
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-28 05:51:42


1 . 杜比耳机技术 technology for producing icecream with soybean

2 . automation 自动化

3 . ·FDD:软盘Floopy Disk Drive

4 . input 输入

5 . ·Scanner:扫描仪

6 . 那个消息留待以后再宣布。The venture was new

7 . minimum wage 最低工资

8 . collective agreement 工会代表工人与资方代表达成的协议

9 . ·Printer:打印机

10 . ·HUB:集线器


1 . ·UPS:不断电系统

2 . information technology

3 . 没有中间的规范来填补空白。Our findings filled the gap

4 . to code 编码

5 . 平凡是福。A common danger causes common action

6 . 外部排序 external sort

7 . adv 突然,唐突地;不足

8 . 离子的这种堆砌形成了普通食盐的立方形结晶。 Table salt is a finely milled, refined salt designed for use in cooking and at the table

9 . 我正怒气冲天。She is a girl of sweet temper

10 . 堆排序 heap sort


1 . analyst 分析员

2 . 增广路径 augmenting path

3 . The word computer is a general term applied to the entire "family" of computing devicesBasically,a computer is like a super calculator with a really big

4 . data 数据

5 . 主文件 master file

6 . ·CPU:中央处理器Central Processing Unit

7 . n 盐,食盐;

8 . been used to refer to anyone&#;s personal computer ---whether it&#;s the original IBM

9 . 爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。 Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere Friend is who can give youstrength at last

10 . 新的表演一定很吸引人。The new path was a thorny one


1 . 计算机英语-常见硬件和设备英文名说明

2 . ·CPU Fan:中央处理器的“散热器”(Fan

3 . pay slip 工资单

4 . control unit 控制部件,控制器

5 . Electronics,IDE接口装置泛指采用IDE接口的各种设备

6 . TFT:有源矩阵彩色显示器,简称TFT显示器,专用于笔记本电脑。TFT显示器具有刷新速度快色彩逼真亮度鲜明等优点。此外,它还具有无闪烁无辐射无静电等“绿色电脑”所必需的特点。

7 . working hours 工作时间

8 . 艺术运动-印象派-非正式的艺术-矫饰-极简-新印象派-新古典主义。new是什么意思:

9 . 新伤容易愈合The new show is certainly pulling in the crowds

10 . ·LAN:网卡(网卡正式用语应为Network Card


1 . call instruction 呼叫指令

2 . floppy disk 软磁盘

3 . 食盐在显微镜下看起来好象是无数小正方体。 The result of this stacking of ions is a cubical crystal of common table salt

4 . payroll 薪水册

5 . 双亲 parents

6 . 增广路径图 augmenting path graph

7 . 信息科技创新,特别是互联网的应用,不停地为我们提供新的信息渠道。information是什么意思:

8 . ·Pin:针脚,如ATA硬盘排线是Pin,如PC内存模块是Pin

9 . one of its kind

10 . 随小增量排序 diminishing increment sort


1 . 选择排序 selection sort

2 . RAM:Random Access Memory,随机存储器,即人们常说的“内存”。

3 . PC stands for personal computerThe IBM PC is the model for some million similar

4 . adj 短的,矮的,低的;短暂的,短期的;短缺的;缩写的;简慢无礼的;暴躁的

5 . channel 通道,信道

6 . Informed judgement

7 . digital computer 数字计算机

8 . impatient; short-tempered

9 . 【计】 最新式

10 . piecework wage 计件工资




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