
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-10 04:13:18


1 . In this special year , may we all be safe and healthy! When the epidemic situation is over, when the spring flowers bloom, we make an appointment to go and see the blooming spring flowers, give each other a deep hug, drink tea and chat, have a good time

2 . 在家憨吃增肥了一个星期,貌似一斤都还没长到。昨儿坐爸爸的摩托车去高铁站,悲了个催的,就几分钟就把人吹感冒了。

3 . I really want to go out and play I really hope that the epidemic will end soon and the source of virus infection will be controlled as soon as possible

4 . 今天这个鼻塞鼻涕哟,分不清感冒还是鼻炎了,总之回家要吃药睡觉。

5 . 感动我们时代的逆行者因为有你们我们才能安心在家宅着因为有你们我们才感觉生活很开心因为有你们我们才可以谈笑评论疫情期社会民生。感恩你们,感动,祝好

6 . 每颗珍珠原本都是一粒沙子,但并不是每一粒沙子都能成为一颗珍珠。想要卓尔不群,就要有鹤立鸡群的资本。忍受不了打击和挫折,承受不住忽视和平淡,就很难达到辉煌。年轻人要想让自己得到重用,取得成功,就必须把自己从一粒沙子变成一颗价值连城的珍珠。

7 . 真是准备了一桶水,最后只用了一滴。但是你这些知识的储备,都能使你在现场把握住问题的走向。

8 . 谢谢你们为我们拼过命,致敬英雄,致敬大无畏,致敬无私付出

9 . 感冒了,好难受。沒有誰来关心涐,什么都是涐自己一个人承担。

10 . 一觉醒来,开始憧憬爱情,而爱情刚好做了场诡异的梦。


1 . 凡夫迷失于当下,后悔于过去圣人觉悟于当下,解脱于未来。

2 . 我们只要错过,才会认清现实。

3 . 我的天我好想哭啊,致敬所有在疫情期间付出努力的人!

4 . 感冒了,世界都混沌了。

5 . 感谢这些医护人员为疫情做出的贡献!向你们致敬!你们辛苦啦

6 . Unite as one, fight against the epidemic situation and help each other Only tomorrow will spring blossom!

7 . 谢谢你们,期待明年春天和你们在樱花树下相见

8 . 我头晕。/ 我头昏脑胀的。

9 . I hope the epidemic will end soon Lets make an appointment to see the spring flowers bloom!

10 . remark一下,这三个月都感冒一次,身体体质变差了,那就去运动吧。


1 . 青春是一场大雨。即使感冒了,还盼望回头再淋它一次。

2 . 当所有人都在指责,阻止你的时候,你唯一的办法就是不放弃而是坚持,把不可能变为可能。

3 . 我每日祈祷,和我们祖国千千万万的子女一样,祈祷我们早日战胜这场没有硝烟的战争。

4 . 愿疫情快点过去,你们也早日回到温暖的家。

5 . 天气变化容易感冒啊,昨晚小家伙不知道醒来了多少趟,我也跟着起来,害的今天上班没精神。

6 . 昨天早上起床就觉得身体好难受,本来想和公司打电话请假在家休息的,可是由于某些原因,我还是忍着去上班了,下班回家后赶紧吃药休息,可今天却越来越难受,越来越严重了坐在这上班,晕晕沉沉的,听着外面偌大的雨点声,心情也是莫名的难受一种强烈的孤独感又在心里拼命的挣扎徘徊

7 . 我相信在大家的共同努力下,一定会很快战胜疫情的!

8 . We will surely overcome this epidemic! Spring return to the earth, spring flowers bloom, everything will pass! To fight in the front line of medical staff, angels in white salute!

9 . This Spring Festival, do not blind string, friendship is not a meal Dont run around this Spring Festival You cant catch pneumonia

10 . Salute all the medical workers in the front line! May this hateful virus spread as soon as possible, and all patients will recover as soon as possible! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!


1 . Hope the world will never be plagued! Also wish my teachers, friends and colleagues to overcome the new coronavirus, as soon as possible safe return, Wuhan refueling!

2 . 我觉得我好象要死了一样。

3 . Pray for Wuhan to win the virus as soon as possible! Let the brave and loving rebels go home safely as soon as possible! #Unite as one to fight the epidemic situation the motherland refuels, prays to defeat the virus as soon as possible

4 . 今天一天破事不断,座位被别人硬抢走了,吵架了,不开心。买书什么,这破事,真特么烦。搞的老子都没心情看书了,一天看了仨题。还感冒了,嗓子哑了。

5 . Seeing the white snow, I feel a sense of hope I hope that snow can purify the virus in the air, that the sick people will recover soon, that the people who are fighting in the front line will end the battle as soon as possible and go home for reunion I hope everything can start again after the snow melts

6 . 山河无恙,人民安康,感谢有你们

7 . 我喉咙痛。

8 . 不打伞,会感冒,不坚强,会受伤。

9 . May there be no disaster in the world May all our compatriots infected with or suspected to be infected with new viral pneumonia recover as soon as possible, and the epidemic situation can be controlled as soon as possible May the medical staff of angel in white who are fighting in the front line, as well as all simple and kind-hearted rebels, volunteers, be safe and healthy and return home as soon as possible! Huoshen mountain, Leishen mountain, Zhongnan mountain, Sanshan town poison! Doctors heart, benevolent heart, Chinese heart, ten thousand hearts to fight the epidemic! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

10 . 这次真的感冒了,很难受的说。


1 . 说得再多也不抵亲历者的内心触动,无法感同身受,却为他们的付出和努力而深深感恩!

2 . I&#;ve got a sore throat

3 . 下雨天自己会记得要带伞,因为知道感冒了会难受,发烧了会失眠。

4 . 英雄们辛苦了,致敬!感动!背景音乐是什么,超赞

5 . 得了感冒,喉咙难受的要死,希望路人多穿衣,别感冒了,虽难我们只是路人

6 . 一场疫情,提醒你我:人生最让人无奈的是,突如其来的变故。我们最应该做到的是,珍惜生命,珍惜人生!伴的时候,能不吵,就不吵,陪的时候,让一步,是一步!

7 . 今天早晨醒来,发现我的被子感冒了。我只能迟到了!不是我想迟到的老师,我要陪我的被子。

8 . 有些事情不必去强求,让其一切顺其自然。生活中多一份思索,少一份迷茫。多一份淡定,少一份烦恼。多一份宽容,少一份狭隘。多一份坦然,少一份遗憾。心变得简单日子就会快乐幸福就会生长。

9 . 所谓的人间烟火,就是这样-个可以时而温暖时而冷漠的词语,所谓的人间,就是这样时而光明时而黑暗的时刻。--这么远那么近《每一个优秀的人,都有一段沉默的时光》

10 . 天塌下来,有个高的人帮你扛着,可是你能保证,天塌下来的时候,个儿高的人没在弯腰吗?之后,还不是得靠自己!


1 . 管管境外输入吧报报你反应一下嘛,限流啥的,咱们也要全面复工复学啊

2 . 昨天有一点点咳嗽,打喷嚏,感冒症状不明显,所以吃了点感冒药想把它顶回去,,,结果今天起来很悲剧的发现,感冒了,还发烧了,还头晕,还嗓子疼,这是感冒药,还是诱发感冒的药呃。。。。

3 . 上学期间生病发烧超开心!放假期间生病发烧会有种想死的冲动。

4 . 这是一场不明确归期的驰援,这是一场必赢的`战役,这是一场与死神的较量,终究我们的白衣天使胜利了?!所有拼过命的付出都是英雄!!!祖国一定会越来越好!

5 . You do not gather, I do not gather, you and I reject the virus

6 . 我感冒了难受了才突然发现我身边一个人也没有

7 . 曾经有许多地方,许多食物,许多气味,是不可以回忆的。一挨着就会有隐痛,眼睛会胀,会发怔。而如今却像隔着玻璃匣子看它们,觉得有情,依然是美的。

8 . 最近几天总是下雨,天气忽冷忽热,好倒霉,又开始感冒了,好难受

9 . 为疫情加油正能量的句子

10 . 雄鹰可以飞得晚,但一定要飞得高。


1 . Only authoritative information can be trusted if we can distinguish the Internet rumors

2 . 再困难,氧气总是够吸的吧!

3 . Wash your hands frequently! Dont go out! Wish the motherland prosperity! the country is prosperous and the people are at peace! Defeat the virus as soon as possible! May we all go out of the house to breathe fresh air!

4 . 别让自己生病,这是最好的理由。

5 . We must win the battle of epidemic disease! If one side is in trouble, support from all sides! We believe that when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, China will still be prosperous We believe that the hardworking and strong Wuhan people can create miracles, and the people of the whole country stand with you and wait for cherry blossom! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

6 . Wait for the spring flowers to bloom, the epidemic is eliminated, there are many beautiful places waiting for us to play!

7 . Facing the challenge with one heart, fighting the epidemic situation with one mind, looking forward to the spring, we march forward to the light, Wuhan refuels! Go China!

8 . 神经绷得太紧,生活枯燥无味;偶尔放松心情,善于调节为最;做事不求最好,但求问心无愧;做人踏实认真,胜过取巧捷径;只要心态端正,一生快乐相随!

9 . 我们是一个团结的民族!我们有一个强大的国家!

10 . Wash hands frequently to get more ventilation, and strive to be a pioneer in epidemic prevention




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