
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-13 11:52:05


1 . Your safety is very important

2 . His life is very happy

3 . They are professional actors

4 . You are right你对了。

5 . I am tired 我累了

6 . You are you are really beautiful

7 . I stayed awake all the night

8 . One of them is English

9 . 二 谓语:说明主语“做什么”“是什么”或“怎么样”。谓语(谓语部分里主要的词)必须是动词。谓语和主语在人称和数两方面必须一致。它在主语后面。

10 . 他的铅笔画结构准确生动传神。


1 . The bag was lost

2 . She is my good friend

3 . You are too confident

4 . She looks like her mother

5 . 并列句就是两个或以上的简单句,由表示并列关系的连词或标点符号连接而成。常见的连词:and, not onlybut also, neithernor or, eitheror otherwise,but, yet, while, so, for等。阅读中遇到并列关系的句子,一般情况下是以连词为界限,将句子分成前后几个部分,并分别来分析,各句的意思一般可以单独理解,最后将各句合并即可。

6 . My classmates are all good at sports

7 . You are very honest

8 . The story 主语,名词 interesting形容词,表语

9 . This tastes nice What’s in it?

10 . We are your fans


1 . 五.S十V十O十C 主谓宾补结构

2 . (可做谓语以外的所有成分)

3 . 主语 + 系动词 + 表语 Grammar is hell

4 . You are visitors

5 . 主语:可以作主语的成分有名词(如boy,主格代词(如you,数词,动词不定式,动名词等。主语一般在句首。

6 . 三 感官动词类: 眼(look )耳(sound鼻(smell舌(taste身(feel

7 . 出神入化的`结构艺术,令外国专家叹其为“神话建筑“。

8 . 主语 + 谓语(及物动词 + 宾语;I hate grammar

9 . I am from China

10 . He is older than he looks.他比看上去要老。


1 . He is not too tall

2 . She is really my mother

3 . 别看这小小的凉亭,它的结构紧凑,造型别致,令人情不自禁地啧啧称赞。

4 . It sounds nice这个听起来不错。

5 . The books 主语,名词 on the desk在桌子上,介词短语,表语

6 . Kate was here yesterday凯特昨天在这。

7 . The desk feels hard

8 . 包括:that which who whom whose what ,why how when where 在这些词前切开,将其与后面的从句划在一起。

9 . The desk feels hard.书桌摸起来很硬。

10 . 据我所知,她是一个非常贤惠的女人。


1 . You look angry

2 . Kate was here yesterday

3 . You look unhappy, what’s the matter?

4 . I swim

5 . He is very energetic

6 . They are endangered animals

7 . You have grown taller than before.你长得比以前高了。

8 . We are very busy

9 . The girl is very pretty

10 . 我看到的是酒吧还是蝙蝠?


1 . My father is very strict with me

2 . He主语,代词 fat表语,形容词

3 . You主语,代词 right形容词,表语

4 . We 主语,代词 students表语,名词

5 . He is very confident

6 . The weather is getting colder and colder

7 . 那只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过了一只懒惰的狗。

8 . He never saw a saw saw a saw。

9 . He seen interested in the book.他似乎对这本书感兴趣。

10 . You are our best friends




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