
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-23 05:51:46


1 . a demarcation dispute分工纠纷,定界的争执,争地盘

2 . A: Please make yourself at home

3 . 今天付出,明天收获,全力以赴,事业辉煌

4 . 这种微酸的味道是因为含有乳酸造成的。Acids in the stomach destroy the virus

5 . 经营客户,加大回访,专心专业,客户至上

6 . 每个脂肪酸由一端带有一个羧基的碳酸链组成。carbonic是什么意思:

7 . 九Smile though your heart is aching Smile even though it&#;s breaking尽管心痛甚至心碎也要微笑。

8 . 无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候

9 . 七We are so in love, but love to separate我们那么爱,却爱到了分开。

10 . Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you


1 . Carbonation is the combination of carbonate or bicarbonate ions with minerals

2 . 我来自美国。

3 . 久仰大名。

4 . 她是个漂亮妞。She was a subscriber

5 . 酸的;酸味的

6 . 别客气。/请随便。

7 . This is demarcation dispute这就是分工争论。

8 . 纵然世间任我挑,我的选择仍是你

9 . 不,我已经来过两次了。

10 . Is there necessity in nature?自然界是否存在必然性?


1 . 客户服务,重在回访仔细倾听,你认心情

2 . n

3 . 请坐。

4 . carbonate

5 . 患胃酸过多 carbonate是什么意思:

6 . 十八Is not that I don&#;t love you, but I can not love you不是我不爱你,是我不能爱你。

7 . 一项现实的城市规划绝不仅仅是一个人工物,它往往既是设计的产物又是自然的结果。

8 . 八If I change shape, and you forget the time若不是我变了摸样,便是你淡忘了时光。

9 . Well, not that emotional, but I move the heart

10 . 电力电子技术在电力系统中的应用Wind power: Use of the energy in winds to produce power


1 . 她是一位定期捐献者。power是什么意思:

2 . 谢谢,您过奖了。

3 . A: Have you been to other parts of China?

4 . 露西娅向上帝祈祷,祈求上帝赐予她力量度过这一劫难。she是什么意思:

5 . Many carbonate masses older than Middle Palaeozoic are of dolomite rather than calcite

6 . 汽水中就有碳酸。我们对碳酸的这种形式很熟悉。Carbonated drinks are acidic, and slightly safer

7 . 五A person quiet a person cry movie clips, the whole world is sad一个人安静一个人哭泣散场电影,全世界伤心。

8 . 攻守并重,全员实动,活动目标,服务导向

9 . 十九The wind is too with the pain you give is blown away风太带大你给的痛却吹不散。

10 . A: I&#;ve heard so much about you


1 . 我忐忑不安地期待最后的结果。 I apprehended that consequences with dread

2 . B: Thank you

3 . 参考例句:

4 . 我告诉你,没有希望的悲伤是没有感情的

5 . natural consequence

6 . 这是你第一次来北京吗?

7 . 动力装置是一台功率马力的活塞发动机。

8 . n 力量;动力;能力;权力;大国;机能;体力

9 . The truth may hurt for a little while but a lie hurts forever

10 . Because had loved crazy, therefore looked that you smile as before are silencing


1 . 你从哪里来?

2 . adj 和平的;爱好和平的;平静的

3 . The very remembrance of your former misfortune proves be a new one

4 . 三心二意,扬鞭奋蹄,四面出击,勇争第一

5 . B: Nice to meet you, too

6 . 情真意切,深耕市场,全力以赴,掌声响起

7 . 水是碳酸软饮料中含量最高的成分,占总体积的%以上。Carbonated Nonalcoholic Beverages

8 . [U] 酸味物质

9 . Be vigilant in peace time居安思危。

10 . A: How was your trip?


1 . B: Thanks I&#;m flattered

2 . A: How long do you plan to stay?

3 . I&#;ve already given my heart to youPlease don&#;t give it back to me

4 . 我不想做第一个,我只想做唯一。

5 . 焦炭的主要成分是碳。acid是什么意思:

6 . Sweet memory is not able to provide a person with nourishment for long

7 . 请不要轻易说爱我,除非你是认真的

8 . 服务客户,播种金钱,增加信任,稳定续收

9 . 你去过中国的其它地方吗?

10 . 谢谢你!


1 . 目标明确,坚定不移,天道酬勤,永续经营

2 . Where there is a dispute, there will have a settler of a dispute哪里有纷争,哪里就会有调停者。

3 . It is in the nature of lightningrods它具有避雷针的性质。

4 . 卓越的科学家们Scientists of consequence

5 . 碳酸作用是碳酸根离子或重碳酸根离子与矿物的化合作用。The major ingredient in carbonated soft drinks accounting for as much as % by volume--is water

6 . 十三I‘m sending your favorite red rose to feast your eyes upon我要送你你最喜爱的红玫瑰,让你欣赏。

7 . 童年的荡秋千随记忆一直晃到现在。

8 . B: I have been to Xi&#;an and Shanghai

9 . 无酒精碳酸饮料Carbon acid is particularly familiar to us in the form of soda water

10 . To lose is not terrible,but it is that you are stuck on the "lose" idea


1 . A: Where are you from?

2 . 四Maybe time can dashes away everything!(也许时间可以冲淡一切吧)

3 . B: I&#;m not sure yet

4 . 你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开

5 . I don&#;t want to be the first one I want to be the only one

6 . 【术语】酸的;酸性的

7 . A: I hope you will enjoy your stay here

8 . B: Beijing is a very beautiful city!

9 . 风起云涌,人人出动,翻箱倒柜,拜访积极

10 . adj




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