
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-02-10 20:02:01


1 . Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas

2 . Until recently the supply of wild oysters and those crudely farmed were more than enough to satisfy people’s needs But today the delectable seafood is no longer available in abundance The problem has become so serious that some oyster beds have vanished entirely

3 . With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Christmas season Hope thingsare going all right with you

4 . A new book is like a boat steering people from a narrow stream to a vast ocean of lifeMay you brave the wind and waves in the sea of knowledge一本新书像一艘船,带领着我们从狭隘的地方,驶向生活的无限广阔的海洋,愿你能在知识的海洋中乘风破浪。

5 . The problem of international tourism has caused wide public concern over the recent years

6 . "如果"和"到那时"疑惑地看着他。男人继续说从现在开始,数一下你们用了多少次?如果和?到那时这两个词语。你们不要总是思考?如果怎样怎样到那时怎样怎样而是应该着手去做,采取行动,请不要再谈论如果和到那时。"

7 . 他们进一步成功地培养出了新的品种,可以抵抗疾病长得更快更大并且在不同的盐度和温度的水中都能茁壮生长。此外,这些培殖出的牡蛎口感更佳!

8 . "如果"看了看"到那时"答道"我也不知道怎么了,只是觉得自己没什么进步。上个星期我发现一个很好的课程,如果有时间的话,我就去学。"

9 . be known as 以知名;被认为是

10 . 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论,寄宿学校和日制学校对我们社会培养年轻学生都是重要的。


1 . in ones minds eye 在心目中, 在想象中

2 . But what these people fail to see is that international tourism may bring about a disastrous impact on our environment and local history

3 . IF responded,"If my computer didnt break down last week, I would have applied But, mycomputer is not working, so I could not type my resume"

4 . "Imsorry, but I couldnt help hearing your conversation I think I know how you could solve yourproblems"

5 . research on/into 对的研究,调查 resistance to 对的抵抗,阻力

6 . pull up 拔出;拔掉;使车停住;停车

7 . It was New Years night An aged man was standing at awindow He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky,where the stars were floating like white lilies on the surface of aclear calm lake When he cast them on the earth where fewmore hopeless people than himself now moved towards theircertain goal-the tomb He had already passed sixty of the stagesleading to it, and he had brought from his journey nothing but errors and remorse Now his healthwas poor, his mind vacant, his heart sorrowful, and his old age short of comforts

8 . An important new industry, oil refining, grew after the Civil war Crude oil, or petroleum – a dark, thick ooze from the earth – had been known for hundreds of years, but little use had ever been made of it In the ’s Samuel M Kier, a manufacturer in western Pennsylvania, began collecting the oil from local seepages and refining it into kerosene Refining, like smelting, is a process of removing impurities from a raw material

9 . Wishing you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long

10 . Love is a kind of icing on the cake of life, true love is a distillation of the precipitate after Forever love because henme are emotional, it is doomed to love is not a harm, nor is it an incomplete Whether because of their love and love, that is another matter


1 . As for me, Im in favor of the opinion that education is not complete with graduation, for the following reasons:

2 . 美丽的圣诞节之际,谨致我的思念与祝福。

3 . However, it seems once a couple has been together for around seven months they decide they really do love each other and start to let go。 然而,似乎两人在一起到了七个月左右时,他们就会觉得彼此的感情已经稳定,便开始放任自流。

4 . 我对解决这个问题的建议如下:首先,迫在眉睫的是建立自然保护区。其次,有些濒临灭绝的珍稀野生动物应该收捕人工喂养并繁殖。最后,对于捕猎珍稀野生动物的人必须严惩。

5 . A happy New Year to you祝节日快乐,新年幸福。

6 . reputation for 名声,名气 request for sth 要求

7 . 愿你度过最美好的圣诞节!

8 . although modern science and technology have proved that such methods are absurd, there are still millions of people use such methods in many remote places nowadays

9 . sothat 如此以致

10 . wind up 上紧(钟表)发条;使紧张;兴奋;结束


1 . exposeto使暴露于, 使受

2 . 他们失败了,但他们顽强地坚持了下来。终于,在世纪年代,一个重要的突破性的进展产生了。海洋生物学家发现,升高水温能够诱导牡蛎不仅在夏季也在秋季冬季和春季里产卵。后来他们发展了一项技术来喂养幼贝至其长成贝苗。

3 . adapt to 适应

4 . When we come in the human world will never be destined to face human interaction, with the years of gradual but more and more mature

5 . call up 给…打电话;使人想起

6 . 爱是一种意识与情感,或许最初的爱意,原本没有过多的去计较是否有得有失。不可否认的是,爱之深处无论结局是什么,谁能否定这爱之情感的那份真切呢?

7 . drop to ones knees 跪下

8 . According to a survey of , adults, the seven-month point is when couples are most likely to think it acceptable to stop paying attention to details such as shaving regularly and keeping nails trimmed while also putting their bad habits on display。

9 . blow up 告吹;发脾气;(风雨)等发生

10 . 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论:尽管额外学习的确有很多优点,但它的缺点不可忽视,且远大于它的优点。因此,放学后强迫孩子额外学习是不明智的。


1 . As for me, Im firmly convinced that the number of foreign tourists should be limited, for the following reasons:

2 . such as 诸如,例如

3 . find expression in 表现

4 . Kerosene was used to light lamps It was a cheap substitute for whale oil, which was becoming harder to get Soon there was a large demand for kerosene People began to search for new supplies of petroleum

5 . Parents are not wrong in enforcing good study habits, but they must not do so at the expense of stifling normal child development

6 . 当前在高校和研究机构对教育存在着大量争论,其中一个问题就是教育是否是个终身学习的过程。

7 . bend ones knee to 向跪下,屈服于

8 . knock out 敲空;击倒

9 . Love does not have a gain or loss because of the nature and positioning of love To have this love, it is happiness, even if the loss, but also learn to calm Regardless of gain and loss, are we to deny their love, the beauty that the feeling of it? Are we on the negation of their love is true or it?

10 . The days of his youth appeared like dream before him, and he recalled the serious moment whenhis father placed him at the entrances of the two roads One leading to a peaceful, sunny placecovered with flowers, fruits and resounding with soft, sweet songs; the other leading to a deepdark cave which was endless, where poison flowed instead of water and where devils and poisonsnakes hissed and crawled


1 . 年轻岁月,如梦般展现在他面前,老人想起父亲把他带到岔路口的那个庄严时刻。一条路通向安宁快乐的世界,鲜花遇布,果实丰硕,甜美轻柔的歌声在空中回荡;另一条路则通向幽深黑暗,没有尽头的洞,洞内流淌着的不是水而是毒液,群魔乱舞,毒蛇嘶嘶爬动。

2 . According to a recent survey, a growing number of people express a strong desire to take another job or spend more time on their job in order to get more money to support their family

3 . as though 好像,仿佛

4 . point out 指出

5 . 即使最优秀的毕业生,要想成为一个博学的人也要不断地学习。

6 . or so 大约,左右

7 . 圣诞节一年只有一次,但每次来临都带来喜悦。

8 . 支持安乐死是一回事,为种族灭绝提供正当的理由是另一回事。

9 . Any parents should place considerable emphasis on their children to keep the balance between play and study As an old saying goes: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

10 . restrainst on sb/sth 限制,约束 search for 对的搜寻


1 . We&#;ll be here after the new year

2 . "Excuse me gentlemen," the man said IFand WHEN both looked at the man and wondered what he wanted The man continued,

3 . keep to oneself 保守秘密,不与人来往

4 . I wish you a happy New Year All affection and best wishes to you and yours以我所有的爱心与真诚祝你及全家圣诞快乐。

5 . bring up 培养;养育;呕吐

6 . Those in a serious relationship have long been warned about the dangers of the seven-year itch But research has found couples risk running into trouble far earlier-thanks to the seven-month slouch。

7 . Parents are firmly convinced that, to send their child to kindergartens or nursery schools will have an unfavorable influence on the growth of children

8 . 爱并不是因为拥有得失而定位爱的本性的。能拥有这份爱,那是幸福,就算失落,也要学会坦然。无论得与失,难道我们就否定其爱的过程中,那份美丽的感觉吗?难道我们就该否定其爱的真假吗?

9 . Peace and love for you at New Year from all your students祝老师新年充满平安和爱。

10 . reference to 提及,参考 regard for 对的注意,尊重


1 . 人们希望建立更多的医院购物中心娱乐中心电影院和其他公用设施来满足人们日益增长的需求。

2 . 圣诞之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐!

3 . 许多家长相信额外的教育活动有许多优点,通过学习,他们的孩子可以获得很多实践技能和有用的知识,当他们长大后,这些对他们就业是大有好处的。

4 . ever since 从那时起,自那时以来

5 . keep up with 跟上,不落后

6 . ever so 非常,极其

7 . d to send their children to nursery schools, which will bring about profound impacts on children and families, and even the society as a whole

8 . 声称进入中国市场会给外国公司带来立即获利的途径是非常错误的,事实已经一次次地证明了这一点。进入中国的关键在于“广阔的潜在市场”这一说法以及为了回报愿意等待多久。

9 . Bicycle cant be compared with other means of transportation like car and train for speed and comfort

10 . 人生三大情:亲情友情爱情。或许这三大情感之中,唯有爱情在人生之中,演绎得更精彩与丰富。亲情与友情它是一个群体关系,也可以是一种单体关系。而唯有爱情注定是两个人之间的情感,而且是唯一区别于亲情与友情的,它只存在于异性之间的情感。

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