
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-17 05:05:45


1 . Never get too attached to anyone,

2 . Be strong, believe in what you feel。 堅定一些,要相信自己的感覺

3 . 深知你是梦,怎敢贸然去触碰

4 . I never go far。(我从未走远。)

5 . You can fake a smile, but you can&#;t fake your feelings

6 . 时间真是个伟大的东西啊,可以让命运颠沛流离。

7 . 你为我活我为你存生死相许的乱世情殇。

8 . How to express my sorrow clearly and how to feel empathy for lose

9 . 幸福是孤寂的灵魂遭遇爱的邂逅。

10 . Both happiness and sadness in our life would fade away with time


1 . How much I love you,how much jealousy is there

2 . Pale words who can see this person&#;s bitter

3 . East or west, home is best东好西好,还是家里最好。

4 . Fluffy cotton candy, who survive the sweet taste

5 . Clearly I have chosen to really let go, but you are back

6 . If you would be loved, love, and be loveable

7 . Since know, why so sensational

8 . I&#;ll tell you all about it when I see you again

9 . I didn&#;t cry because it is over, but suddenly learned to miss it

10 . I will be with you till the end 我会陪你走到最后


1 . 一些给我们上课,一些让我们痊愈,有的用来分担分享,有的用来真爱。

2 . 把疲劳的身心“解压缩”,让舒缓的感觉“存备份”,到美梦的天地里“浏览”,将祝福的短信息“点击”,愿您今夜“下载”愉悦睡眠!

3 . 快乐的日子,幸福的你。美妙的生活,温情的你。快乐幸福的日子里,希望与你分享。美妙激情的生活的里,有你的温情快乐无比!晚安!好梦!

4 . 一直忘了告诉你,我有多幸运,遇见的是你。

5 . I still remember you join me for days

6 . Is the wrong with deep feeling。(百无一用是深情)

7 . Life scenery, in fact, are the scenery of the soul, what can be missed, it is not missed his heart

8 . 想哭了,泪点点滴滴入心里,是因为想到爱你的委屈。想睡了,人恍恍惚惚飘入梦里,是因为梦里我们总甜蜜相依!

9 . Thinking too much of others makes you nothing in their eyes

10 . 用最少的悔恨面对过去,用最少的浪费面对现在,用最多的梦想面对未来。


1 . 我仍记得我和你一起呆过的日子。

2 . 感谢你逝去的恋情,因为更合适的人正在某处等你。

3 . 我能做的不多,但你需要的时候,我总是在的。

4 . When the sun knocks on your eyes, do you still remember the melancholy of this night? It&#;s exhaustion or shine It depends on whether you have the precise eye and see my short message glittering I wish you good dreams

5 . 我们没有必要费尽心思去让不想喜欢我们的人喜欢我们。

6 . 今夜,请你将“烦忧”移动,把“焦虑”删除,让“舒畅”重建,把“放松”存储,用“短信”安神,与“美梦”联通!

7 . God helps those who help themselves天助自助者。

8 . attachments lead to expectations and expectations lead to disappointments.

9 . 如果你想要被爱,就要去爱,并要让自己值得被爱。

10 . 如果一切都是戏。我们何必演的那么逼真。


1 . 爱,钱买不到它,却会狠狠的为它买单

2 . I only do a star in your world!

3 . That formerly how to pick, time flies straight forward

4 . 不分手的永远,我们一起手牵手走下去。

5 . 吃了睡,睡了吃;吃饱饱,睡好好;无忧无虑,无烦无恼,无事无非,无欲无求,祝福你和八戒兄弟俩,开心快乐,吃吃睡睡乐逍遥!

6 . Love, living things, is you let me know!

7 . Time is not cruelty Just for it we are too fragile

8 . 身体里有一种流动的平安,叫做血液,生命中有一种流动的平安,叫做时间,问候里有一种星光的灿烂,叫做晚安,亲爱的,祝你好人好梦,晚安!

9 . 跟自己说声对不起,因为曾经为了别人难为了自己。

10 . It&#;s late, don&#;t you sleep? May the moon, the moonlight on the window; the stars with you smile to sleep; gently blessing, give you sweet night Friend, good night!


1 . "Tiredness of body and mind", "let&#;s relax" and "Browse" and "click" in the world of dreams, click on "bless the short message", and wish you to download "pleasant sleep" tonight

2 . I&#;m not ungrateful people, I just never every reason for you

3 . If they cannot accept the worst you, also do not deserve the best you

4 . Can&#;t you looked at my eyes, just as I expect

5 . I do not bother you(我不会打扰你了)

6 . No true heart,no broken heart现在不掏心掏肺,是为了以后不撕心裂肺

7 . and with the most dream to face future

8 . I love you even if you fall in love with another of her

9 . 只有当人能够看自己的内心深处时,他的视野才会变得清晰起来。向外看的人是在梦中,向内看的人是清醒的人。晚安,朋友们,好梦。

10 . 你说,爱是唯一,我们那么幸运,我们矢志不渝


1 . 让我如何相信,这世界上还有一尘不染的爱情。

2 . Tell me you are mine I’ll be yours through all the years, till the end of time请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。

3 . 爱是恩慈。爱是恒久忍耐。爱是永无止息。

4 . Use your bedtime yoga to stretch your body and mind, relax your nerves with mellow milk, relax your brain with soft music, gather your carefree with your intimate messages: sleep well tonight and dream well!

5 . 喜欢你是真心话,告诉你是大冒险。

6 . 生命中无论快乐还是悲伤,终将随时光消失。

7 . I&#;ll send you some happiness I wish you to sleep peacefully and send you a relaxed moment I hope you can sleep peacefully, send you a text message, wish you a pleasant dream, and send you a word, good night, my friend

8 . 人穷方知钱可贵

9 . just don&#;t want to lose my smile left with pride

10 . Sorrow is hard enough, let alone hide sadness




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