
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-08 18:49:39


1 . —Where was your brother at this time last night?—He was writing an e-mail ___I was watching TV at home

2 . 没有哪种教育能及得上逆境。

3 . 早安,午安,晚安,同事,朋友,亲友,时时刻刻的问候,日复一日的牵挂,愿好人一生平安!

4 . A 不填 B whom C whose D who

5 . ( Excuse me, sir Could you tell me ?

6 . 学在苦中求,勤中练;不怕学问浅,怕志短。

7 . 早晨,清冷的氛围如牛乳般新颖,冉起的太阳如胡想般但愿。天明,亮起的不只是阳光,还要有你的好意情哦,晨安!

8 . 一朝习惯,万事易办。

9 . Aas soon as Bafter Cuntil Dwhile

10 . B when was Albert Einstein born C what they will do with the computers D how often they go to movies


1 . ---Tommy, do you know if Frank___to the theatre with us this Sunday if it ___?---Sorry, I have no idea

2 . ( He didn’t tell me ____

3 . 不耻下问,博学弘文,持之以恒,以礼待人。

4 . *Have you finished your homework? ( I want to know… I want to know if you have finished your homework

5 . The girl ____ I just talked with is Ben’s sister A whom B which C she

6 . Which is the way to the nearest shop?/ What’s wrong with you?/ What’s up?/ What’s the matter?

7 . ( The boy didn’t stop talking ____the second bell rang Awhen B until C after D because

8 . 予友人诚心,给己真心,生活便可安心;予仇人宽心,给己静心,做事便可放心;予爱人专心,给己恒心,爱情生活便可甜蜜清心。早安,朋友!

9 . 态度决定一切,习惯成就未来。

10 . 感情有时候只是一个人的事情。和任何人无关。爱,或者不爱,只能自行了断。朋友们早上好!


1 . A where you buy it B where do you buy it C where you bought it D where did you buy it is

2 . 如: It’s going to rain I think ---I think it’s going to rain

3 . 只有你爬到山顶了,这座山才会支撑着你。

4 . 一年之计在于春,一天之计在于辰。愿你在早晨起床后心境好好,胃口棒棒,福运佳佳,笑口开开,早上好!

5 . 没有播种,何来收获。

6 . The children __________ climb the mountain if it __________________(不下雨

7 . 喜好一种声响,是和风吹落露水,赏识一幅景色,是明月装点星空;沉醉一种气味,是幽兰洋溢空谷;祝愿一位伴侣,是笑看短信的你。早上好!

8 . A.comes, comes B.will come, will come C will come, comes D comes, will come

9 . 飞机起飞的那一刻,我的心情很复杂。因为时刻向往着天空,因为有人告诉我,海的蓝色是因为天的映衬。

10 . Don’t cross the street __ the traffic lights are green A after B until C while D since


1 . A when will they visit B when they will visit C when did they visit D when they visited

2 . A moment, please I’m checking if Mr Smith__free tomorrow Ais Bbeing Cto be Dwill be

3 . 莫放松点,莫轻视微。

4 . Have you found the book _______she often talks?

5 . 行胜于言,超越自我,知识启迪智慧。

6 . 再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。

7 . .I don&#;t know _________ .Can you tell me,please? A.how the two players are old

8 . 树立目标,坚定信念,脚踏实地,超越自我。

9 . 睁开你的眼,我用温馨送你声早安;抬起你的头,我用快乐与你握个手;穿上你的衣,我用祝福伴你赢胜利。早晨快乐!

10 . 二宾语从句


1 . AIf she comes BIf she will come CIf she doesn’t come DIf she didn’t come

2 . --Not yet I’ll search some on the Internet A which B who C what D whom

3 . 在小学的第一个星期,肯定会煞有介事地把一个假期的时间都安排好,然后一成不变地去实施。但是到了初中,却不再这样做,心里只想着:“顺其自然吧,计划没有变化快。”所以不再认认真真去计划。或许是变懒了,亦或是消极了。不论之前多么紧张,只要一放松下来,就什么都不顾了。真不明白怎样回事。

4 . 十年铸剑,只为炉火纯青;一朝出鞘,定当倚天长鸣。

5 . 朋友无需提起却日夜牵挂,知己无需挂齿却心领神会,交往积攒了彼此的默契,时光见证了友谊的光辉,不需每一次的点缀,却要把真挚的心意送达!

6 . 团结四班,豪情满天,众志成城,超越自我!

7 . Can you tell me how I can make a kite?可以说成 Can you tell me how to make a kite?

8 . AI can keep Bcan I borrow CI can borrow D can I keep

9 . 宾语从句___________。在_________________________________等动词所跟的宾语中,如果从句谓语是否定的,一般要将否定词not转移至主句谓语上去,而将从句谓语改为肯定形式。如:I don’t think he has time to play with the girl

10 . 其实人生就是在不断的妥协权衡和放弃当中,来追求最大化的幸福。早安!


1 . A will happen B happen C are happened D happened

2 . 数学作业也一天比一天难,上课的速度也不断的在加快,第一道题还没弄懂,老师就开始讲第二题了,第二题还没反应过来,第三题就快讲完了。而且,只要一说讲快了,老师就会说:哎呀~我也没办法啊,谁让你们有些同学的基础差,我这些题就是讲给学习好的听。每一天只好在下课拿着书到处问题,还不敢问老师,怕被说成上课没听讲。初三,到底是身体重要,还是学业重要?

3 . There is nothing in the world ______can frighten him We visited a factory _______makes toys for children

4 . They are ___interesting books __ I want to read them once moreAso that Bsuch…that Ctoo…to Dso…that

5 . 厚德载物,自强不息,努力学习,勇夺第一。

6 . This is the village _________________we visited last week

7 . A whom is she looking after B whom she is looking C.whom is she looking D.whom she is looking after

8 . 不骄不馁,迈向成功,脚踏实地,早日圆梦。

9 . 奋发向上,居安思危,立志立信,宁败毋欺。

10 . When the job______, let me know A do B done C is done D finished


1 . There were _______many people ____I couldn’t find where she is Aso;that Bso;as Csuch;that Das;that

2 . ***几个特殊的特殊疑问句

3 . 她们在说些什么?

4 . 保定宗旨,砥砺德行,远见卓识,创造辉煌。

5 . ( --Could you tell me____?--Sorry, I don’t know I was not at the meeting A what does he say at the meeting B what did he say at the meeting C what he says at the meeting D what he said at the meeting

6 . A where I can buy B where can I buy C when can I buy D when I can buy

7 . ( His brother has worked there ________ he left schoo Awhen B after C since D until

8 . 比别人多一点执着,你就会创造奇迹。

9 . ( Your T-shirt is so cool Could you tell me ________?

10 . ( I&#;m one of the boys ______never late for school A that is B who are C who am D who is


1 . 文学来自勤奋,高分源自拼搏。

2 . ( Please tell me____A what is wrong with the boy B what is the boy wrong C what wrong the boy is

3 . ( --Have you been to the Sports Center___ is just opened in town? - -No, no yet

4 . -That boy who _____(run fastest is from our class

5 . 只会幻想而不行动的人,永远也体会不到收获果实时的喜悦。

6 . 早上好!感谢你陪我走过每一个日子,愿有我的日子你每天都精彩,每步都平安,每刻都快乐,每分都如意,每秒都幸福。

7 . 立志欲坚不欲锐,成功在久不在速。

8 . A where Kate is studying B how Kate studies C why Kate was studying D when Kate studied

9 . The trees which _____ (be watered yesterday belong to them The man who ____ over there is our teacher(stand Those boys who ____ playing the guitar are from our school (be

10 . ( -- Could you tell me___ yesterday?-- About two hours A How long it takes to fly to Guilin B How long it took to fly to Guilin CHow long does it take to fly to Guiln D How long did it take to fly to Guilin




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