
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-21 17:33:16


1 . 主语补语

2 . 只有出走又回家时,家才最感亲切。

3 . Now I feel tired

4 . 这两句话中单词teachers是名词,单词him是带词,它们在句中作宾语。

5 . )连接性状语:连接上下文(顺序,递进,转折,让步,结果,推论,比较)。Firstcomesspring,thensummer

6 . How many dictionaries do you have? I have five(数词)

7 . It is an interesting story(改为感叹句)

8 . To wear a flower is to say “I’m poor, I can’t buy a ring (不定式)

9 . (Thehappychild---went(hishomeyesterday

10 . Youdon’tfindopportunities…youmakethem


1 . He is a teacher (名词) Seventy-four! You don’t look it (代词) Five and five is ten (数词) He is asleep (形容词) His father is in (副词) The picture is on the wall ( 介词短语 My watch is gone / missing / lost (形容词化的分词)

2 . Did you write down what he said? (宾语从句

3 . (谓语动词必须反映出人称单复数时态等信息,谓语动词往往由下列词语依序排列构成:[情态动词]+[时态助动词]+[语态助动词]+[主要动词](不一定全部出现。(见动词的时态和语态构成表记住:谓语部分第一个动词往往是变形动词。如:

4 . 有的动词能够接双宾语,直接宾语指的是动词所涉及的物,间接宾语是指受益于动词所表示行为的人。

5 . If you study hard, you will pathe exam

6 . 这两句话讲的是“守株待兔”的起因,暗示了兔子撞死在树桩上是一种偶然的现象。“忽然”“不知怎么的”说明兔子的出现是偶然的,至于兔子撞树桩,连那个种田人自己也没有弄清是什么原因。

7 . Threeo’clockisalwaystoolateortooearlyforanythingyouwanttodo

8 . Youdon’talwayswantwhatyouneed,orneedwhatyouwant所需之物未必皆所欲,所欲未必皆所需。

9 . Time is up The class is over(副词)

10 . 主语+不及物动词:eg We work


1 . 英语句子(sentence=主语+谓语(核心:主动词)

2 . )修饰性状语:修饰动词,形容词,副词等(时间,地点,肯定,否定,程度,频度,方式,伴随,原因,目的,比较等)。

3 . ,属于独立成分。它的位置如: Sit down, Lucy(露西,坐下)

4 . 表语(predicative): 系动词之后的成分,表示主语的性质状态和特征。

5 . She works very hard though she is old(让步状语)

6 . Please make yourself at home 介词短语) Don’t let him do that (省to不定式)

7 . MissSmithteachesEnglishverywell(史密斯先生教英语非常好。)

8 . We found everything in the lab in good order(介词短语)

9 . Wearemadehappytoloveothers…wearemadelonelytoloveourselves(主补)

10 . 评述性状语:修饰整个句子,表示说话人的看法或态度。


1 . He studies hard to learn English well

2 . Most Saturday evenings there is a party, even at harvest time(简单句) These parties often make us very happy(简单句) We cook meat on an open fire outside(简单句) It&#;s great( 简单句)! Americans eat a lot of meat - too much in my opinion(简单句) Some of my friends drink beer(简单句) I don&#;t, because I have to drive home after the party(复合句) In your letter you asked about the time in different areas of the States(简单句) There are five different time areas in the States(简单句) In my state we are fourteen hours behind Beijing time(简单句) How many different time areas do you have in China(简单句)? Well, I must stop and get some sleep(简单句) Please give my best regards to your parents(简单句)

3 . Seeing is believing (动名词

4 . 表示因果关系,常用的连词有so, for, therefore等。eg August is the time of the year for rive harvest, so every day I work from dawn until dark

5 . 充当宾语形式:)名词)代词)名词短语)名词从句)数词)不定式)-ing形式

6 . 介词后的名词代词和动名词——介宾

7 . 构成形式:)名词)代词)形容词)数词)不定式)-ing形式)过去分词)介词短语)副词小品词)名词从句

8 . 又如:My mother bought a schoolbag to me(我妈妈买了一个书包给我。

9 . It is very clear that the elephant is round and tall like a tree

10 . She likes drawing and often draws pictures for the wall newspapers


1 . We belong to the third world (数词) He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson(形容词) The man over there is my old friend(副词 The woman with a baby in her arms is my sister (介词 The boys playing football are in Class (现在分词)

2 . 定语:对名词性形式进行范围限定。

3 . The meeting will be held in the meetingroom

4 . 据广州中心气象台资料显示:广州市……创年以来广州春节的最高气温。(《新民晚报》年月日)

5 . Toloveothersmakesushappy…toloveourselvesmakesuslonely(宾补)

6 . He is asleep (形容词

7 . 宾语种类:()双宾语(间接宾语+直接宾语),例如:Lend me your dictionary, please

8 . It sounds a good idea The sound sounds strange

9 . 你想做什么事,三点钟总是太早或太迟。

10 . 这两句话中分别由人称代词 him , 名词food 作宾语。


1 . 简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构成。如:He practices running every morning

2 . 定语,同位语修饰名词性形式

3 . 这两句话中单词red和tall都是形容词,它们作定语。

4 . His job is to teach English(不定式)

5 . Light travels most quickly(副词及副词性词组)

6 . 如:They were teachers(他们曾是老师。 He enjoys singing songs (他喜欢唱歌。) 这两句话分别由动词were (are 的过去式),enjoys singing (enjoy doing动词短语)作谓语。其中were 体现出句子的时态为过去时态,且主语的人称为第一人称,enjoys singing 体现出句子的时态为一般现在时,且主语的人称为第三人称。

7 . He called her name __________, but she didn&#;t answer

8 . (五)宾语:宾语表示动作的对象或承爱者,一般位于及物动词和介词后面。例如: They went to see an exhibition(展览)yesterday(名词)

9 . 状语:用来修饰v, adj, adv, or 句子。

10 . One-third of the students in this class are girls(数词)




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