
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-02 01:19:47


1 . Say goodbye to the slums of yesterday…and hello to the most productive days of your life。

2 . 点线面背诵法如果把一篇文章看作面,那么段落就是它的线,词语句子就是它的点。“点——线——面”背诵就是抓住文章的脉络,提炼出各层次的关键词语句子作为记忆的重点,根据先后顺序排列起来,再连点成线,连线成面,展开记忆,背诵课文。换言之,就是在单词和词组记忆的基础上记句子,在句子记忆的基础上记段落,在段落记忆的基础上记课文。

3 . 选择是一次又一次自我塑造的过程,让我们不断的成长不断地完善,如果说人生是一次不断选择的旅程,那么当千帆阅尽最终留下的,就是一片属于自己的独一无二的风景。

4 . 这时,旁边传来一个声音:“我愿意随你一同离去。无论你到哪里,我都会跟着你。”商人抬起头,看到了自己的大老婆。她是那么消瘦,一副营养不良的样子。商人悲痛万分,他说:“我过去就应该好好地你啊!”

5 . 第三位老婆代表财产地位与。一旦我们撒手西去,它终究会转向他人。

6 . 。寻找挑战

7 . “你看我,”树说,“我在风中折腰,在雨里低垂,到现在我还是我自己,我仍旧是一棵树。”

8 . 我一天一天发现你的平凡,同时却一天一天愈更深切地爱你。

9 . 这是一个很重要的因素。有时候我们做事情如此固执己见以至于都不向别人寻求帮助。一般来说,只顾做事并没有错,而且,事实上,我们想要独立。然而,生活中的真实例子表明我们确实需要向别人寻求帮助。你不应该把它当做是软弱,而且别人也不会因为你这样做而看低你。人类是公共的个体,如果我们互相帮助,我们就可以在这个世界上的到到更多。所以,如果你需要帮助就不要犹豫去寻求帮助,在别人需要你的时候伸出你的援助之手。

10 . 男人说:“我无法改变自己。”


1 . 一方面,电脑使人们的生活变得更容易。人们可以做很多以前不能做的事情。他们可以不买报纸,只坐在电脑前,点击鼠标,打开网站就看到新闻。网上购物,看电影,听音乐,玩电脑游戏,都是人们常常用电脑做的事。但是没有电脑的话,他们则无法轻易地做到这些事。此外,电脑对他们的学习和工作也是很有帮助的。人们在电脑上上课,工作。

2 . When the lady Nadine Kentucky was years old, she was asked what she would do if she had her to live over again

3 . 朗读者就是朗读的人,在我看来可以分为两部分来理解,朗读是传播文字,而人则是展现生命,和值得关注的文字完美结合,就是我们的朗读者。

4 . Using Technology to Learn More Information More Quickly

5 . On our journey to find our true self and achieve our full potential, we sometimes get into hard times。 However, we must never lose hope for the future, which will help us to achieve personal growth。 The following ideas may help you to reach your goals for personal growth。

6 . You should develop a positive mind, as this would be useful when you face challenge along the way。 Through this type of mind, you will be able to continue with your life no matter how hard the situation is。 You should always find a reason to be happy, which will fuel you to go on further and further until you reach your destination。

7 . 陪伴很温暖,它意味着这个世界上,有人愿意把最美好的东西给你,那就是时间,当然陪伴也是一个很平常的`词,日复一日年复一年,到最后陪伴就成为了一种习惯。

8 . 商人也很爱第三位老婆。他为她感到骄傲,并常把她作为在面前炫耀的资本。但他同时也忧心忡忡,怕她与其他跑了。

9 . After hearing it ,the old monk points at the ancient banyan and says to the young monk:" My disciple ,you don&#;t need to worry about thisIn fact, the defoliation in autumn and the deadwood in winter will climb back to the trees silently and become the flowers in spring and grow up into the leaves in suer at the time of autumnal winds is blowing strongliest and the snow falls down most heavily"

10 . Treating the life with the attitude of the optimism, it can not only dissolve the agony and misfortune , but also bring a kind of pleased mood to you everyday and make your life bright and flourishing


1 . Actually, we all have wives in our lives

2 . If you don&#;t find any challenges to your life, you won’t have motivation and anxiety to development。 You should understand that staying too much in your comfort zone would just keep you staying where you are and therefore never improve。 So try to find new challenges that would further develop your strength and therefore achieve your peak performance。

3 . 生活的每一天都能欣赏,失败也有失败的美。

4 . On the one hand, computer makes human beings’ life become easier People can do many things that they can’t do before They can read newspa-pe-r without buying it, only sitting in front of their computer, clicking mouse to open website Shopping online, watching movies, listening music and play computer games are the common things that people often do by computer But without computer, they can’t do all these easily In addition, computer is also very helpful for study and work People can have classes and work on it

5 . 愿你有好运气,如果没有,愿你在不幸中学会慈悲。愿你被很多人爱,如果没有,愿你在寂寞中学会宽容。

6 . 于是,他问小老婆:“我最疼你,给你买最漂亮的衣服,还对你呵护备至。现在我就要这个了,你愿意随我而去,与我相伴吗?”“绝不可能!”她丢下一句话,径自走开了。

7 . “The bad news is time flies。 The good news is you’re the pilot。” – Michael Altshuler。

8 . 小老婆代表我们的躯体。无论我们花费多少的和精力想去装扮她,我们死后它终会弃我们而去。

9 . Guess what? It is actually the only thing that follows us wherever we go Perhaps it’s a good idea to cultivate and strengthen it now rather than to wait until we’re on our deathbed to lament

10 . Facing the withering defoliations and imaging they will be in bud,it needs to have an immortal of spring heart, an optimism of heart


1 . 生存还是毁灭,这是一个永恒的选择题,以至于到最后我们成为什么样的人,可能不在于我们的能力,而在于我们的选择。

2 . What we do doesn’t matter; how we do it is what counts Change and growth is as natural as the sun coming up every morning and the setting of it every night Go with what is inside you and listen to what your heart tells you Why not even if just for today, reach out once more to a place that exists outside yourself without or from others…just once more

3 . "It is the reason that there isn&#;t any view in your heart, so you can&#;t see the bloom "

4 . Say “No” to procrastination and always say “Yes” to today。

5 . "Why don&#;t I see it?"

6 . “看,我就是那种每天每时都要求自己活的明智而理性的人。如果我有机会能重新来过,我将生活得更为明智而理性。事实上,我也不会去做别的什么事。如果我有机会重新来过,我会在的旅途上生活的更。”

7 . Furthermore, because most answers seem to be only a few clicks away, students are likely to refrain from thinking imaginatively and working out solutions on their own Computers follow instructions and help students get ready answers So powerful is the Internet that except for a few things which are not meant to be known, for all the rest there are search engines like Google The result could be too much information and too little imagination Nevertheless, whileinformation has limit, imagination can go beyond the borders of computer screens In view of this, students had better understand that a computer is capable of doing a job of perhaps persons, but even computers can hardly match the imagination of a human mind

8 . 在发掘真我,充分发挥我们潜力的旅途中,我们有时候会遇到困难时期。然而,我们不能失去对未来的希望,它将会帮助我们实现个人成长。以下的建议可能会帮助你实现你个人成长的目标。

9 . He too, loved his nd wife She is a very considerate person, always patient and in fact is the merchant’s confidante Whenever the merchant faced some problems, he always turned to his nd wife and she would always help him out and tide him through difficult s

10 . 结果呢?她才是与我们相伴的。也许从现在开始,我们就应该悉心好她,而不是等到临终之际才悔恨不已


1 . However mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard namesIt is not so bad as you areIt looks poorest when you are richestThe fault-finder will find faults in paradiseLove your life,poor as it isYou may perhaps have some pleasant,thrilling,glorious hourss,even in a poor-houseThe setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man’s abode;the snow melts before its door as early in the springI do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there,and have as cheering thoughts,as in a palaceThe town’s poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of anyMay be they are simply great enough to receive without misgivingMost think that they are above being supported by the town;but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest meanswhich should be more disreputableCultivate poverty like a garden herb,like sageDo not trouble yourself much to get new things,whether clothes or friends,Turn the old,return to themThings do not change;we changeSell your clothes and keep your thoughts

2 . Are you ready to unlock your productivity potential? As we enter the final quarter of , it’s time to look back on the year。 Have you accomplished at least % of the resolutions you made at the beginning of the year? If you haven’t, don’t worry; here are some tips on how to make your day the most productive。

3 . 确定任务,寻找窍门背诵一篇短文仅仅读几遍是行不通的,一定要读到滚瓜烂熟的程度才行。开始时文章可短一些,容易一些,然后作一定幅度的`调整。此外,背诵时还要讲究一定的技巧,熟读课文内容,理解课文大意。这样不仅不会记错和混淆,而且效率会很高。

4 . There is a temple at the foot of Nanshan,and an ancient banyan is in front of it

5 . We just have to look at things differently。 Perhaps your boss will consider that you have made valuable contributions to the team and agree that your request for a raise is justified。 Look at a complicated project as a challenge that will help you learn something。 Think of the benefits going to gym will give you。 (If nothing else, think of a special treat you can indulge in once you have done your gym session。) Learn to be optimistic and good things will follow。 On the other hand, if things didn’t go as expected, then always remember: When one door closes, another will open。 The lost opportunity may not be for you but you are up for something much better。

6 . A man, a woman and a child are telling the tree their troubles

7 . Abraham Lincoln said, “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses。”

8 . 年过半百,一如初见,爱情的保质期——永远。

9 . 一日,商人得了重病,他自知将不久于人世。当他回顾自己奢华的一生,不禁心中怅然:“现在我虽然有四个老婆相伴,但死后却要孤零零一人。多啊!”

10 . 不论你的生活如何卑贱,你要面对它生活,不要躲避它,更别用恶言咒骂它。它不像你那样坏。你最富有的时候,倒是看似最穷。爱找缺点的人就是到天堂里也能找到缺点。你要爱你的生活,尽管它贫穷。甚至在一个济贫院里,你也还有愉快高兴光荣的时候。夕阳反射在济贫院的窗上,像身在富户人家窗上一样光亮;在那门前,积雪同在早春融化。我只看到,一个从容的人,在哪里也像在皇宫中一样,生活得心满意足而富有愉快的思想。城镇中的穷人,我看,倒往往是过着最独立不羁的生活。也许因为他们很伟大,所以受之无愧。大多数人以为他们是超然的,不靠城镇来支援他们;可是事实上他们是往往利用了不正当的手段来对付生活,他们是毫不超脱的,毋宁是不体面的。视贫穷如园中之花而像圣人一样耕植它吧!不要找新的花样,无论是新的朋友或新的衣服,来麻烦你自己。找旧的,回到那里去。万物不变,是我们在变。你的衣服可以卖掉,但要保留你的思想。


1 . 生命不是你活了多少日子,而是你记住了多少日子。——许渊冲《朗读者》

2 . 人生,缘始于“遇见”,情长于“陪伴”。陪伴是温暖人心的力量;陪伴是最长情的告白;陪伴,是我能给你最好的礼物。一篇好文,一个好故事,一次真诚的分享。朗读,也是一种陪伴。不喧哗,自有声。

3 . There are always some miseries you will meet in your whole and strike you when you are unprepared, but we don&#;t need to worry day after day for the arrival of this day, and feel sorry to yourself

4 . 。总是保持积极的心态

5 . One morning,a young monk gets up to clean up the courtyard and sees the fallen leaves from the ancient banyan are everywhere,he can&#;t help worrying and look at the tree to sigh

6 . This is a very important factor。 Sometimes we are so stubborn about doing things on our own that we don&#;t ask others for help。 Generally speaking, doing things alone isn&#;t wrong, and, in fact, it&#;s even preferred to be independent。 However, there are really instances in our life that we need to ask others for help。 You shouldn&#;t regard it as being weak, and other people won&#;t think less of you if you do this。 We humans are communal individuals and we could achieve more in this world if we help one another。 So don&#;t hesitate to ask for help if you need it, and also lend a hand to others when they need you。

7 . 总有一段文字,影响生命的成长,总有一个人在生命中,留下抹不去的痕迹,朗读者一个人一段文。

8 . 在人们的日常生活中电脑越来越受欢迎,电脑的利弊英语。每家每户拥有电脑的数量要比电视机多。有些人觉得电脑真的很棒,所以他们都把他当作是上天赐予他们的礼物。然而,有些人则认为它所带来的弊端要比好处多。在我看来,这两个观点是正确的,但如果我们能够恰当地使用电脑,它的优点是会比缺点多的。理由有几点。

9 . 模仿录音法学习语言,模仿是关键,所以在背之前要先听。建议学生听原装正版的录音,最好是外籍教师的录音,这样才能够学到非常地道的发音。可要生先反复听课文录音,进行模仿跟读,然后将完整的模仿朗读录入录音机,再回放自己的录音,对不满意的地方重点模仿,然后再尝试背诵。这一方法虽比较枯燥,但非常有效。

10 . The first thing you need to keep in mind is that you are in control of your life。


1 . As human beings, we think that we have all the time in the world to do the things we want and need to do。 This is the reason we love procrastinating。 We are always thinking that we have tomorrow to spare and we can just push to do things to another day。 But what if you don’t have tomorrow?

2 . To begin with, excessive use of the Internet to learn information may become an addiction in the long run Some experts say that the Internet is as addictive as alcohol, and neither is easy to go away With the help of the e-learning, more information is made available more quickly, of course But it is also true that sitting long hours in front of a computer screen, surfing for answers in an ocean of digital information, only to be drowned therein In terms of speed learning, the Internet may symbolize a giant step ahead on the information superhighway leading to anywhere In this sense, teenagers obssessed with the Internet are not very unlike getting trouble physically with drunk driving

3 . 你应该培养一种积极的心态,因为当你遇到挑战的时候这会一直对你有用。有了这种心态,不管情况有多困难你都能够继续生活。你应该经常找到开心的理由,这会给你继续前行提供能量,直到你达到目的地。

4 . Start your day with a positive mind。 Not all tasks that you have listed are easy。 This may include talking to your boss about a raise, tackling a complicated project — or even just going to the gym。 You may start thinking that your boss will say ‘No’ or about all the obstacles you are going to face on the project。 You might think going to the gym is too tiring and better not do it。

5 . “你看我,”树说,“我的树枝上有知更鸟,树干中有猫头鹰,苔藓和瓢虫生长在我的树皮中。他们可能带走我所拥有的`,但带不走我自己。”

6 .  

7 . The man said “I can’t change”

8 . Our rd wife is our possessions, status and wealth When we die, they all go to others

9 . 某种意义上说,世间一切,都是遇见。冷遇见暖,就有了雨;冬遇见春,有了岁月;天遇见地,有了永恒;人遇见人,有了生命。

10 . The young disciple is full of doubt and tells him:"Master, you persuades us to be diligent to cultivate our moral character and grasp the truth day and night,but, even I learn them well ,it is hard to avoid to dieTill that ,so-called me, so-called Dao, aren&#;t they just like the defoliation in autumn or the deadwood in winter? and they will be buried by a heap of loess?"


1 . 加强默写,强化训练正所谓“眼过千遍不如手抄一遍”。采取默写的手段可有效地巩固已经背诵了的课文和知识,而且对加深记忆大有好处。因为文字本身就是一种图形和符号,经常默写可帮助我们促进右脑的开发。如果能切实做到循序渐进,长期进行默写训练,那么一定会有助于背诵的质量和效果。

2 . Thus, he asked the th wife, “I loved you most, and owed you with the finest clothing and showered great care over you Now that I’m dying, will you follow me and keep me company?” “No way!” replied the th wife and she walked away without another word

3 . “How can I do what you say,” asked the child, “and still be me?”

4 . The answer cut like a sharp knife right into the merchant’s heart The sad merchant then asked the rd wife, “I have loved you so much for all my life Now that I’m dying, will you follow me and keep me company?” “No!” replied the rd wife “Life is so good over here! I’m going to remarry when you die!” The merchant’s heart sank and turned cold

5 . Only you can decide whether or not it is going to be a productive day。

6 . 二老婆则代表了我们的家人与朋友。我们活着的`时候,无论他们与我们多么亲近,他们最多也只能到墓前送我们最后一程。

7 . Stop obsessing and start completing。 Don’t let the inner perfectionist monster get the better of you。 Work that is completed and pushed out on time is better than work that is perfect, but late。

8 . 他再转向二老婆,问道:“我常常求助于你,你也总能为我排忧解难。现在我想再请你帮一次忙。我死后,你愿意随我而去,与我相伴吗?”“很抱歉,这一次我帮不了你,”她说,“我最多只能让你入土为安。”这句话犹如晴天霹雳,商人彻底绝望了。

9 . The st wife is in fact our soul, often neglected in our pursuit of material, wealth and sensual pleasure

10 . “蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜;所谓伊人,在水一方”是撩动人心的遇见


1 . “Look at me,” said the tree, “I change every season from green to brown to green again, from bud to flower to fallen leaf Yet I always remain myself, a tree”

2 . “你看我,”树说,“每个季节,我都会由青葱,变得枯黄,再回到青葱,从发芽到开花再到叶落。到现在,我仍然是我自己,仍旧是一棵树。”

3 . The th wife is our body No matter how much time and effort we lavish in making it look good, it’ll leave us when we die

4 . ----------------------------------

5 . 至于大老婆,她是一位忠诚的,替他照料生意打理务,忙里忙外,可谓劳苦功高。然而,尽管她爱得这么深,商人却偏不钟于她,甚至没把她放在心上。

6 . Mr。 Altshuler was right。 Time flies, and sometimes it flies so fast without you realizing it。 What you need to remember is that everything in your life is dictated by the choices you make。 So, begin each day by reminding yourself that you are in control and you decide what happens today。

7 . “I can’t love any more,” said the woman, “With my love, I have given away all that I am”

8 . 礼物,多美好的一个词,仰望星空,地球是宇宙给人类的礼物,低头凝望,一花一叶,是大自然给世界的礼物,孩子是给父母的礼物,朋友是陪伴的礼物,回忆是时间的礼物。

9 . As long as the view is in the heart,aren&#;t the paths full of fragrance of flowers everywhere?

10 . There was a rich merchant who had wives He d the th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to delicacies He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best




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