
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-13 16:47:56


1 . 感情生活和日常生活,都是如此。

2 . 获取成熟的唯一途径,就是将性命的火花献给耕耘的大地。

3 . “比上不足,比下有余”,让大部分普通人都获得了一种莫名的踏实感——但我总觉得,这还是心态决定一切,月入过万的没觉得自己多富有,而月收入不足五百的,大概也仍然会觉得自己比许多人要幸福。

4 . 不评价别人是一种修养,不理会别人的评价是一种修行。

5 . 别人跑得快与慢,日子过得好与坏,跟你真的没关系,你应该负责的是自己的人生,和自己的生活。

6 . 当“私”字挡住了前进中处的光亮时,失败的阴影便出现了。

7 . 人在愤慨的时候智商为零;人在急躁的时候动作会变形;人在没有给对方信任的时候,说什么都没用;人在失去方向的时候,做什么都没劲。

8 . 这一点你得先明白。

9 . , as long as there is a person&#;s place is not; as long as people have a mouth, there will be opinions and criticism Moreover, people who are too concerned about the ideas of others are not only unable to be happy, but also easy to lose their own characteristics and personality, but also have no way to develop their potential

10 . 一个人最大的恶意,就是把自己的理解强加于别人,把所有的结果理所当然用自己的过程来解释,并一直认为自己是正确的。”


1 . 上面说的“比上不足,比下有余”,某种程度上说就是一种正向的比较,它让大部分平凡普通的人“心安”,因为自己不是垫底的那个,不是最差的那个,日子还算可以,马马虎虎总是能过去,从某种程度上可以过滤掉一些焦虑,筛掉一些无谓的烦恼。

2 . 结果,当女人在店里试戴戒指的时候,店员对她说,“简直不敢相信有男人会用这么便宜的戒指来结婚,太悲哀了。”结果,这段经历就被放到了网上。

3 . 每天见不同的人,每个人几乎在说不快乐的事,事业成功的说工作压力大,工作清闲的人说这行业没前途,没有成家的说为什么还遇不到适合自己的人,遇到的却说不合适,幸福相足球一样踢来踢去,烦恼相奖杯一样不可撒手。

4 . 看到一个故事:

5 . 不管你有多不快乐,我们都有责任先吃好一顿饭,睡好一个觉,装扮好自己。许多苦恼,其实都没什么大不了,只是你在那个情境下,在那种心情里,庸人自扰罢了。所以,无论发生什么,先善待自己,时间一过,世界自然会好。

6 . 应该是成年之后,许多人事让我领教和懂得:沉默的力量,亲热的弊端,不轻易寄盼望和依靠于他人的快活,距离的优点,界限的重要,还有,适时给我一盆冷水,让我保持清醒的头脑。

7 . :曲折,不想念眼泪;悲伤,弥补不了曲折的遗憾。只有坚强的人,才能在曲折中奋时,获得加倍的报偿。

8 . , the most unforgettable time, some soft words, those tender, any lasting, it is difficult to forget The end of life, you and I have the time At this moment, I want to pour a cup of sweet wine Smiling, like silent silence waiting on the field

9 . 有的人天生就是找不痛快的那种人格,譬如明明是不善交际的人,偏偏要羡慕八面玲珑的`社交达人,看到人家呼朋唤友很是热闹,就会很羡慕甚至很嫉妒,回头心里暗暗地觉得痛苦,还有的人会归结到:

10 . , I have to pull off, I do not sleep, in the cold moonlight, in the autumn cold, long sleeved float, arched body trembling, looking at the sky dark stars, if you are still, maybe I would not be so painful


1 . , in order to defeated the landlord, a US ally, "we Former friends become enemies with each other" There is no eternal enemy, no forever friend When necessary, even disassemble your cards have to be sent to the partner It shows that the key moment in a team is to understand self sacrifice so that you can win the final victory!

2 . , tourism needs a guide, life also needs a tutor! It is better to read thousands of books than to read thousands of books; to read thousands of miles is not as good as reading countless people; to read countless people is not as good as leading teachers; Although not every coach can teach the champion, every champion has a coach! Do you have a life coach? If you don&#;t ask him to find him at the last time!

3 . , there is not much happiness in life field, nor many things that really deserve pain, frustration and anger Most people&#;s lives are dull

4 . 成功的火花在勤奋中迸发,智慧的光谱在自满中消逝。

5 . , listen to the rain sound drunk, the smoke in rain such as wine, water, and wind rustling off Wanli River, mad horse smile, Xiao Disheng Xie Ronghua, blood desire, only white hair Laugh, and the red neon yangko dance pavilion Stewed drunk old paper cup, the red has been interrupted, bitter bird called off the stream sound, what can the situation only cry?

6 . , no flowers stunning, Qingtian no trees tall and straight, but there is a refuse to be cowed or submit heart Only a few withered memories, the wind falling into the ground mottled, the past flourishing, in order to change into a lonely life Life is the gathering and dispersal of the field, with the clockwise of the clock moving slowly

7 . 在失败时,企求得到别人的怜悯和同情,将会导致自卑,在成功时,奢望得到更多的荣耀和掌声,将会导致自负。

8 . 你看得惯也好,看不惯也好,也是别人的生活。

9 . 航海者虽然要比观望者冒风险,但是却有期望到达彼岸。

10 . , some love, have to go to the end of the world, some people, denier, meet not to miss Not to be reconciled, is also necessary to submit to the fate of the arrangement


1 . 若说到反向的攀比,那就更多了。

2 . 不评价别人的生活,因为生活不是你的;不操心别人的生活,是因为别人的路由他们选择。

3 . 本来日子过得还好,因为发现有人比自己过得好,就如堕冰窟,五雷轰顶,糖也不甜了,饭也不香了,除非自己的日子像别人一样好,否则……好可怜。

4 . 每个人都在走自己的人生路。你明明在自己的赛道上,却总是去瞥人家的那一条赛道,何必呢?

5 . 我们总是有一种习惯,把自己眼中的幸福,定义为别人身上的幸福。于是以为别人不够幸福,不够好,不够完美,也配不上所拥有的一切。

6 . 咱们都是这样的人:应对压力,咱们本能地选取顺从,正因咱们没有被说服过,也懒得说服别人;人,都是骄傲和自以为是的,相安无事的唯一办法是欺骗。――当代作家王朔《顽主》

7 . , do not know how the heart should be placed, do not know where the feelings should go, only know that the heart with the falling yellow leaves, quietly sigh Along with the wind blowing repeatedly, shaking the leaves more feel the heart of love, feeling desolate, falling forever silent

8 . , everyone has its own difficulties, but some people are not easy to be found Life can not be all the same Life is a kind of rhythm We must have light and shadow, rain and shine Everyone wants to live happier and better in this world The clever way is to change ourselves instead of changing the outside world To know, life is created by yourself

9 . 人类是自然界最聪明的动物,也是最傻的动物。他们极力想控制万物,却控制不了自己;他们能说会道,却把握不好行动。他们急于成长,然后又哀叹失去的童年;他们以健康换取金钱,不久后又想用金钱恢复健康。他们对未来焦虑不已,却又无视现在的幸福。因此,他们既不活在当下,也不活在未来;他们活着仿佛从来不会死亡,临死前又仿佛他们从未活过。

10 . 你不懂得拒绝你总可怕自己言行会惹别人不快乐你总尽力达成别人的每一个要求可是没人感激你因为在别人眼里你做的`都是理所应当的他们变本加厉你不明所以其实你太孤独都是因为你自己谁让你太在意别人却忽略了自己。


1 . 人们最出色的工作往往在处于逆境的状况下做出。思想上的压力,甚至肉体上的痛苦都可能成为精神上的病。---贝弗里奇

2 . 因为你自卑,所以你自尊心强,所以你多疑敏感,所以你缺乏安全感,所以你操纵欲强,所以你占有欲强,所以你的小心思许多,所以你的苦恼也不少。

3 . 宁愿花时间去修炼不完美的自己,也不要白费时间去期待完美的别人。

4 . 我用一麻袋的钱上大学,换了一麻袋书;毕业了,用这些书换钱,却买不起一个麻袋!

5 . 人在红尘中,笑而不语是一种豁达,痛而不言是一种智慧。真正要做到为人随和处世低调,确实得经过一番历练,经过一番自律,经过一番升华。高要立得起,低要下得来。痛而不言,笑而不语,镇定沉着,稳健干练。随和是一种素质,低调是一种修养。高调待人低调做事,你会一次比一次稳健;谨慎入世,随和处世,你会一天比一天快乐。人生于世,为人处事。

6 . 老幺也不管。我不算她的好朋友,但算是关系还可以的同学。其实,听到有人说老幺,内心也会有点悲凉和愤怒:悲凉是老幺这么努力,却始终没有得到她所得到的好成绩;愤怒,大概是作为学生时代的我们,最大的讽刺,就是被人说是那个不聪明的孩子,而这一切,大概也真的与人无关吧。

7 . 老幺后来发过一次飚,是因为一个男生得意洋洋地跑到她面前,说,你看努力也没用。还不是不及格?我也不及格。

8 . 我常常听到这样的交谈,诸如“你看,她年纪那么大了,不知道为什么还不肯嫁?”“你看她条件那么好,为什么跟了这样的人”,我很想问问他们,“别人的生活,你到底多有资格评价?”

9 . 如果你简单,这个世界就对你简单。

10 . 钻石——人们往往羡慕你七色分明,光芒四射,可有谁知道这块“纯碳”,在地壳深处经受了数千年高温高压的考验。


1 . 只有象塔吊那样站稳脚跟,方能昂起昂起头颅。

2 . , too much dependence is not what I think, and I want to learn to be independent and want to learn to rely on myself But I can&#;t do it, maybe because I&#;m not as strong as I can imagine I&#;m really not that strong As time passed, I had too much in my heart, and I wanted to learn to rely on myself to find that love on my own

3 . 失败——对强者是逗号,对弱者则是句号。

4 . 我走到哪都有可能被别人认出来,几乎每一天都被‘包’住了一样,压力也是蛮大的。刘翔曾对记者表示,他十分想到南京的地摊上吃一碗老鸭粉丝汤,但这样的愿望对于超人气的刘翔来说,只能是“奢望”。――奥运冠军,中国男子田径队米跨栏一级户外员刘翔

5 . 某种程度上,有些人的“幸福感”就是通过比较来实现和确定的。当然,痛苦可能也源于此。

6 . 断崖是山的挫折,却产生了壮丽的瀑布。

7 . 曲折是人生的清醒剂,在曲折的道路上获得教益,是你一帆风顺时难以得到的。

8 . 在当下就得面对竞争的压力和现实的残酷。但每个人都有着自身的价值,生活也给予了众多人的人生选择,或是你没被人看重,或在迷茫,或是选错地方,或是执着追求的离你很远,想生存,就得不断学习积累,把拥有的才华和能力亮出来,勇于面对才能改变,学会生存,懂得竞争,才能主宰自己的命运。

9 . 都是因为自己没钱啊,工作不够好啊,家庭出身不够好啊——不然我肯定也有那么多朋友,不是吗?

10 . 机会就最没有耐心的客人,只敲一次门就走了。


1 . , change the state of mind can change the way to live A man of optimism, in life, you can laugh at the wins and losses, not only final outcome, they believe in the future, do not complain about the status quo, to use their own advantages, play to their potential, step by step to climb, and success

2 . , the mouth is someone else&#;s life, and life is his own People who are habitually abused by their mouths should think with their left brain and right brain: why do I have to be a slave to others&#; mouths? Why do you care so much about other people&#;s ideas? As long as you get through, you have the right to be happy

3 . , truly loved, also deeply loved by you, our love has no reason to continue, the dependence of each other has become a habit

4 . 命好的人,白天晒太阳,晚上看星星。像我这样命苦的人,晒太阳的时候,眼前都是星星。

5 . 为什么同样文凭,有人拿了有效,有人拿了无效呢?为什么同样是大学,他校的文凭有价值,而你母校的文凭不值钱呢?别人能找到工作是因为有本事还是有门路有援助,自己找不到事情做是没有学到真本事还是没有关系呢?说实在的,一个人出身社会,要有立足之地,不是一张名牌大学文凭所能实现的,也不是仅凭关系就能长久的,只有持续努力掌握必须的技能。

6 . 困难就角一只砂轮,它能砥砺能勇进者奋斗的利刃,也能磨去怯懦者不多的棱角。

7 . , everything will be there, you don&#;t have to be amazed at zhumenjiurouchou luxury, do not have to be out laughing, like basil enterprises is clear, not to fear the head of the river is not a bad storm, like another world journey difficult bumpy! Because the cut will have!

8 . 也许有人陷入了极大的困窘,也许有人会化压力为动力。因此机会是很多的。此刻的新人甚至都没有机会犯错误。――日本知名动画导演动画师及漫画家宫崎骏

9 . 也许,你是马拉松选手,你又何必羡慕短跑运动员这一刻的风驰电掣呢?——我并不是说其他人就是短跑,但人与人之间的差距本来就很大,有人可能在起跑的时候姿势潇洒速度很快,而有的人则是耐力型选手,幸福来得也许不是很突然,但只要能够坚持下去,你必然会遇到啊,又怕什么呢?

10 . 而年纪大一点的朋友则说,工作还算稳定,家庭还算和美,但日子过得太普通,同龄人纷纷换了学区房,买了新车,每次跟朋友小聚回到家里都觉得特别焦虑……




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