
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-16 22:34:57


1 . How I wish you could stay down, the thousands and thousands of words into the shed, as far as in the words do not, but that was not possible

2 . 念十几年书,(想起来还是幼儿园比较好混!

3 . 当我们陶醉在爱情的甜蜜和友情之间时,我们容易忽略了亲情。当我们在友情和爱情之间忙的不能转身的时候,我们忘却了亲情。但很多时候,亲情才是最彻底的感情。

4 . So come out at last You shut yourself in your room and grieve alone Not one word of reproachNothingIs that to be my punishment? I didn&#;t mean to wound you like this Do you believe that?I wouldn&#;t hurt you not for the worldWhat was I to do? Confess everything I might as well have lost my life

5 . 一种幸福的理念,它是对生活的一种鼓励,也是对生活的一种理解,它让生活更加光明,就算经历生活中的那些坎坷和磨难,甚至是痛苦,也妨碍不了你幸福的活着。幸福是一种内心的豁达和包容。人生所有的索取都要付出代价,唯独幸福除外。

6 . At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

7 . 我们看得到繁华,却摸不到回忆。

8 . 毕业前我们总在埋怨学校这个破地方,毕业后它确实我们最想念的地方,回忆起太多事。

9 . 其实爱对了人,情人节每天都过。

10 . If you want to fly too high in relation to the horizon forget


1 . 诸葛亮出山前也没带过兵啊,你们凭啥要我有工作经验。

2 . 曾经和朋友一起仰望星空,随之我们泪流满面,他是因为失恋,我则是因为扭伤脖子。

3 . 我那么喜欢你,你喜欢我一下会死啊。

4 . 睁开眼睛,给你一个轻轻的祝福,愿它每分每秒都带给你健康好运和幸福。

5 . Rochester:I love you I love you!

6 . Goodbye, student ID card

7 . 睁开迷人的双眼,看白云片片;舒展美丽的笑脸,听流水潺潺;拥抱快乐的今天,盼好运连连;朋友,早安!愿你心情无比灿烂,生活舒心无忧烦!

8 . Don&#;t realize too much which will let you down

9 . A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour

10 . 许多老房子消失了,校园里正在大兴土木。老房子留在照片里,我们呢?我们也能留在照片里吗?


1 . 快乐疼不疼?放过她,但放不过自己····当我面朝大海的时候,别人正春暖花开…当我想和大海一起死去,而它却已先成为死海。

2 . Maybe sunshine had stood But the sad always in my heart never dies

3 . If god had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me as it is now for me to leave you

4 . 人又不聪明,还学别人秃顶。

5 . 幸福,就是找一个温暖的人过一辈子。

6 . Parting is temporary, and the life is forever, leaving the breeding of love, so that our love is more intense

7 . 大学毕业那天,你就拿着你家户口本来接我吧。

8 . 我也并不是总舍不得你走,只是总想看见你的笑容,听你的笑声。

9 . We don&#;t cry after graduation But disappointing tears still fall down

10 . 也许阳光曾伫立。但悲伤一直都在我心里不曾消逝。


1 . You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright

2 . To graduate, said not to cry oh, crying is the puppy Oh, to separate, and vowed not to forget Oh, forget the pig

3 . 铁杵能磨成针,但木杵只能磨成牙签,材料不对,再努力也没用。

4 . Do you remember the days when we were together? I hope we can continue after graduation

5 . The darkneis no darknewith thee有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。

6 . After graduation, we say happy to leave, but tears are not obedient farewell dinner that day to flow down

7 . We shake hands firmly with both hands, let the feeling in the hands gently brushed, sharing an unforgettable warmth

8 . 阳光照获得的当地就有我给你的祝愿,雨水淋获得的当地就有我给你的问候,短信能抵达的当地就有我心爱的伴侣,早上好!祝你天天高兴,高兴永远!

9 . 天亮了是因为太阳起床了,小草绿了是因为春天到了,蝴蝶起舞了是因为鲜花绽放了,我给你发短信,是因为我要叫懒猪起床了,哈哈,起床啦,早安!

10 . 最后的一科,老师和同学们都哭成了一片。




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