
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-02 18:19:58


1 . , the ideal lost, the flowers of youth will wither, because the ideal is the youth of light and heat

2 . 让阳光洒满万里长空,让诚信文明共筑和谐校园。

3 . This term we have nine subjects: Chinese,Enghish,Politics,Histo-ry,Geography,Maths,physics,Chemistry a-n-d Biology这学期我们有九门学科:英语政治历史地理数学化学和生物。

4 . It&#;s everyone&#;s duty to love and protect the environment

5 . 齐拼搏,创佳绩,携手共建美好陶院。

6 . 许多河流和湖泊受到严重污染。

7 . But some people don&#;t care about it

8 . 母校,谢谢您给予我一个好的学习环境。一进学校的大门,清风款款而来,花儿芬芳袭来。综合楼上的校训——崇德励学,善为笃行无时无刻不教我们做人的道理。四合院的教学建筑楼飘着书香雅韵的气息。先进的教学设备让我们能更快的跟上学习的步伐。

9 . 眼睛是心灵的窗户,诚信文明是彼此沟通的桥梁。

10 . May every one of you, in the crowded street, and the one who is destined to bump into a full, together to white head May the flowers bloom in spring as soon as possible, and butterflies will be treated gently by the world


1 . Its all over

2 . When spring flowers bloom, wait until the epidemic is over, I will try to lose weight and be a happy sunny girl!

3 . 做诚信文明哨兵,杜绝不诚信文明行为。

4 . 阵阵凉风掠过,片片黄叶在冷雨中垂挂。每阵风过,树枝上便会少去许多叶的身影。想起初春时,在这儿看到的情景:也是一阵微雨过后,树叶上萌动着生命的颜色,苍老的树干上鼓起一个个嫩苞,那么有力而饱满。它们努力地汲取雨露,在春光中泛着点点生命的金色……

5 . 齐心协力抓发展,艰苦奋斗创新业。

6 . 时代精神演绎民族灵魂,优质精神构筑时代精神。

7 . dont let any reason stop you from pursuing your dream

8 . How many hours are you taking this semester? 这学期你选了多少学时的课? Can you please tell me which way to the cafeteria ? 你能告诉我去自助餐厅怎么走吗? Is anyone sitting here? 这里有人坐吗?

9 . 每年秋天,我们校园的花坛里,都会开满鲜花。你看,南边的月季:有的含苞欲放,有的亭亭玉立……有玫瑰红的淡黄的粉红的……色彩斑斓,绚丽无比。最吸引人的是北边的那些秋菊,千姿百态,珍奇斗艳,就好像是节日的焰火。五颜六色的蝴蝶在花丛中翩翩起舞,给花坛增添了不少生机。

10 . 人才是兴校之源,创新为发展之本。


1 . This Spring Festival, do not blind string, friendship is not a meal Dont run around this Spring Festival You cant catch pneumonia

2 . the pursuit of dreams on the road, destined to be lonely

3 . those chasing the dream of the day, is bitter, sweet, is happy or sorrow, is a failure, and hope to have a worthy of your protection, let me fear

4 . We respond to the call of the country, stay at home is to contribute to the country, lets work together to overcome the epidemic! Waiting for spring to bloom, everything is beautiful as before!

5 . In todays epidemic situation, it has become an extravagant hope to go out freely The plum blossoms in the botanical garden of Sui and Tang Dynasties are in full swing Looking at the photos sent to me by my friends, I feel that life is not easy again I hope the virus will fade away as soon as possible We can also look for the fragrance in the snow and see the shadow at dusk

6 . How to pretect our enviroment has been one of the most difficult problem in the world

7 . 清洁从一点一滴抓起,习惯从一举一动养成。

8 . chasing dreams and trapped in the depths of the depths of the lost mind, as the mirror clear water reflects the distorted smile

9 . 我留恋母校。那窗明几净的教室中常常传出我们琅琅的读书声;那绿草如茵的操场上时时活跃着我们矫健的身姿;那多功能教室里,一只只高举的右手是一道最亮丽的风景线;那饱藏古今中外文学读物的图书馆则是丰富我们业余生活充实我们精神世界的最佳去处。

10 . maybe I go after the dream, but I can like idol drama, everything is so practical, life is very pure reality


1 . 在我高兴的时候,母校就好像阳光,在我不高兴的时候,学校就好像繁星,在我人生走向黑暗的时候,母校点明了一个又一个的路灯,让我在黑暗中看到了光明。当然在我高兴的时候,学校让我在阳光中快快乐乐的成长。在我绝望的时候,母校给了我希望,在我无助的时候,母校就好像一把手,让我从无助的身边感到了希望……

2 . Wear masks, wash hands frequently, measure body temperature, disinfect frequently, gather less and ventilate frequently

3 . 诚信文明是摩擦的灵丹,是和谐的妙药。

4 . 我们应该种更多的树,为了生活得更好,更健康的未来。

5 . What does your class timetable look like? 你的课程表是什么样的`? How about fo-rming a study group? 我们组成个学习小组怎么样? Have you finished registering? 你的注册办好了吗?

6 . In this special year , may we all be safe and healthy! When the epidemic situation is over, when the spring flowers bloom, we make an appointment to go and see the blooming spring flowers, give each other a deep hug, drink tea and chat, have a good time

7 . Not a chance! (没戏。

8 . 深化教学改革,提高教学质量。

9 . 往左看一棵棵小树苗整齐的排列在一起,好像一个个威武的士兵一样。嫩绿的树叶让人心旷神怡,神清气爽。这是毕业时学生为了感谢老师辛勤的培育栽的。同时鼓励我们好好学习。

10 . 最优雅的举止,诚信文明。




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