
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-13 09:51:07


1 . Ineverknewbywhom,bywhomitdidnotforgetLivinginotherpeople&#;smemories,andisnotmypurpose

2 . 在感恩节,衷心地祝福你们。

3 . 女人需要感觉到别人不如她们。

4 . 你的过去我来不及参与,你的未来我奉陪到底。

5 . 我不倾国,不倾城,只倾尽所有,爱我所爱

6 . You’re throwing away happiness with both hands And reaching out for something that will never make you happy(你把自己的幸福拱手相让,去追求一些根本不会让你幸福的东西—《乱世佳人》

7 . , of course, yes, this is very good, but do not give what trouble ah (the man in the sleeve

8 . "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same" “不论我们的灵魂是什么做成的,他的和我的是一模一样的”-艾米莉勃朗特的小说《呼啸山庄》

9 . The sky has nothing, how to give me comfort

10 . 我会一直在,纵使寂寞开成海。


1 . If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也失去了群星——《泰戈尔诗集》

2 . Do not play too true acting, otherwise it will bear the scars

3 . , the bell rang again, again and again, quiet and serene, even in the month of the woman&#;s bride, the bell always smells of autumn (DIN and commotion

4 . 无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。

5 . Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for Because it’s the only thing that lasts(土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作, 为之战斗, 为之牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西 ——《乱世佳人》

6 . Iflove,portablehandtoold;ifmissing,protecthimwell

7 . 你走,我不送你。你来,无论多大风多大雨,我要去接你。

8 . ”她说出于礼貌,她可以打那个电话,说明我的情况后,看接电话的人是否愿意让她再与我联系。

9 . 没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。

10 . No man or woman is worth your tears ,the one who is won&#;t make you cry!没有任何一个人值得你流泪,真正值得的人不会让你哭——托玛斯布朗英文诗歌 Love


1 . 蓦然回首,站在灯火阑珊处的早已不是你 。

2 . , the most distressing thing between man and man is that you have been disturbed and hurt in places you think deserve good will and friendship (Biography of the giant

3 . 我们之间仅隔一步,而我却不能迈向你。

4 . Thanksgiving just wont be the same without you 没有你,感恩节,就会不一样。

5 . "When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides And when it subsides, you have to make a decision You have to work out whether your roots are become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part" “爱情是一种暂时的疯狂它像地震一样爆发,然后又平息而当它平息时,你得做出一个判断你得弄清楚你同他是否已经盘根错节地成为一体,以至无法分开”——《柯莱利上尉的曼陀林》

6 . , the storm will be in that day, even some oak trees blown down, some of the church tower to collapse, some of the palace will be shaken! ("Henie anthology"

7 . I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving

8 . 你是我的一切,我是如此幸运上帝让你来到我身边。

9 . 孩子们,感恩节这时刻,我们要说:我们爱你们。

10 . True enough,the sun shines on the saint and sinner alike,and too often it seems that the wicked wax and prosperBut we can say with certitude that,with the individual as with the nation,the flourishing of the wicked is an illusion,for,unceasingly,life keeps books on us allIn the end,we are all the sum total of our actions


1 . Happy thanksgiving day ! 感恩节快乐!

2 . Womencan&#;tkeepsecrets

3 . Frankly,my dear, I don&#;t give a damn 坦白的说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎(《乱世佳人》)

4 . , love should give people a sense of freedom, not a sense of imprisonment (sons and lovers

5 . , when the reality of folded dovetail posted on our long-term dream, it covers the dream, and it together, as two of the same graphics overlap be made one ("Remembrance"

6 . , the feelings buried too deep, sometimes a bad thing If a woman conceals the feelings of her beloved man, she may lose the chance to get him (pride and Prejudice

7 . Warm wishes at Thanksgiving

8 . Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family

9 . Superior,noble,isnotshould,truenobilityisinbeingsuperiortoyourpreviousself

10 . WomenlovetoshopItistheonlyareaoftheworldwheretheyfeellikethey&#;reactuallyincontrol


1 . If winter comes, can spring be far behind ?( P B Shelley, British poet 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?( 英国诗人, 雪莱 P B

2 . , if winter comes, can spring be far behind? ("Shelley anthology"

3 . 给你们全家感恩节的祝福。

4 . it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife “有钱的单身男人一定想要一个老婆是全世界都公认的真理”——《傲慢与偏见》

5 . I am still concerned about the left, you do not see my time

6 . Womenwillalwaysaskquestionsthathavenocenteranswers,inanefforttotrapyouintofeelingguilty

7 . 一个笑就击败了一辈子,一滴泪就还清了一个人。一人花开,一人花落,这些年从头到尾,无人问询。

8 . 但愿你能来过感恩节。

9 . I hope you are feeling thankful after your supper 希望你吃过晚饭后有感恩的心情。

10 . 离开后我依旧在关注,看到了你不需要我的时光。


1 . 话务员建议我和她的负责人说,那位负责人犹豫了一会儿,然后说:嗯,“有那个住址的电话号码,但我不能给你。

2 . WomenlovetotalkSilenceintimidatesthemandtheyfeelaneedtofillit,eveniftheyhavenothingtosay

3 . I will always be, even lonely open into the sea

4 . Itoolatetoparticipateinyourpast,yourfutureIwillfightintheend

5 . Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year 感恩节是一年中最好的节日。

6 . 你的明媚刺穿我的`阴霾,我站在你的记忆模糊。

7 . Left of reach unfortunately, fall under our memories

8 . For you, a thousand times over“为你,千千万万遍” ——《the kite runner》(《追风筝的人》)

9 . 家人团聚的节日里,不能看到你,我会感到难过。

10 . 在我需要依靠之时。


1 . 我总是把未来想的不那么遥远 似乎一踏步 就能触及。

2 . Love a flower bloom to accompany it, love a man to accompany him to stray

3 . 我爱吃,所以我爱感恩节。

4 . 在我忧伤痛苦之时。

5 . Character cannot be counterfeited,nor can it be put on and cast off as if it were a garment to meet the whim of the momentLike the markings on wood which are ingrained in the very heart of the tree,character requires time and nurture for growth and developmentThus also,day by day,we write our own destiny,for inexorably we become what we doThis,I believe,is the supreme logic and the law of life

6 . Is immortal, even for a moment is fleeting that we love

7 . 的确,圣人与罪人皆会受到阳光的披泽,而且常常似乎是恶者大行其道。但是我们可以确信地说,不管是对个人或是对国家而言,恶人猖獗只是一种幻象,因为生命无时无刻不将我们的所作所为一笔一笔记录下来。最终,我们就是我们行为的总和。

8 . Looking back, standing on the already dim lights are not you

9 . Tears are mailed to me the gift green, address is not how happiness

10 . 我的爱与你同在。




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