
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-06 07:15:03


1 . 人生是花,而爱便是花的蜜。

2 . Peach blossom withered branches, the remnants of several petals, still like a little beat the flames

3 . in doing we learn 实践长才干。

4 . Life is a series of Hello, goodbye!

5 . 也许生活本来就是一杯水。

6 . "Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction生活教会我们,爱并不在于长久地凝视,而在于眺望远方同一方向的希望。"

7 . truth never fears investigation 实从来不怕调查。

8 . Love is a carefully designed lie爱情是一个精心设计的谎言。

9 . 每天告诉自己一次,我真的很不错。

10 . I decided not to shed tears, as you decide to leave me in general firm


1 . 不擅长倾听不同的声音,是管理者最大的忽视。

2 . 事业虽扰人,懒惰害更大。

3 . 我的心中有一只大鱼,它叫嚣着梦想和远方。

4 . Self-confidence and self-rliance are the mainstays of a strong

5 . Spring flower autumn leaves deep smile, thick sadness, a curtain of night dream, ten in the spring

6 . 耐心,自信来源于你强大的思想和知识基础。

7 . 你要找的不是一个完美的人,而是一个对你而言最合适的人。

8 . 一花一世界,一叶一追寻。一曲一场叹,一生为一人。

9 . Life is like live telecast of a TV event There is no &#;rehearsal&#; Hence we must strive to do the best we can in everything!人生没有彩排,只有现场直播,所以每一件事都要努力做得最好!

10 . Love does not close, and your long


1 . 不要听别人怎么说你,走自己的路。

2 . While there is life there is hope

3 . 妈妈没想到的你却想到了。

4 . 我是做好了和你过一辈子的打算,也准备好了你随时说要走。

5 . To do things, but not to do the slave

6 . 如果没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!

7 . 惟你欢颜笑语,伴我漫漫长途有所依。

8 . 凡是值得做的事,就值得做好。

9 . If there is no failure, only temporarily stop success!

10 . 时光静好陪你长大。每天都在学习怎么做一个合格的麻麻麻麻会努力做的更好。


1 . 要善待你自己,不被别人左右,也不去左右别人,自信优雅。

2 . She who has never loved, has never lived

3 . Nothing is impossible!

4 . Many people are not reluctant to accept new ideas, but are reluctant to abandon old ideas

5 . "Ideal is the beacon Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life 理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。"

6 . Supermans happiness needs salted eggs, my happiness needs you

7 . If you let the original now called read junior high school, will you?

8 . Plain such as jin Until the time of quiet, and you forget in the world

9 . Dont listen to what others say you, go your own way

10 . You have to believe in yourself That&#;&#;s the secret of success(Charles Chaplin , American actor


1 . 爱情是盲目的。

2 . 无论你多么讨厌你的学校,当你离开久了,你还是会想念它。

3 . It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world 世界这么大,能遇见,不容易。

4 . Pretend not to care about your smile with a smile, do not care about your leaving

5 . 我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天

6 . 遗憾是会呼吸的痛,它流在血液中来回滚动。

7 . "If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?"

8 . Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences No good is ever done in this world by hesitation下定决心,果断行动,并承担后果。在这世界上犹豫不決成就不了任何事。

9 . Tell yourself once a day, I am really good

10 . Climbing the mountains to mutual aid, the crossing across the river to work




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