
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-10 22:06:48


1 . I need him like I need the air to breathe

2 . 相恨不如潮有信,相思始觉海非深。(白居易《浪淘沙》

3 . I hope the inflection point of the epidemic situation will appear as soon as possible! Hope there are no more cases! I hope that all the people will wear masks according to the requirements, not party, not visit! Thanks to all the people who are working hard to prevent and control the epidemic situation! May everything be well! May everything be safe! May the virus be defeated as soon as possible! Hope to recover soon!

4 . 爱是一种无私的付出和牺牲,人活着就是为了快乐和幸福,你之所以爱她也是想让她快乐和幸福,而因为她快乐所以你快乐,因为她幸福所以你幸福。

5 . 独自泪流何时尽头!

6 . Whether it is night or season, it will not last forever When cherry blossoms bloom, the winter will be over

7 . 小轩窗,正梳妆,相顾无言,惟有泪千行

8 . Thats the way it goes

9 . 绿杨芳草长亭路,年少抛人容易去。

10 . 美丽的谎言往往比暴力更伤人,肉体的伤可以痊愈,心里的伤却无药可治。Beautiful lies hurt you more often than violence, physical injury can recover, the in the mind of the wound is no cure。


1 . It beats me (不知道。

2 . I really want to go out and play I really hope that the epidemic will end soon and the source of virus infection will be controlled as soon as possible

3 . Pay tribute to the medical staff working in the front line, pay tribute to the staff from all walks of life who have paid for this disaster May the epidemic situation disappear as soon as possible China will be better in Come on, Wuhan

4 . 男人最喜欢买而又最无用的东西是笔记本电脑,女人最喜欢买而又最无用的东西是鞋子。Men like best buy and laptop is the most useless things, women like to buy the shoes and is the most useless thing。

5 . 有爱慰籍的人,无惧于任何事物,任何人。——法·彭沙尔

6 . 都道是金玉良缘,俺只念木石前盟。空对著,山中高士晶莹雪;终不忘,世外仙姝寂寞林。(曹雪芹《终身误》

7 . 心有灵犀一点通

8 . 身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。唐;李商隐〈无题〉

9 . 爱一个人,会想他,思念他,会把自己的一切全融入他之中,会把他当成是整个世界。Love a person, will want to him, miss him, would put their all into his will put him as the whole world。

10 . 滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆,开不完春柳春花满画楼。(曹雪芹《红豆词》


1 . Why are you doing it? (你为什么做这样的事呢?

2 . 不怨苍天不怨谁,人生不过梦一回!

3 . 相思尝尽半辈水苦。

4 . , peoples ideals and aspirations are often in direct proportion to his abilities

5 . 独守夜空遥望远方;

6 . , we are great because of our dreams All the winners are dreamers We dream of the future in the winter night, beside the fire, in the cloudy rain, in the fog Some people let the dream quietly extinction, some people are careful cultivation and maintenance, until it survive and usher in a bright light and hope and hope, and always comes to those who believe that the dream will be come true people

7 . The days flow quietly Whats better at home than at the front line What if you cant go out? Just pray that the game with virus will end soon! Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving for our life and health, should have a stable sun, moon and stars

8 . It’s difficult to know at what moment love begins; it is less difficult to know that it has begun

9 . in the way of your dreams and hope, every one of us should enjoy more comfortable and pleasant, comfortable mood and atmosphere to everyone around us, so that we are able to actively, the heart of thanksgiving to enjoy our life

10 . 爱情不是全民公决,看谁得的票多。两个人的爱情,最最核心的结构是:你爱他,他爱你。在此基础上得到社会认同,长辈祝福才有意义。否则,啦啦队跳得再漂亮,比赛都精彩不起来。连岳


1 . 意见和感情的相同,比之接触更能把两个人结合在一起;这样子,两个人尽管隔得很远,却也很接近。Opinions and feelings of the same, more than the contact of the two men together; This way, two people although far away, but is very close。

2 . 人如风後入江云,情似雨馀黏地絮。(周邦彦《玉楼春》

3 . 爱情之酒,两人喝是甘露!三人喝是酸醋!随便喝要中毒!

4 . 爱情,相信每个人都有对她独一无二的最好诠释。没有一个唯一正确的答案是通用于所有人的,所以从古至今此题无解。Love, I believe that everyone has a unique to her。 Not a single right answer is universal to all people, so it remained unsolved。

5 . Wash your hands frequently! Dont go out! Wish the motherland prosperity! the country is prosperous and the people are at peace! Defeat the virus as soon as possible! May we all go out of the house to breathe fresh air!

6 . Lets play another game (我们再玩另一个游戏吧。

7 . , how far can life go, see who walks with; how great achievements, see who pointing

8 . 缘浅缘深缘由天。

9 . I have no other choice but to do so

10 . 春来发几枝


1 . 爱别人,也被别人爱,这就是一切,这就是宇宙的法则。为了爱,我们才存在。

2 . The ideal is within ourselves, and at the same time, the obstacles that prevent us from achieving our ideals are within ourselves

3 . Take advantage of this period of time, dont run around, read books at home and keep fit When the epidemic is over, let the whole world welcome you from the inside to the outside, and you also welcome the new life with the best posture!

4 . I fold (我不玩了。

5 . 没有哪种爱情,需要你放弃尊严作践自己,要你去受罪吃苦。爱情或许会让你不知所措,会让你嫉妒生气,会让你伤心流泪。但它最终是温暖的,能给你愉悦,能给你安全感。如果不是这样,那要么爱错人,要么用错方法。与其受罪,还不如单身。没有你想要的拥抱,那就先学会一个人坚强吧。

6 . 见多情易厌,见少情易变。

7 . each gave up the dream of youth, have for the pursuit of dreams and shed the last drop of sweat

8 . your dream is not what you find in your sleep but what makes you not sleep

9 . Pay tribute to those who are against the epidemic situation May you come back safely when the flowers bloom in spring! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

10 . 以真诚为圆心,心意为半径,画出友情的圆;以缘份为圆心,浪漫为半径,画出爱情的圆;以关怀为圆心,惦挂为半径,画出团圆的圆;中秋节至,愿你快乐!


1 . 春山烟欲收,天淡星稀小。

2 . 寒蝉凄切,对长亭晚,骤雨初歇。都门帐饮无

3 . 醒何处?杨柳岸晓风残月。此去经年,应是良辰

4 . 我知道这世上有人在等我,但我不知道我在等谁,为了这个,我每天都非常快乐。

5 . 男人和女人在车里吵架生气,如果是女人开车她会猛踩刹车,如果是男人开车他会猛踩油门。A man and a woman angry quarrel in the car, if she is a woman driving slammed on the brake, if he is a man driving accelerator pedal。

6 . only when you put all the unimportant things down, will you go all out to pursue your dream!

7 . 生当复来归,死当长相思。(苏武《结发为夫妻》

8 . 执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。(柳永《雨霖铃》

9 . Thousands of prevention, the first mask Health first, dont eat game

10 . 人若多情,憔悴,憔悴……


1 . 几次细思量,情愿相思苦。胡适〈生查子〉

2 . , the business can control efforts and investment, but can not control the results When life is proud, find a way out, frustrated when there is retreat, BMW has a spare tire, your life?

3 . 爱情不是两个人眼睛对视,而是两个人的眼光看着同一个方向投视。

4 . 水说:“我感受到你的心跳,因为你在我的心里。”

5 . 不知魂已断,空有梦相随。除却天边月,没人知。(韦庄《女冠子二首其一》

6 . 爱情是生命长河中不断绽开的美丽的浪花,但长河不能因欣赏美丽的浪花而回流不前。Love is constantly bursting in the long river of life the beauty of the waves, but the river can&#;t return back due to appreciate the beauty of the waves。

7 . 爱情里,当两人都向外挑剔对方的不足,注意力都放在对方如何不对的时候,心中就只有怨气甚至是恨。之后,要么相互抱怨和指责,要么隐忍,实在承受不了时,就想到了分手。人一旦开始向内寻找,就会发现问题不只是对方的,自己不能够接纳真实的对方才是问题的根本。

8 . Snow scenery is beautiful, but in order to fight the epidemic in an all-round way, we still need to go out less and not gather together! When the spring is warm and the epidemic is over, lets have a look at the beautiful world!

9 . 瘦影自怜秋水照,卿须怜我我怜卿。(冯小青《怨》

10 . 夜月一帘幽梦,春风十里柔情。(秦观《八六子》


1 . 男人希望女友经历越少越好;女人却希望男友经历越多越好。Men want girlfriend experience as little as possible; Woman but hope boyfriend experience more many more good。

2 . I have no idea

3 . We must win the battle of epidemic disease! If one side is in trouble, support from all sides! We believe that when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, China will still be prosperous We believe that the hardworking and strong Wuhan people can create miracles, and the people of the whole country stand with you and wait for cherry blossom! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

4 . every morning, two simple decisions: turn off the alarm clock, go to sleep or get up and chase your dreams

5 . everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason if the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are

6 . The epidemic has been spreading for so many days I wish the motherland, refuel for the motherland, and refuel for Wuhan! I hope that our Chinese people will no longer be affected by the virus, put into work as soon as possible, and build a more prosperous motherland!

7 . 盼有长聚日,携手看天荒

8 . 花开堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝!

9 . 关关雎鸠,在河之洲

10 . 放弃一个很爱你的人,并不痛苦。放弃一个你很爱的人,那才痛苦。爱上一个不爱你的人,那是更痛苦。Give up a love you of person, not pain。 Give up a person who you love, that pain。 Fall in love with a do not love you, it is more painful。




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