
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-06 14:14:27


1 . I’ll tell her the good news when he _____ back Acame Bcomes Ccome

2 . 近些年,父母要求他们的孩子接受额外的教育呈增长的势头。

3 . No matter how far apart we are, my thought always find their way back to you Missing you无论我们相距多么遥远,我的思念总在你的身边。想你!

4 . ___it’s difficult to make her dream come ture, she never gives up AThough BUnless CBecause DIf

5 . 事业就像拼图,各个图片相互合作才能拼出美好的图画,缺少一片就是不完整的画面。您对我而言就是最重要的那一片,春节快乐,合作愉快!

6 . Two years has passed, but Chinese people still remember those exciting days ____ they spent during the Beijing Olympic Games A that B who C when

7 . lets take cars for example they not only pollute the air in cities, but make them crowded furthermore, they are responsible for a lot of traffic accidents the noise made by cars disturbs the residents living on both sides of streets all day and night

8 . 爆竹声中辞旧岁,欢乐声中迎新年,团团圆圆结成伴,欢欢喜喜来拜年:团团带给你好运连连,一生平安;圆圆带给你好事圆圆,幸福美满!祝新春快乐!时间记录着你的脚步,业绩肯定了你的努力。所有的骄傲和成功都是留在过去的一年里,新的一年即将开始,让我们在新的起跑线上再次拼搏,愿你能拥有更辉煌的明天。春节快乐,新年再创辉煌,前景无限!

9 . )I was watching TV ____ you called me last night Awhen Bwhile Cuntil Dafter

10 . ( She will hate him when she _more about him AknowsB know Cwill know Dis going to know


1 . )I will never forget the day __________ I joined the army

2 . ( Is that book ____ he borrowed on Friday? A that B which C who D the one

3 . 从上面我所提到的,我们可以清楚地看到,电视暴力对青少年的影响是极其深远的。

4 . 以前对中国离婚率升高的解释是完全站不住脚的。事实是许多婚姻仅仅建立在便利的基础上,而且妻子不再愿意接受丈夫作威作福的态度。

5 . )Father was watching TV ________ Mum was washing dishes Abefore B while Cafter Duntil

6 . Does she want to go to a movie?

7 . The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover 世界对着它的一爱一人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。

8 . there are two reasons for the improvement in peoples living conditions in the first place, we have been carrying out the reform and opening-up policy secondly, there has been a rapid expansion of our national economy furthermore, the birth rate has been put under control

9 . 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论:自行车的优点远大于缺点,并且在现代社会它仍将发挥重要作用。

10 . We won’t start the meeting ___our teacher arrives Athough Buntil Cwhile Dor


1 . He studied English ten years ago I know I know he studied English ten years ago

2 . She asked me if I knew__ A whose pen is it B whose pen it was C whose pen it is D whose pen was it Miss Li wants to know _____________next week A when my uncle leaves

3 . 春节吉祥潮,红火灯笼飘,美满春联绕,祥瑞鞭炮响,团圆美酒倒,和谐举杯庆,家和万事兴,国强民欢笑。祝你春节愉快,合家幸福,春节新收获。

4 . The reason why we ha一ve to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us 我们必须种树的原因是它们能供一应我们新鲜的空气。

5 . ---Could you tell me when Mr Li___in Huanggang?---Sure When he ___, I’ll call you

6 . 一)条件状语从句:引导词为:if, unless。

7 . Meteorologists offer computer models leaving little doubt that this years El Nino phenomenon has disappeared

8 . B which way can I choose C how do I deal with my English D what’s wrong with my English

9 . A where Kate is studying B how Kate studies C why Kate was studying D when Kate studied

10 . It&#;s …


1 . However, this idea is now being questioned by more and more experts, who point out that it is unhealthy for children who always stay with their parents at home

2 . 祝福你春节快乐,万事如意!且希望我所寄予您的祝福,是最新鲜,最令你百读不厌的!

3 . -That boy who _____(run fastest is from our class

4 . 主句_______________, 从句______________

5 . 这几个特殊疑问句本身就是陈述语序,在宾语从句中不需调整语序。

6 . What&#;s your/ his /her phone number?

7 . 第二,从心理上讲,大部分孩子似乎对额外的学习没有什么好感。

8 . 如I don’t know what I can do可以说成 I don’t know what to do

9 . from what i have mentioned above, we can see clearly that violence on tv has great influence on youngsters behavior

10 . ( I can’t understand ___the boy alone at home


1 . In the second place, from psychological aspect, the majority of children seem to tend to have an unfavorable attitude toward additional educational activities

2 . A large number of people tend to live under the illusion that they had completed their education when they finished their schooling Obviously, they seem to fail to take into account the basic fact that a persons education is a most important aspect of his life

3 . ( -- Could you tell me ____?-- She is a student in Eton School

4 . B when was Albert Einstein born C what they will do with the computers D how often they go to movies

5 . 而且,由于要额外地学习,孩子们没有多少时间和同龄的孩子玩耍和交流,很难培养他们的个性和交际能力。他们可能变得孤僻甚至产生某些心理疾病。

6 . --Could you ask him if he __to my birthday party next Sunday? –I will, if I __ him this afternoon

7 . 我们虽不常拥有新的一年,但却常拥有新的一天,在新的一年与新的一天共同来临之际,祝你在新的一年新气象,新的一天新收获,新年快乐。

8 . Is this/ that/it your/ his/ her pencil?

9 . 宾语从句___________。在_________________________________等动词所跟的宾语中,如果从句谓语是否定的,一般要将否定词not转移至主句谓语上去,而将从句谓语改为肯定形式。如:I don’t think he has time to play with the girl

10 . Hurry up,___you will miss the early train A or Band Cif Dunless


1 . _______________________if he comes (给我打电话)

2 . AI can keep Bcan I borrow CI can borrow D can I keep

3 . He was the first person _______passed the exam

4 . --Not yet I’ll search some on the Internet A which B who C what D whom

5 . 四)结果状语从句:由so… that…/such…that/so that引导的从句(so后接形副原级)

6 . The girl ____ I just talked with is Ben’s sister A whom B which C she

7 . 新春天气预报:傍晚下人民币,西北方有支票,局部有金块,半夜有零星美元转欧元,请带好钢盔,备好麻袋,准备发财!祝您春节提钱快乐!

8 . 如: It’s going to rain I think ---I think it’s going to rain

9 . 使用自行车有助于人们的身体健康,并极大地缓解了交通阻塞。

10 . English is ________ a useful language ________ it is spoken in many countries of the world


1 . 根据最近的一项调查,越来越多的人表达了想从事另外的工作或加班以赚取更多的钱来补贴家用的强烈愿望。

2 . 如Where does she live? ( Do you know? ----Do you know where she lives?

3 . B what the spaceship looks like C how the spaceship looks ike D how does the spaceshipook like

4 . ( __I came into the office, the teacher were having a meetingAWhile B When C Once D Since

5 . A 不填 B whom C whose D who

6 . 尽管现代科学技术已经证明了这些方法是愚昧的,然而在许多偏僻的地方,仍有成千上万的人们在使用这些方法。

7 . 如:It’s going to rain I thought ---I thought it was going to rain

8 . Facts prove the unjustifiability of claims that China will be unable to feed itself by the year

9 . Does she /he have a/ an…?

10 . ( Miss green is the only person __ can help you with your English A she B whom C which D who


1 . A.comes, comes B.will come, will come C will come, comes D comes, will come

2 . Yes, he/she is No, he/ she isn&#;t

3 . ( –Do you know___the girl in red is? –I’m not sure Maybe a teacher A when B how C where D what

4 . 支持安乐死是一回事,为种族灭绝提供正当的理由是另一回事。

5 . Yes, I/ we/they do No, I/ we/ they don&#;t

6 . ( He wanted to know____the English party

7 . ( --What time will Mr Brown be back to China? -- Sorry I don’t know ___

8 . )Have you found the book ________I paid dollars?

9 . This phenomenon has caused wide public concern in many places of world

10 . 春风舞,长江摇;南海涌,黄河笑;饺子香,亲情绕;汤圆甜,蕴美好。虽说的春节还未到,看俺把这一切都准备好,向着亲爱的祖国,早早报个道,祝你国泰民安,政通人和,美好的明天步步高。




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