
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-26 21:39:05


1 . If thou injurest conscience,it will have its revenge on thee

2 . People always want to learn When I die, I will graduate from the school -- Xiao Chunv

3 . Since ancient times, all the successful people, seriously treat his life When he was alive for one day, to try more labor, work more, learn more, refused to wasted years, not have wasted time wasted -- Deng Tuo

4 . Great hopes make great man 伟大的理想造就伟大的人。

5 . 今天的天气这么好,在一个晴朗的日子里,我如果不学习,怎能不去快乐;我如果去学习,怎又害怕错过?

6 . Keep conscience clear,then never fear

7 . 青春是有限的,智慧是无穷的,趁短的青春,去学习无穷的智慧。——高尔基

8 . 只有让学生不把全部时间都用在学习上,而留下许多自由支配的时间,他才能顺利地学习,这是教育过程的逻辑。——苏霍姆林斯基

9 . 立即把我拒绝,以此给我恩惠。

10 . 儿童的心灵是敏感的,它是为着接受一切好的东西而敞开的。如果教师诱导儿童学习好榜样,鼓励仿效一切好的行为,那末,儿童身上的所有缺点就会没有痛苦和创伤地不觉得难受地逐渐消失。——苏霍姆林斯基


1 . The mountain is so unlike creeping in people&#;s feet

2 . 懦弱的人只会裹足不前, 莽撞的人只能引为烧身,只有真正勇敢的人才能所向披靡。

3 . 目标既定,在学习和实践过程中无论遇到什么困难曲折都不灰心丧气,不轻易改变自己决定的目标,而努力不懈地去学习和奋斗,如此才会有所成就,而达到自己的目的。——吴玉章

4 . Interest in the content of the knowledge may become a learning motivation - Zankov

5 . 读书越少痛苦越多,读书越多痛苦越少,直到一点痛苦也没有。

6 . 钢是在烈火和急剧冷却里锻炼出来的,所以才能坚硬和什么也不怕。我们的一代也是这样的在斗争中和可怕的考验中锻炼出来的,学习了不在生活面前屈服。——奥斯特洛夫斯基

7 . 三思而后行。

8 . You can&#;t force myself like to do something, but you can make yourself do doesn&#;t like!

9 . Talent like natural plants, need pruning by study -- Bacon

10 . 上西天的话只能说抱歉了……大谷你这么努力地学习,我不希望你的努力白费。不管考上考不上,尽力就好。不要让你之前的努力白费。——中原亚矢《恋爱情结》


1 . 其实我们一直没有长大过,我们只是在学习如何伪装,伪装得成熟淡然一笑而过,或许会遇见让你笑到胃抽的人,或许会遇见让你痛到梦醒的人,总有一个人能让你丢盔卸甲弃不成军。

2 . This bottomless, Mo Panghuang - News

3 . It takes a lot of thought and effort and downright determination to be agreeable 要做到与人融洽相处,需要仔细地思考,认真地努力和痛下决心。

4 . Any one, must develop the habit of self-study, even today in school students, also want to develop the habit of self-study, because sooner or later, always leave the school! Self learning, is a kind of independent study, independent thinking ability On a journey, or rely on their own road -- Hua Luogeng

5 . Study is like climbing a ladder, to step by step to climb, one foot across the four or five step attempts, ground to ascend to heaven, it must be wrestling -- Hua Luogeng

6 . 一般青年的任务,尤其是共产主义青年团及其他一切组织的任务,可以用一句话来表示,就是要学习。——列宁

7 . We must keep in mind that we have a limited time to study Time is limited, not only because life is short, even as numerous personnel -- Spencer

8 . If we don’t spread every effort to challenge ourselves, we will never be able to see the panorama of the sky or to find our own pieces of sky to fly under If you want to be explorer, then be one! If you have a dream, then find no excuses! Only when we try to fly do we realize we may fly that high There is no limitation for a sincere dreamer

9 . 如果我的刷题速度足够快,我的寂寞就追不上我。

10 . Young people first to ambition, ambition; secondly, to measure the force, determined to a useful talent of the country and the people; therefore it is necessary to choose a struggling target to study and practice -- Wu Yuzhang


1 . Learn to have three hearts, a confidence, two determination, three perseverance -Chen Jingrun

2 . 即使道路坎坷不平,车轮也要前进;即使江河波涛汹涌,船只也航行。

3 . Men have forgotten this truth But you must not forget it You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed You are responsible for your rose//

4 . We all learn something from our predecessors and peers Even the greatest genius, if you want to alone with his unique inner self to deal with everything, he would never have much success -- Gerd

5 . The task of the ordinary youth, especially the Communist Youth League and all other organizations, can be expressed in one sentence, that is, to learn -- Lenin

6 . He that can bear a reproof,and mend by it,if he is not wise,is in a fair way of being so

7 . The good seaman is known in bad weather

8 . Initiative is doing the right thing without being told

9 . 任何一个人,都要必须养成自学的习惯,即使是今天在学校的学生,也要养成自学的习惯,因为迟早总要离开学校的!自学,就是一种独立学习,独立思考的能力。行路,还是要靠行路人自己。——华罗庚

10 . Read more read more less pain, less pain, until a little pain and no


1 . 水能载舟,亦能覆舟。

2 . “不是说喜欢吗?幸福吗?连教科书上都是我的名字,那样还能学习吗?”——黄仁雷《恶作剧之吻》

3 . 学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思。我就是靠这个方法成为科学家的。——爱因斯坦

4 . 我们在我们的劳动过程中学习思考,劳动的结果,我们认识了世界的奥妙,于是我们就真正来改变生活了。——高尔基

5 . Lotic brave person can appreciate the wonders of the rivers

6 . 人生最宝贵的是生命,人生最需要的是学习,人生最愉快的是工作,人生最重要的是友谊。——斯大林

7 . 只有登上山顶,才能看到那边的风光。

8 . Control the destiny of the rudder is the struggle Not a fantasy, do not give up the opportunity, do not stop on the

9 . Youth is one of the most active and the most active forces in the whole social force They are most willing to learn, at least to keep their mind, especially in the socialist era -- Mao Zedong

10 . 志在峰巅的攀登者,不会陶醉在沿途的某个脚印之中。


1 . 读和写是学生最必要的两种学习方法,也是通向周围世界的两扇窗口。——苏霍姆林斯基

2 . 我们一定要给自己提出这样的任务:第一,学习,第二是学习,第三还是学习。——列宁

3 . 读书和学习是在别人思想和知识的帮助下,建立起自己的思想和知识。——普希金

4 . Labor through the body, learning through the soul -- Smith

5 . At the peak of the climber, not intoxicated in a step along the way志在峰巅的攀登者,不会陶醉在沿途的某个脚印之中。

6 . 小的时候不愿意学习的时候,就盼望着赶紧长大上班,等真正上班了,知道和品尝了社会的酸甜苦辣,不禁羡慕小时候无拘无束的场景。

7 . 蝴蝶之所以令人感动,是它经过几度变身,从毛毛的黑,蜕变成柔软的绿,再结化成坚强的蛹,最后,凝结成一身的美,绕过我们的身边,横过我们的窗前,飞过我们的青山和蓝天!我愿学习蝴蝶,一再的蜕变,一再的祝愿,既不思虑,也不彷徨;既不回顾,也不忧伤。

8 . Cunning proceeds from want of capacity

9 . 你们要学习思考,然后再来写作。——布瓦罗

10 . Cultivating the ability to do things must continue to do, and at any time to improve the learning methods, improve learning efficiency, will be successful -- Ye Shengtao


1 . 承认并改正错误,需要有足够的勇气和决心。

2 . 青年最主要的任务是学习。——朱德

3 . 梯子的梯阶从来不是用来搁脚的,它只是 让人们的脚放上一段时间,以便让别一只脚能够再往上登。

4 . 古来一切有成就的人,都很严肃地对待自己的生命,当他活着一天,总要尽量多劳动,多工作,多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉。——邓拓

5 . Often and violates, what the people

6 . 能承受责备并据此改过者,若不算是智者,也距之不远。

7 . And then “he climbed two thousand feet above the black sea, and without a moment for thought of failure and death, he brought his forewings tightly in to his body, left only the narrow swept daggers of his wingtips extended into the wind, and fell into a vertical dive” He forgot what had promised himself and what remained in his heart was only passion and ambition Sometimes determination don’t determine everything Once you have tried, despite your failure, you still feel proud and have zeal for more chances That’s the way people change their life

8 . Now, I am afraid that it is not the hard life, but can not learn and understand the world I want to understand the urgent need to understand the world Dont work for me, or die -- Lomonosov

9 . "Sir, he is not supposed to teach, his duty is to teach a man; students should not only study, his duty is to learn the way of life" -- Tao Xingzhi

10 . 若欲求长寿,生活须行善,因为蠢行和邪恶会把生命缩短。


1 . A great man once said it is necessary to dill as much as possible, and the more you apply it in real situations, the more natural it will become 一位伟人曾说,反复操练是非常必要的,你越多地将所学到的东西运用到实际生活中,他们就变得越自然。

2 . 劳动教养了身体,学习教养了心灵。——史密斯

3 . Diligence is your life password, can translate your grand epic poem勤奋是你生命的密码,能译出你一部壮丽的史诗。

4 . 要在座的人都停止了说话的时候,有了机会,方才可以谦逊地把问题提出,向人学习。——约翰·洛克

5 . In the study, in the labor, in science, in which peoples selfless service, you can find your own happiness - Jieliansiji

6 . 我们应该赞美岩石的坚定。我们应该学习岩石的坚定。我们应该对革命有着坚强的信念。——陶铸

7 . 我们要振作精神,下苦功学习。下苦功,三个字,一个叫下,一个叫苦,一个叫功,一定要振作精神,下苦功。——毛泽东

8 . E永恒的真理如果不在新的社会形势下赋予新的意义,要么就不是真理,要么就不是永恒的。 (美国总统 罗斯福。 F。

9 . No success in life merely happens 人生中没有什么成功是纯粹偶然得来的`。

10 . 青年是整个社会力量中的一部分最积极最有生气的力量。他们最肯学习,最少保守思想,在社会主义时代尤其是这样。——毛泽东


1 . 我们的事业就是学习再学习,努力积累更多的知识,因为有了知识,社会就会有长足的进步,人类的未来幸福就在于此。——契诃夫

2 . Learning is the eye of the mind 知识是心灵的慧眼。

3 . 最的欢迎的是善行。

4 . 留得青山在,不怕没柴少。

5 . Cowardly people will only come to a standstill, recklessly person can lead to Shaoshen, only the real brave man to carry the world before one

6 . Busy collecting bees, not in front of people talk with eloquence

7 . Mans genius is only a spark, but if you want to make it a raging flame, it is only to learn! Study - Golgi

8 . It&#;s the easiest thing in the world for a man to deceive himself

9 . If I can survive, of course I still need to learn -- Lu Xun

10 . Who has deceiv&#;d thee so oft as thy self?




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