
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-23 08:07:45


1 . LastSunday(Saturday,…,itwassunny(rainy,windy,foggy,

2 . adder 加法器

3 . 哈夫曼树 Huffman tree

4 . Itisveryimportanttotakecareofourenvironment

5 . ·fdisk:“规划硬盘扇区”-DOS指令之一

6 . 深度 depth

7 . Weshoulddomoreexercise

8 . hardware 硬件

9 . GN/ GNITE – Good night 晚安

10 . coder 编码员,编码器


1 . 千山万水,一帘烟雨,迷离了眼眸。

2 . ·KB:等于 Byte

3 . Jimgotupveryearly。

4 . Howcanwekeephealthy?

5 . 他那微微张开的嘴唇和没精打采的目光,显得又虚弱又疲惫。

6 . Hesaid:"Nothingserious"Andhetoldmetotakearestanddrinkmorewater。

7 . 基数排序 radix sort

8 . What is this thing everyone is keen on ?Is it a computer or is it a PC? What is a PC? What is a clone? What is a compatible These and other seemingly silly terms are all possible replacement words for computer So What is a computer? A computer is that thing on your desk that looks like a TV set illegally parked by a typewriter

9 . drum 磁鼓

10 . BothAandB…However,A…;ontheotherhand,B…


1 . 链表 linked list

2 . A…,ontheotherhand,/incontrast,/while/whereasB…

3 . 毕业是一首诗,一首永远不完整的无法完成的诗。这首带着冬天寒气的诗,不会让你记住我,我会永远用它记得你。

4 . ItcomesinJanuaryorFebruary

5 . character 字符

6 . Therearemanyfactorsthatmayaccountfor…,butthefollowingarethemosttypicalones

7 . InChinathemostimportantholidayistheSpringFestival。

8 . 过去了就是昨天,新的一页翻开还是晴朗的天。

9 . 独立江岸,衣单不觉寒,在晚风轻拂的霞光里,忧伤在江面上泛起粼粼波光。

10 . 增广路径 augmenting path


1 . 散列函数 hash funticion

2 . 是否你也会在人潮拥挤的街头,寻寻觅觅,期盼相见在夕阳斜斜的乌衣巷口。

3 . DuringtheSpringFestivalpeoplehavealotofinterestingthingstodo。

4 . Weshoulddomoreexercise。

5 . GFI – Go for it 加油,去做吧!

6 . Weshouldeatthefoodhealthily

7 . 皎洁的月光照在她那恬静的脸上。

8 . 指针域 pointer field

9 . Attheageofsix,hebegantoplaytabletennis。

10 . PC stands for personal computerThe IBM PC is the model for some million similar


1 . Because the term PC is strongly associated with IBM types of equipment,Macintosh owners like to disassociated themselves from itThey call their computers Macs even though Macintosh computers are just another type of Pc

2 . 一颗心,能藏多少秘密,想说的太多,却不知从何说起。

3 . HewasborninLondonin。

4 . ·CMOS:储存BIOS基本设置数据的记忆芯片Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor

5 . ·AUD:声卡(声卡正式用语应为Sound Card

6 . ·FSB:指“前端总线(Front Side Bus”频率,以MHz为单位

7 . ·Capture:影音采集卡

8 . frame 帧

9 . 波渺渺,柳依依。是谁,伫立开满蘋花的汀洲,望穿秋水,歌断离殇,离人犹未归。

10 . 气象台发布了西伯利亚来的寒流即将南下的消息。




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