
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-12 12:52:40


1 . 人人讲卫生,个个身体棒。

2 . 爱护花草树木,我为校园添绿。

3 . 环境关联你我他,齐抓共管靠大家。

4 . The food on the ship was no better than on any other ship on which Billy had sailed

5 . He left the bar for the pen I like geography, but I prefer history

6 . 环卫清洁城市,文明扮靓河源。

7 . The new edition is less expensive than the old one

8 . 学校一片绿,学生心中一片春。

9 . 众人一条分类心,垃圾也能变成金。

10 . 人人爱卫生,处处美河源。


1 . 垃圾扔前分一分,绿色生活一百分。

2 . 情人节的礼物是玫瑰,绽放着我的沉醉,中秋节的礼物是明月,光辉着心的圆缺,今日的礼物是心意,主角是我和你,动作是亲你,爱你,祝福在七夕。

3 . 建立新绿色生态村,构建社会主义新农村。

4 . 我们不想住在一起,请给我们分个家。

5 . [注] 注意本句型的两式不可混用。不可说 "I prefer doing this rather than that" 只能说 "I prefer doing this to (doing that 或 I prefer to do this rather than do that

6 . 少一件垃圾,多一块净土。

7 . 俭以养德,廉以立身。

8 . 你随意乱扔垃圾,素质差评。

9 . 垃圾也想有个家,一个不大不小的地方(流行歌曲型)

10 . 随手一分,美化十分。


1 . (正 His younger brother was much stronger than he His younger brother was stronger than he

2 . 要是垃圾变为宝,分类回收不可少

3 . 树木拥有了绿色,地球才能有脉搏。

4 . Better late than never Better to do well than to say well

5 . 服务理念:客户至上,始终如一。

6 . 体验环卫艰辛,珍惜清洁市容。

7 . None is so blind as those that won&#;t see

8 . "第, , …大" 可用 "the 序数词+最高级" 表示, 如: My home town is the second largest city in our province

9 . 全民参与,治理环境,建设村容整洁的新农村。

10 . 我有一个日记本,里面全都记满了关于我们的点点滴滴,有幸福的微笑时光,也有流泪的悲伤时刻,它是我们的爱情记录本,见证了我们一路走来的酸甜苦辣!趁着日记情人节到来之际,我想把这本特殊的日记本送给你,好与你一起重温我们的美好时光!


1 . 玫瑰情人节到了,我的爱人,没有璀璨钻石作见证,没有宝马名车鉴心意,没有彩衣华服表情谊;有的只是我满心的关心和祝福,无论贫穷富贵,我这一生对你不离不弃!

2 . 要是垃圾变为宝,分类回收不可少。

3 . 蓝蓝的天特别的你,无奈的我挂念你;白白的云可爱的你,无助的我惦记你;轻轻的风远处的你,有情的我等待你;柔柔的雨浪漫的你,孤单的我在想你。宝贝,情人节快乐!

4 . 美丽从心开始,环卫从我做起。

5 . 你稍微记一下,我找你的时候是爆炸想你,我没找你的时候是憋着在想你。

6 . 常思贪欲之害,常怀律己之心。

7 . )祈使句中使用被动式谓语很少见,以下各句可说是例外:Please be seated Be trusted rather than feared

8 . 文明广东,环保助力。

9 . 公德比赛,今天正式开赛(煽动型)

10 . 鲜花还需绿叶扶,学校更需同学护!


1 . 听说七夕这天恋人相互说句我爱你,就能在来年七夕不会分开,如果每年都说就永远不会分开。我爱你!七夕情人节快乐!

2 . Nothing ancient or modern seems to come near it (come near 与…相比

3 . "I would rather die with my head high, with indestructible faith and profound belief in the destiny of our country, than live in humility and renounce the principles which are sacred to me"

4 . 手拉手,创造美好环境;心连心,构建和谐社会。

5 . I would (had as lief join the Eighth Route Army as anything

6 . 破坏环境,祸及千古;保护环境,功盖千秋。

7 . 垃圾分类从我做起,和谐港城因你美丽。

8 . The most short-sighted man could see that at a glance, with his naked eyes," said Martin

9 . 等差既可以指出相差的数目, (用by+数词表示 也可以指出相差的范围, 如: of +名词, with regard to, in point of, with respect to, with reference to, with relation to, in the sphere of, in the field of等等。例句: She is the more patient of the two In point of commerce, Shanghai is more prosperous than Nanjing With reference to territory, China is larger than America

10 . 花草也有生命,也会疼,请呵护它们。


1 . "How about a game of bridge?" - "I can&#;t think of a better idea"

2 . 山水美如画,咱是画中人。

3 . 垃圾类分,环境满分。

4 . He preferred to be assigned something more difficult to do

5 . [注] 还有一些带比较级的词组,也含有比例发展的意味;但这些词组多用于表示同一事物的发展程度,一般不带被比对象。 "…ever+比较级+ (and+比较级…" 如:The story gets ever more exciting

6 . 二十七垃圾分类好,地球永不老。青山绿水唱,万物齐欢笑。

7 . 二十四把垃圾分类变成习惯,让身心健康常伴左右。

8 . 密集你我力量。

9 . The more I think of it, the happier I am

10 . I had as soon you broke his neck as his finger




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