
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2022-10-20 17:18:49


1 . TheWorldCupisabouttobeginChinesesoccerfriendswillhavetostayuplateagain

2 . find it is difficult not to do ……

3 . 注:分词短语作状语时,其逻辑主语应与句子主语一致,由于the matter与sec之间为被动关系,故see要用过去分词scen。

4 . A:It’ssoniceofyoutohelpmewithallthemoving

5 . to do……make no difference other than to do……

6 . It’ssuchagreathonortomeetyouIhaveheardsomuchaboutyou

7 . the rapid strides somebody has made in doing ……, may have…

8 . Youoweme(abigone

9 . He wanted the letter to be typed at once She was the first woman to have been elected to such a post

10 . He was often spoken about He was well looked after That man can be relied upon


1 . I’msohappyforyouImeanit

2 . Ionlygotaticketforstandingroom,butit’sstillbetterthannothing

3 . 直到我遇到你以后,我才真正体会到幸福。

4 . Stayuplate

5 . TherearetimeswhenIdon’tseeeyetoeyewithmybestfriends

6 . the issue at the core of …… is that ……

7 . B:Thepleasure’smine

8 . Smoking is not permitted in this theatre How the steel was tempered?

9 . it is too much of a good thing that ……

10 . Idon’tgoDutchwhenIgooutwithgirls


1 . Volunteershavetoworkaroundtheclockinordertosavelives

2 . GoDutch(AA

3 . 说明︰此句型意为“这(那)是什麽?这(那)是书(钢笔?)”。theenemylastyfriendwon’tevensayhellotomeTheyoftenbad-mouthedeachotherinpublic

4 . Am I allowed to stay out past ? 我可以十点过后再回家吗?

5 . original—flavored

6 . A:Thankyouforpickingmeupattheairport

7 . Can you play the guitar?你会弹吉他吗?

8 . Morgan‘sAchilles’heelisthatheisnotbrave

9 . The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is now over yet 会议原定了两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。

10 . I’mafraidyourwordswilladdfueltothefire


1 . This idea was put forward by Mr Wheatley Children are well taken care of in the nurseries

2 . eat one’s own bitter pill

3 . He got killed in the war The boy got hurt on his way home from work

4 . if……, ……will not be the last

5 . LoveispreciousDon’ttakeitforgranted

6 . Thistypewriterisverycheapandfineindeed

7 . YougethurtandyoumoveonNobigdeal

8 . ◎告诉我这事的人不肯告诉我他的名字。

9 . Aretheyonthetable?它们在桌子上吗?No,theyaren’tThey’reinthedoor

10 . YouwillcomeandeatatmyplaceIt’sadeal


1 . 我们要干就要干好。

2 . —I usually take a shower at six forty我通常六点四十淋浴。

3 . I like your sense of humour 我喜欢你的幽默感。

4 . 注:not…until…为英语中的固定句式,其意为“直到……才……”。

5 . 他从不承认自己的失败。

6 . Theweatherturnedouttobeverygood,whichwasmorethanwecouldexpect

7 . frankly speaking ……

8 . we are moving in the direction of …… our long—cherished dreams of prosperity and dignity are increasingly tangible in real life it is unthinkable that …… so long as they do not cease to develop this lethal wea

9 . Hehasglassesandhisshoesareblue他戴眼镜,穿蓝色裤子

10 . 询问家里情况:Issheinthelivingroom?她在客厅里吗?


1 . 注:汉语说“个子不高”,其实就是“不高”。也就是说,其中的“个子”在英语中无需译出。

2 . Don’tmentionitLet’sforgiveandforget

3 . [附注] 一般说来,只有当谓语是被动式时,这个句子才可称为被动句,下面的句子含有被动意义的非谓语成分,虽然表达了一定的被动意义,但是不能说是被动句,She didn&#;t like herself to be praised like that 这种被动意义的非谓语成分主要由下了词语表达出来:

4 . Allright!IwillfinishthereportforyouYouowemeone

5 . 那项比赛吸引了大批观众。

6 . What’syouraunt’sjob?你婶婶做什么工作?She’sanurse她是位护士。

7 . 注:it在此为形式宾语,真正的宾语是句末的不定式toearnextramoney

8 . 光速很快,我们几乎没法想像它的速度。

9 . I’m happy to meet you 很高兴见到你。

10 . something should be carefully treasured


1 . 描述书包:What’sinyourschoolbag?你书包里有什么?AnEnglishbook,amathsbook,threestorybooksand一本英语书,一本数学书,三本故事和。。。。Whatcolourisit?什么颜色的?It’sblueandwhite是蓝白色的。

2 . Keepintouch(withsb

3 . I’m supposed to go on a diet / get a raise 我应该节食/涨工资。

4 . In the evening,I either watch TV or play computer games晚上,我要么看看电视,要么玩玩游戏。

5 . Robert Finn was dismissed by the boss of the factory

6 . When I get home I always do my homework first我到家后,总是先做家庭作业。

7 . ◎直到我遇到你以后,我才真正体会到幸福。

8 . TheteacherraisedhiseyebrowswhenheheardthatTomdroppedoutoftheschool

9 . Shoot!IforgottobringmyIDcard

10 . 不,不在。它们在门上。


1 . Ourcampingtripturnedintoanadventurewhenwegotlost

2 . Iworkthreejobsandfinallycanmakeendsmeet

3 . YourparentsgiveyoulifeYoushouldn’ttakeitforgranted

4 . Seeeyetoeyewithsomeone(和某人观点一样

5 . in response to ……

6 . 重点句型:

7 . should not only …… but should also ……

8 . pull the throne out of one’s eyes

9 . We have been greatly encouraged by Lei Feng&#;s example

10 . I hope our dreams come true 我希望我们的梦想成真。




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