
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-25 03:34:46


1 . B: you bet it!

2 . Have him return my call让他给我回电话。

3 . 汤姆总是裹足不前。

4 . K: it&#;s just the right size--a perfect fit! I&#;ll take it Oh, no,I&#;m a little short Did you bring your credit card?

5 . 我工作的主要内容就是要挖掘新的点子出来。短语动词come up with这里指的是产生和发明的意思。

6 . Come in and make yourself at home 请进,别客气。

7 . 轮到你洗碗了。It’s your turn to wash the dishes。

8 . I&#;ll try to smooth things over

9 . A为学生,B为老师。

10 . 你刷牙了吗?Have you brushed your teeth?


1 . 不要着急

2 . about time 表示“终于”“觉得差不多了”。

3 . 您能再大点儿声吗? Could you speak up, please?

4 . 该走了。 Well, time to go

5 . = Time is precious

6 . I also dash off replies to any messages that need quick responses the phrasal verb dash off means to write (and usually send something fast

7 . It doesn&#;t make any difference

8 . Dont jump to conclusions 不要急于下结论。

9 . 没有时间了。 Time is up

10 . Maybe he’s in the teachers’ office 可能他在老师办公室。


1 . 问时间时记住在time前加the。

2 . 我也会快速回复那些需要回复的邮件,短语里的动词dash off在这里指的是快速的发送或者写。

3 . Dont take it for granted 不要想当然。

4 . They&#;re selling like hot cakes

5 . 恭喜你们喜结良缘!Congratulations on your marriage!

6 . Are you free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗?

7 . All I have to do is learn English我所要做的就是学英语。

8 . 他们在演奏婚礼进行曲了。

9 . Be my guest 请便/别客气。

10 . Carter:With that dress I’d say your white diamond necklace would look perfect。


1 . 谁将要主持婚礼?Who will officiate at the wedding?

2 . 无与伦比。

3 . Do you speak English?你会说英语吗?

4 . Mr Smith:I wonder why he is chosen to be the groomsman and why Mary doesn’t marry him, since he’s much more attractive。

5 . 别让我失望。

6 . K: exactly! Oh, my god! I love Britney! I&#;m going to get it

7 . R: maybe you have a point

8 . O: before he made the top three, I was so nervous I just fear that he might be knocked out

9 . Don&#;t get on my nerves!

10 . How are you/What’sup 你好吗?


1 . 我不明白为什么他被选来做伴郎。既然他更有魅力,为什么玛丽不和他结婚。

2 . 电话线好像有毛病。 We have a bad connection

3 . I know what you want 我知道你想要什么。I want a package deal including airfare and hotel我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿 。

4 . Carter:Susan, good evening Why are you so dressed up?

5 . I owe you 我欠你一次情。don’t keep me waiting long 别让我等太久了。

6 . J: it can save you lots of time and effort to simply copy a successful business model

7 . 对你有用吗?

8 . 不关我事。(wwwvipylcom)

9 . 你永远都会是世界上最漂亮的,那个伴娘叫什么名字?

10 . 你得再等天。 You must wait for five more days


1 . # My Morning Coffee Makes Me Perk Up

2 . Very well, too我也很好。

3 . 表示“时间宝贵”的谚语。

4 . = It&#;s half past nine

5 . 我听不清楚。 I can&#;t hear you very well

6 . 对不起,让您久等了。 I&#;m sorry to have kept you waiting

7 . Have a go of it

8 . K: make sure you buy what you need and your clothes can be worn for various occasions

9 . 这些都很畅销。

10 . 餐桌布脏了。The tablecloth is dirty。




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