
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-02 03:01:51


1 . 周末 weekend

2 . 地铁 subway

3 . homicide n杀人,杀人者

4 . art 艺术

5 . decide v决定,判决

6 . Though once quite large, the population of the bald eagle across North America has drastically declined in the past forty years

7 . 。翻译词组。

8 . 冬季 winter

9 . trait 特点

10 . 。或者是他,或者是我会得到比赛的特殊奖励。


1 . 三明治 sandwich

2 . 沙发 sofa

3 . character 性格

4 . 。这个小女孩害怕和任何人交朋友。

5 . 二十 twenty

6 . 。regretdoingsth

7 . 大学 university

8 . budget 预算

9 . discipline 纪律

10 . When she was lying in hospital, she regretted not following her mother’s advice


1 . I can’t remember the people and things that they argued about at that monent

2 . interaction 交际

3 . 背心 vest

4 . 人们的注意力更多地集中在人类本身,而对宗教的注意力减少了

5 . When the persuading and the planning for the western railroads had finally been completed, the really challenging task remained: the dangerous, sweaty, backbreaking, brawling business of actually building the lines

6 . 悉尼 Sydney

7 . troblemaker 捣乱者

8 . 电视不仅仅是一件电器;它是表达的手段和交流的载体并因此成为联系他人的有力工具。

9 . Before staring on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, study the sailing directions, and memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter

10 . 尽管他家人不让他这么做,但他坚持要去非洲研究野生动物。(insist on


1 . 小升初英语必背单词(字母T开头)

2 . 跷跷板 seesaw

3 . 科学家不知道恐龙为何绝种了,但是一些理论推断是地理,气候和海平面的变化造成的。

4 . convincesbtodosth说服某人做某事

5 . withtheaimof带有……的目的

6 . 受当代灌溉(技术设施之赐,农作物在原来只有仙人掌和荞属科植物才能生存的地方旺盛的生长。

7 . takeone’splace代替,取代;入座;就位

8 . 鱿鱼 squid

9 . During the eighteenth century, Little Turtle was chief of the Miami tribe whose territory became what is now Indiana and Ohio

10 . He wastes so much of his valuable time__________(聊天)on line


1 . 很;非常 so much

2 . 茄子 eggplant

3 . remedy/therapy 疗法

4 . 谨慎的航海员在出航前,会研究航向,记录的灯塔的位置,以便对各种可能出现的情况做到有备无患。

5 . domain 领域

6 . becontemporarywith与…属同时期

7 . 秋千 swing

8 . 对地球引力的研究表明,在不寻常的负荷之下地壳和地幔会发生位移。

9 . consumption 消费

10 . 那些 those




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