
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-07 17:18:21


1 . 或许爱笑的人是在用最美的方式难受。

2 . 在爱情的事上如果考虑起自尊心来,那只能有一个原因:实际上你还是最爱自己。

3 . 祈祷天灾人祸,分給我只留給你香气。

4 . 你是治愈良药也是那极致痛苦。

5 . 我们的故事太短,短到我清楚的记得每一个细节。

6 . 执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。——柳永《雨霖铃》

7 . 嫁人就像买鞋,高跟鞋很优雅,平底鞋很轻松,运动鞋很舒适,拖鞋很窝心。但你总要挑选最衬你的那一个。

8 . , the difference between man and man is only in talent, but also in willpower Stupid person not afraid, as long as he is diligent, aspirant ambition, success sooner or later will be he picked The tortoise and the hare race are known to be too clever, sometimes clever, stupid is stupid and spirit, always produce miracles in ordinary people

9 . 我已熬过年少轻狂,姑娘你何时长发及腰?

10 . 望月忍寂夜未眠,落拓锁眉泪涟涟;


1 . 成熟的人不问过去,聪明的人不问现在,豁达的人不问未来。

2 . (一)假如我们不是天蝎座,一定比现在快乐许多;假如我们不是天蝎座,不会那么执着,爱情到来的时候不用倾尽所有的去付出,爱情走的时候也不会像死般痛过;假如我们不是天蝎座,朋友也会有很多,就不会像现在这么孤独。但,我愿意,我是天蝎座。

3 . 一庭离怨青襟泣,几多相思梦牵君。

4 . 有时很害怕死亡,但不愿意苟且偷生。

5 . 生活不能等别人来安排,要自已去争取和奋斗。

6 . 不努力拿什么向抛弃你的人证明,当初他有多瞎。

7 . , the life is impermanence, the heart is the place to return On the road of life, there are choices, abandonment, setbacks, responsibilities, success and failure Time filter the memory of the pain and displeasure, also precipitated joy and madness And these once beautiful memories, accompanied by my way, experienced the wind and rain of life

8 . 人生应该由一串串快乐的时光组成,不应当只为生存而生存。

9 . 淡荡秋光客路长,兰桡桂棹泛天香。月明圆峤人千里,风急轻帆燕一行。张煌言《舟次中秋》

10 . 再好的东西,还是会失去。再美的回忆,还是会淡。


1 . , do not know how the heart should be placed, do not know where the feelings should go, only know that the heart with the falling yellow leaves, quietly sigh Along with the wind blowing repeatedly, shaking the leaves more feel the heart of love, feeling desolate, falling forever silent

2 . 我把我的世界全部格式化了。

3 . 跟女朋友吵架能赢的,最后都单身了。

4 . 原来最孤单的是我还是那么想你。

5 . 相思相见知何日?此时此夜难为情。——李白《三五七言》

6 . 我本花心,可却被你栓紧了。

7 . , too much dependence is not what I think, and I want to learn to be independent and want to learn to rely on myself But I can&#;t do it, maybe because I&#;m not as strong as I can imagine I&#;m really not that strong As time passed, I had too much in my heart, and I wanted to learn to rely on myself to find that love on my own

8 . 一个人并不孤单,想一个人时才孤单。

9 . 答谢别人来过,以感情犯错。

10 . 我已经整整半年没称过体重了,因为我心里有数。


1 . 当初写在骨子里的承诺,都被时间轻易的改为,爱过。

2 . 我绝不是一个煽情的人,终究学不会甜言蜜语。

3 . 当初我就应该选择远离你,现在又何必得到这伤悲。

4 . 友谊要像爱情一样才温暖人心,爱情要像友谊一样才牢不可破。

5 . 这次我离开你,是风,是雨,是夜晚;你笑了笑,我摆一摆手,一条寂寞的路便展向两头了。——郑愁予《赋别》

6 . 对于你从来没有得到却感觉失去了几百遍。

7 . 千金纵买相如赋,脉脉此情谁诉。——辛弃疾《摸鱼儿》

8 . 思君如满月,夜夜减清辉。——张九龄

9 . 失败时有人伸出一只手来为你擦泪,会好过成功时无数人伸手为你鼓掌。

10 . 落寞凄寂人影瘦,孤灯残月尽思忧;


1 . 哪个女孩子年轻的时候没有爱过一两个混蛋,正常得很嘛。

2 . 没有什么真不能忘记,除非是你自己不想忘记也没有什么需要去忘记,除非是你真的想要逃避。

3 . , as long as there is a person&#;s place is not; as long as people have a mouth, there will be opinions and criticism Moreover, people who are too concerned about the ideas of others are not only unable to be happy, but also easy to lose their own characteristics and personality, but also have no way to develop their potential

4 . 我微笑,并不代表我一切都好。

5 . 直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。——李商隐《无题六首其三》

6 . , frustrated in life, remember you Happy days, the need for slow taste, painful days, as well as slowly chewing slowly swallowing slowly Happy, or pain, always have to finish every day, so, to bitter sour and sweet everyday, with the appreciation of the pen and ink to describe the picture of life

7 . 想要留,不留全是空。想见面,不能见才最痛。

8 . “转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠,不应有恨,何事长向别时圆?”

9 . 想想自己的错,会忘却别人的过。

10 . 人生若只如初见,何须感伤离别。


1 . 与其在意别人的背弃和不善,不如经营自己的尊严和美好。

2 . 花红易衰似郎意,水流无限似侬愁。——刘禹锡《竹枝词四首其二》

3 . 十轮霜影转庭梧,此夕羁人独向隅。未必素娥无怅恨,玉蟾清冷桂花孤。晏殊《中秋月》

4 . 少年你好少年再见眨眼七年少年你是谁。

5 . 挤不进的世界就别挤,何必为难了别人,作贱了自己。

6 . , master asked, "if you want to boil a pot of boiled water and make a fire until half a year, if you find it is not enough, what should you do?" The master said, why don&#;t you drop some of the water in the pot? The world can not be all the same

7 . 多情只有春庭月,犹为离人照落花。——张泌《寄人》

8 . 不想让你看到嘴角那颗没落下的泪。

9 . 老天在送你一个大礼物时,都会用重重困难做包装。

10 . 心中总要有一个底线是无论如何一定要坚强,实在坚持不下去了就伪装坚强。




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