
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-31 02:37:11


1 . Dont miss the boat 不要坐失良机。

2 . Merry Christmas to you all!祝你们都耶诞快乐!

3 . = That&#;s okay (没关系。

4 . 对不起,让您久等了。 I&#;m sorry to have kept you waiting

5 . = What time is it now?

6 . How come…

7 . The appropriate use of polite words is necessary for an interview

8 . 我工作的主要内容就是要挖掘新的点子出来。短语动词come up with这里指的是产生和发明的意思。

9 . They&#;re selling like hot cakes

10 . 你好!Good afternoon


1 . R: yes

2 . G: me too

3 . 诚恳的微笑问候有助于拉近彼此间的距离。

4 . a quarter 是四分之一的意思,在这儿是分钟的四分之一的意思,即分钟。另外,这里的to是表示“~前”的意思,即“差分点”。

5 . = I&#;m sorry for the delay (对不起,我来晚了。

6 . 吃完饭你洗碗吗?Will you do the dishes after the meal?

7 . Maybe he’s in the teachers’ office 可能他在老师办公室。

8 . Not so bad

9 . 我来洗碗,你来擦/烘干。I’ll wash and you dry。

10 . Can you make it? 你能来吗?


1 . Dont worry about it 别担心。

2 . = The clock is five minutes behind

3 . Thank you all for coming tonight to celebrate this happy and joyous occasion感谢你们今晚来庆祝这愉快欢欣的日子。

4 . You&#;ve jumped on the bandwagon

5 . Give me a call 给我打电话。

6 . New furniture and paint perked up the room 新的家具让房间焕然一新拉。

7 . = It&#;s ∶(现在点分。

8 . 你刷牙了吗?Have you brushed your teeth?

9 . K: yeah, it&#;s lovely, but to be frank, it&#;s not the most practical You don&#;t have many formal events in your calendar, do you?

10 . 晚上好!Good evening


1 . = It&#;s a quarter of two

2 . 串线了。 The lines are crossed

3 . Have you finished yet? 你做完了吗?

4 . Dont make any mistakes 别出差错。

5 . 不错。

6 . What do you recommend你推荐什么?

7 . J: but you said your dream was to be an entrepreneur, to be your own boss

8 . = This is a really bad line

9 . How do you do!你好用于初次见面。

10 . Tilly broke the door and ran away 泰利破门逃跑了。


1 . B: yeah, an office that runs efficiently by using nothing other than online communication technologies I pay the rent and share office services with others in the same building

2 . Im not a morning person (someone who has a lot of energy in the morning, so I need some coffee to help me perk up The phrasal verb perk up describes when someone becomes happier and in a better mood after feeling not so good

3 . E: oh, that helps a lot to promote your "corporate image"

4 . 这句是用于某活动过程中询问“时间怎么样?来得及吗?”

5 . 天晓得!

6 . B: I get a business address at an expensive location, and I can share the receptionist and secretary with other offices in the same floor

7 . 现在几点? Do you have the time?

8 . 汤姆总是裹足不前。

9 . She went into a shop 她走进一家商店。

10 . J: that&#;s right You should establish good relationships with them what else are you planning to do while working for that company?


1 . It really turns me on

2 . 我没有时间。 I have no time

3 . 我厌倦了。

4 . I have a runny nose我流鼻涕。

5 . 措辞得当,态度诚恳是问候的基本要求。

6 . Who knows!

7 . = Would you speak up a little, please?

8 . You&#;re welcome

9 . I&#;m not going

10 . 比Hello随便,用于比较熟悉的人,男女都可以用。




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