
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-12-19 17:13:56


1 . If you can a little earlier, how willing to easily alienate you

2 . 一段不被接受的爱情,需要的不是伤心,而是时间,一段可以用来遗忘的时间。一颗被深深伤了的心,需要的不是同情,而是理解。

3 . 我的心因你而笑。

4 . Ill think of you every step of the way

5 . 爱你爱到无可救药,想你想到备受煎熬。

6 . 若无其事,原来是最狠的报复。

7 . One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone

8 . In twos and threes in parting, promised not to cash

9 . 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间

10 . The road ahead is a long way, you may cry, but must go on, must not stop


1 . The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a womans heart

2 . Just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn‘t mean they don‘t love you with all they have 爱

3 . 愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。

4 . 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

5 . 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

6 . If you would be loved, love and be lovable

7 . 你要带我做的任何事,我都记得,你也记得。

8 . First impression of you is most lasting

9 . 第一次听到你对我说“我爱你”,我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。

10 . 世界上没有破镜重圆之说,一旦失去,就意味着永远失去。


1 . Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of

2 . I&#;m a slow walker, but I never walk back我走得不快,但决不走回头路。

3 . I believe in the fairy story u wrote for me, and myself becomes the faint flower in the story

4 . 金叹的梦想,是让车恩尚成为他的全世界。

5 . 抓住了手就别放,爱对了人就走下去。

6 . The total score of lovers, but we love the deeper

7 . Quietly gone, just time, and our youth悄然逝去的,不仅仅是时间,还有我们的青春。

8 . At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

9 . Are you feeling a little sacrifice oneself, but bring great comfort to people around you

10 . 但愿会在梦中再见到我心爱的女孩!


1 . 爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。

2 . 为什么我的眼里常含泪水,因为我对你爱得深沉。

3 . All the pain from choice, the so-called happiness, is that there is no choice

4 . 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。

5 . 我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美。

6 . Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you

7 . No words are necessary between two loving hearts

8 . If you leave me, please dont comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain

9 . 偶尔要回头看看,否则永远都在追寻,而不知道自己失去了 什么。

10 . I miss you so much already and I havent even left yet!


1 . 不懂得自爱的人,是没有能力去爱别人的。

2 . Fall in love with that love is wrong, but found Miss love

3 . 在爱情的游戏里谁先付出真心谁就是输家。

4 . When you find the best, the past really means nothing当你找到了最好的那个,以往的真的都不重要了。

5 . 宁可失败在你喜欢的事情上,也不要成功在你所憎恶的事情上。

6 . 爱不在于彼此凝视,而是注视着同一个方向。

7 . I need him like I need the air to breathe间隔使两颗心靠得更近。

8 . 愿你的爱乘着飞翔的`白鸽,展翅高飞。

9 . 你知道思念 一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。

10 . Live every day as the last day of life把活着的每一天看作生命的最后一天。




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