
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-30 17:45:47


1 . Many carbonate masses older than Middle Palaeozoic are of dolomite rather than calcite

2 . But Lucia prayed to God to have the power to survive the fire

3 . (言辞)尖刻的;尖酸的

4 . May I introduce myself? Im Jim Green

5 . 谢谢你,我相信我会的。

6 . Kate, this is Susan Jones, my old school friend

7 . A: Please have a seat

8 . she-power

9 . natural language自然语言(指人类语言集团的本族语,与世界语或计算机语言等人造语言相对 consequence是什么意思:

10 . A: How was your trip?


1 . C How do you do? D Thank you

2 . 预见后果是非常难的。It was not easy to foresee the consequences

3 . solve是什么意思:

5 . 【术语】酸的;酸性的

6 . 我可以把你介绍给我的朋友杭凯吗?

7 . 谢谢你!

8 . 十一Promise, sometimes, is what a cheater said to a fool承诺,有时候,就是一个骗子说给一个傻瓜听的。

9 . 我来自美国。

10 . 十六I&#;d bet to take the happiness of this life, how do you be willing to let me lose我拿这辈子的幸福跟你赌,你怎么舍得让我输。


1 . 她是一位定期捐献者。power是什么意思:

2 . carbonate

3 . [案例探究]

4 . 我想请你见一下吉姆,他是我的一个朋友。

5 . C Pleased to meet you D Im very pleased

6 . a head of a gang; a ringleader; a chieftain; the head of a group; a cock

7 . 十二I threw you abandon me regardless我义无返顾,你弃我不顾。

8 . The doctor was at peace博士生活得很安宁。

9 . [典型表达]

10 . 焦炭的主要成分是碳。acid是什么意思:


1 . n

2 . 十四Of the world&#;s most precious and are not eligible and lost世界上最珍贵的,是得不到和已失去。

3 . It is in the nature of lightningrods它具有避雷针的性质。

4 . C Hi! Its good to see you Im George

5 . A: Have you been to other parts of China?

6 . B: Thank you

7 . Id like you to meet Jim Hes a friend of mine

8 . 欢迎到北京来!

9 . 她并非才华横溢,但很仔细。 She is versatile

10 . 十七I know the injury, vicissitudes of the past, Cheng pulls you to see the eyes of the world我知道前尘往事的伤,沧桑了你看这个世界的眼。


1 . v 解决;破解

2 . A: How long do you plan to stay?

3 . 电力电子技术在电力系统中的应用Wind power: Use of the energy in winds to produce power

4 . A How are you? B How do you like me?

5 . adj

6 . This book synthesised the strong points of different schools and incorporated things of diverse nature

7 . 碳酸滴定中点和等量点也高得多。Each fatty acid consists of a hydrocarbon chain with a carboxyl group at one end

8 . _________

9 . It was a physical problem that had to be solved要解决的问题是个实际问题。

10 . natural | natural sign


1 . v 辩论,争论;怀疑;阻止;抗拒

2 . B: No, I&#;ve been here twice

3 . carbonic acid

4 . 请允许我把你介绍给我的`同学。

5 . A: Nice to meet you

6 . 八If I change shape, and you forget the time若不是我变了摸样,便是你淡忘了时光。

7 . How do you do? My name is Cui Hengbiao

8 . 卓越的科学家们Scientists of consequence

9 . D Oh, you are my new neighbor

10 . 十八Is not that I don&#;t love you, but I can not love you不是我不爱你,是我不能爱你。


1 . a 碳的,由碳得到的

2 . 一项现实的城市规划绝不仅仅是一个人工物,它往往既是设计的产物又是自然的结果。

3 . 我忐忑不安地期待最后的结果。 I apprehended that consequences with dread

4 . The method is a natural这方法一定灵。

5 . I d like you to meet my friend, Maria

6 . 她力量是指女性群体在社会各个领域产生的不可忽视的力量,包括女性本身的力量女性和男性融合的`力量女性对男性激励的力量。

7 . Commoditization is a natural outcome of competition and technological advance

8 . to solve disputes by peaceful means

9 . abbr (= et cetera 及其他,等等

10 . 酸的;酸味的


1 . n 结果;成果;后果;推论;重要性

2 . 露西娅向上帝祈祷,祈求上帝赐予她力量度过这一劫难。she是什么意思:

3 . This is demarcation dispute这就是分工争论。

4 . 患胃酸过多 carbonate是什么意思:

5 . adj 和平的;爱好和平的;平静的

6 . 你去过中国的其它地方吗?

7 . disputes是什么意思:

8 . May I introduce you to my friend Hang Kai?

9 . 目前你对北京的印象如何?

10 . 参考例句:




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