
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-10 09:43:36


1 . insecticide n杀虫剂

2 . 睡觉 sleep

3 . 计算机储存和由于电子微处理机得以实现的电控运用成倍的增加了现代打字机的功能。

4 . excise vt收税,切除;n消费税,货物税,国产税

5 . 英语课 English class

6 . Television is more than just an electronics; it is a means of expression, as well as a vehicle for communication, and as such becomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings

7 . 每个;所有的 every

8 . athlete 运动员

9 . 雪人 snowman

10 . infrastructure 基础设施


1 . 为什么 what for

2 . gallery 美术馆

3 . 膝盖是大腿骨和小腿胫的连接处。

4 . Lucretia Mott’s influence was so significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United States

5 . Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they communicate through facial expressions and by making noises

6 . 教师办公室 teacher’s office

7 . There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him and old one has a splendid future behind him: and maybe that is where the rub is

8 . 好 well

9 . 短的;矮的 short

10 . 北美远古的Hopewell人很可能种植了玉米和其它农作物,但打猎和采集对他们的经济贸易仍是至关重要的。


1 . 不久 soon

2 . Although pecans are most plentiful in the southeastern part of the United States, they are found as far north as Ohio and Illinois

3 . art 艺术

4 . Futurism, an early twentieth-century movement in art, rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion

5 . popularity 普及;流行

6 . 他(她/它)们的 their

7 . Probably no man had more effect on the daily lives of most people in the Untied States than did Henry Ford a pioneer in automobile production

8 . 短裤 shorts

9 . 随着芯片制造时间和费用降低到了几天和几百美元,工程师们可能很快可以任他们的想象驰骋而不会被昂贵的失败所惩罚。

10 . adaptation 改写;适应


1 . 如此;这样 so

2 . vexation 烦恼

3 . 袜子 socks

4 . concision n切割,分离,简洁

5 . 毛线衫 sweater

6 . notoin 观念;想法

7 . 树獭即不讲究卫生,以至于它粗糙的毛发上生出绿苔,成群的寄生蛾生长在它的皮毛深处,变成毛毛虫,并以它的脏毛为食。她的肌肉不能让他哪怕在很短的距离以内以每小时一公里的速度移动。它能做的最敏捷的动作就是挥一挥它弯曲的胳膊。

8 . 长袜 stocking

9 . disorder 无序状态

10 . 看 see


1 . garment 服装

2 . 史前的人们制造颜料是将植物和泥土等原料磨成粉末,然后加水。

3 . soul 灵魂

4 . 打电话 talk on the phone

5 . intellectual 知识分子

6 . 倒垃圾 empty the trash

7 . 吃晚饭 eat dinner

8 . 星期四 Thursday

9 . prosperity 繁荣

10 . collectivism 集体主义


1 . 触摸 touch

2 . 那个沙漠值得神经紧张的公务员们去观察。

3 . outcome 产物

4 . 向右转 turn right

5 . 每个人 everyone

6 . minority 少数人

7 . assault 攻击

8 . companion/partner 同伴

9 . charm 魅力

10 . indifference 不关心


1 . Thestrivercontrivestoderivethatprivacycantbedeprived

2 . regression 衰退

3 . stereotype 成见

4 . 甜的 sweet

5 . 垃圾箱 trash bin

6 . millennium 千年

7 . 哭喊的男孩试图用油炸干晶体。

8 . weakness 缺点

9 . acqaintance 熟人

10 . 地铁 subway


1 . exploration 探险

2 . immunity 免疫力

3 . 多伦多 Toronto

4 . 谁的 whose

5 . 拖鞋 slippers

6 . peer 同龄人

7 . 东 east

8 . strategy 策略

9 . 出租汽车司机 taxi-driver

10 . ……怎么样?What about…?




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