串的快乐时光,我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存。

5 . Do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is high不要因为峭壁是高的,便让你的爱情坐在峭壁上。

6 . Sometimes it&#;s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever(Keri Russell有时候一个小小的抉择就可以改变你的一生。

7 . 生活只是聪明人的喜庆日。

8 . When love is not madness, it is not love

9 . Smile and keep being fabulous are the best ways to get revenge on your haters They hate to see you like that——对讨厌你的人最好的反击是,保持微笑和光芒四射,他们最不希望看到这样的你!

10 . Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you


1 . 在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。

2 . 青年需要有欢乐,欢乐需要有爱情。

3 . 不能如愿而行,也须尽力而为。

4 . From life to death, life is a short journey

5 . Cease to struggle and you cease to live -- Thomas Carlyle

6 . She who has never loved, has never lived

7 . "Some people succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because they are determined to有些人成功,是因为他们命中注定要成功;但绝大部分人成功,是因为他们下定决心要成功!"

8 . 希望,只有和勤奋作伴,才能如虎添翼。

9 . Save your heart for someone who cares。把你的心交给在乎它的人。

10 . 人生是从摇篮到坟墓的一场搏斗。




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