
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-28 08:25:48


1 . If I should see you,after long year How should I greet, with tears, with silence

2 . 如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。

3 . You may be out of my sight, but never out of my mind 你也许已走出我的视线,但从未走出我的思念。

4 . For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much 一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。

5 . 没有了你.这个世界多么寂寞。

6 . It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can’t be expressed with any choice of words想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。

7 . The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can&#;t have them

8 . Overwork does harm to health工作过度对健康有害。

9 . The morning sun never lasts a day好景不常;朝阳不能光照全日。

10 . Worry can be useful If you step off the curb in New York City and a taxi is coming, you’ve got to worry


1 . Yes, the past can hurt But I think you can either run from it or learn from it 对,过去是痛楚的,但我认为你要么可以逃避,要么可以向它学习。

2 . Everybody’s business is nobody’s business众人的事就是无人过问的事。

3 . 我们如海鸥之与波涛相遇似地,遇见了,走近了。海鸥飞去,波涛滚滚地流开,我们也分别了。

4 . 如果你爱一个人 ,你会了解她的一切,而不需要问她;如果你不爱一个人,即使她告诉你她的一切,你也还是会忘记的。

5 . 生活中总会有伤害你的人,所以你仍然需要继续相信别人,只是小心些而已。

6 . Everything must have a beginning凡事都有起源。

7 . 事实上,这个世界不符合所有人的梦想。只是有人可以学会遗忘,有人却坚持。

8 . 没有人值得你流泪,值得你这么做的人不会让你哭泣.

10 . 英语电影经典语句 我认为纸上谈兵没什么作用


1 . Although it rains, throw not away your watering pot纵然天下雨,休把水壶丢。

2 . Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。

3 . The end ,is only the beginning结束,只是另一个开始。

4 . I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

5 . Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get Forrest Gump 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。

6 . The fourth enemy within is worry We’ve all got to worry some Just don’t let conquer you Instead, let it alarm you

7 . I don’t know what to sayI’m just thinking of you a lot at this moment

8 . 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起的感觉.

9 . Love is photogenic It needs darkness to develop 爱情就象照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养。

10 . The third enemy inside is doubt Sure, there’s room for healthy skepticism You can’t believe everything


1 . 英语电影经典语句 我认为纸上谈兵没什么作用(

2 . But once you learn to avoid that situation, you won’t need to live in fear of it

3 . We are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear Maybe some of our fears are brought on by your own experiences, by what someone has told you, by what you’ve read in the papers

4 . Just because someone doesn&#;t love you the way you want them to, doesn&#;t mean they don&#;t love you with all they have

5 . I’ll just drift along” Here’s one problem with drifting: you can’t drift your way to the to of the mountain

6 . i love you not for who you are, but for who i am before you

7 . Destiny takes a hand命中注定。 Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。 All life is a game of luck 生活本来就全靠运气。

8 . And forever has no end 永永远远,永无止境。

9 . The fifth interior enemy is overcaution It is the timid approach to life Timidity is not a virtue; it’s an illness

10 . No amount of damage I don’t care, wiped away tears tell yourself prohibit to cry


1 . Success is a relative term It brings so many relatives成功是一个相关名词, 他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚 。

2 . 当我需要你时你永远在那里。

3 . 从一粒沙子看到一个世界,从一朵野花看到一个天堂。

4 . 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整天世界.

5 . No matter how cruel the destiny treats one with tribulation and misfortune, it will correspondingly treat him with happiness and sweetness Even if the happiness is short and false, it&#;s enough to light up the whole future life

6 . Let me tell you about five of the other enemies we face from within The first enemy that you’ve got to destroy before it destroys you is indifference

7 . 我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在这一刻,很想你。

8 . This is my kingdom If I don’t fight for it, who will这是我的国土,我不为她而战斗,谁为呢?

9 . To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world

10 . Nothing in the world 世界什么都没留下。




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