
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-05 03:17:32


1 . I like China (名词

2 . Her voice sounds sweet Tom looks thin

3 . His rapid progress in English made us surprised(代词)

4 . 英语句子成分和英语句子结构讲解

5 . She likes drawing and often draws pictures for the wall newspapers

6 . eg You help him and he helps you

7 . We should help the old and the poor

8 . 这句话讲的是“揠苗助长”的结果:禾苗都枯死了。那个人想“助长”禾苗,由于采用了“揠苗”的方法使禾苗根部受到损伤,当然会出现如此的结果。

9 . We should help the old and the poor I enjoy working with you (动名词)

10 . (六)宾语补足语:英语中有些及物动词,除有一个直接宾语以外,还要有一个宾语补语,才能使句子的意义完整。带有宾语补足语的一般句型为:某些及物动词(如make等+宾语+宾补)。宾补可由名词形容词副词不定式分词介词短语和从句充当。例如: His father named him Dongming(名词)


1 . 这句话Lucy 为呼语

2 . (口语中常见主语或“主--系”省略:(Itisnothing((那没有什么。/(Itdoesn’tmatter((那没有关系。/(Ithankyou((我谢谢你。

3 . Ifyouwanttherainbowyouhavetoputupwiththerain不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。

4 . 表示选择,常用的连词有or, either…or…, otherwise等。eg Hurry up, or you&#;ll miss the train

5 . Lucy 为My sister 的同位语

6 . 主语 + 不及物动词 She came./ My head aches

7 . Theydon&#;tswimverywell(他们游泳不太好。)

8 . 表示时间地点原因目的结果程度条件方式和让步。 (以下例句按上述顺序排列) I will go there tomorrow The meeting will be held in the meeting room The meat went bad because of the hot weather He studies hard to learn English well

9 . 首先,我们打开微信首页面,然后点击我的头像,如图所示

10 . (由名词代词(人称代词用主格动词不定式动名词等充当,说明动作是“谁”发出的。如:Thepainterpaintedaverynicepicture(画家画了一幅漂亮的画。/TheyfoughtagainstSARSbravely(他们勇敢地


1 . .谓语动词由状语修饰

2 . call at拜访参观(某地)

3 . 与非典搏斗。/Toseeistobelieve(耳听为虚眼见为实/Helpinganimalsistohelppeople(帮助动物就是帮助人类。

4 . I hope to see you again (不定式

5 . Please make yourself at home 介词短语) Don’t let him do that (省to不定式)

6 . Hetravelledinspaceforthefirsttime(他首次在太空旅行。/WhoteachesyouEnglishthisyear?(今年谁教你们的英语?/Thepizzahasgonebad(那块烤馅饼已经变坏。/

7 . 宾语补语

8 . This magazine comes out(出版)every other week(对画线部分提问)

9 . ) 双宾语-----间宾(指人)和直宾(指物)

10 . When we are going to have an English test has not been decided(主语从句)


1 . It sounds a good idea

2 . Doyougotoschooleveryday?(你每天去上学吗?)

3 . Seeing is believing (动名词

4 . He studies hard to learn English well

5 . 5)状语是用来说明动词,形容词,副词或整个句子的成分。常由副词担任。修饰动词时可以放在动词之前,也可以放在动词之后;修饰形容词或副词时放在它们之前。如:

6 . IamsorryIammakingsomuchnoisebutIhaveto(对不起我发出了太大的声音但是只能这样。/Hecan’thavefinishedreadingthe-page-longnovel(他不可能读完了那本长达页的小说。/Somethingmustbedonetostopthefowlflufromspreading

7 . (二)简单句的五种基本句型

8 . Twenty years is a short time in history (数词 Seeing is believing (动名词) To see is to believe (不定式) What he needs is a book (主语从句)

9 . You mustn&#;t force him to lend his money to you(不定式短语)

10 . Mr Smith lives on the third floor(地点状语)


1 . 这句话由相当于形容词的介词短语in the hospital 作后置定语,修饰work。

2 . 这两句话中单词red和tall都是形容词,它们作定语。

3 . 状语的位置它自由自在,忽右忽左随心所欲摆。

4 . I play with him (我和他玩。 I like Chinese food(我喜欢中国菜。)

5 . 打开个人信息后,我们可以看到有个更多选项,我们点击选择它

6 . To wear a flower is to say “I’m poor, I can’t buy a ring ” (不定式

7 . Tom looks thin

8 . 构成形式:)名词)代词)名词短语)数词)不定式)-ing形式)名词从句

9 . .谓语:表示主语的行为或进行的活动。

10 . )Ihavetwoeldersisters(我有两个姐姐。)


1 . How many do you need? We need two (数词

2 . )定语:是用来说明或者限制名词的成分,常用形容词或者相当于形容词的短语或从句担任。形容词放在名词之前,相当于形容词的短语或从句放在名词的后面。如:

3 . Give the poor man some money

4 . 又如:He is interested in sports, especially ball games(他对运动感兴趣,特别是球类运动。)

5 . ,属于独立成分。它的位置如: Sit down, Lucy(露西,坐下)

6 . 这两句话中单词students是个名词,we是代词,它们在句中做主语。

7 . Let the fresh air in(副词)

8 . She put the eggs into the basket with great care(方式状语)

9 . 6)表语:用来说明主语的性质或状态。一般由名词或者形容词担任。如:Thistableislong(这个桌子是长的。

10 . call for去叫某人, 要求, 需要


1 . The food smells delicious The food tastes good

2 . He goes to school by bike

3 . 主语+及物动词+双宾语(间接宾语+直接宾语):eg My father bought me a car

4 . 并列句:由并列连词(and, but, or等)或分号(;)把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起构成。

5 . 表示连接两个同等概念,常用and, not only…but also…, neither…nor…, then等连接。eg The teacher&#;s name is Smith, and the student&#;s name is John

6 . If you study hard, you will pathe exam

7 . call off取消,不举行

8 . 同位语:对被修饰对象进行补充说明或进一步解释。

9 . The question is whether they will come (表语从句

10 . 主语+系动词+表语:eg He is a student


1 . He didn’t study hard so that he failed in the exam

2 . (反意问句的附加问句,主语必须是代词:Themanlooksworried,doesn’the?(这个人看上去很着急不是吗?/Tigersaredangerousanimals,aren’tthey?(老虎是危险的动物不是吗?

3 . 限定或说明,而呼语只是一个称呼。

4 . 评述性状语:修饰整个句子,表示说话人的看法或态度。

5 . (定语)主语(状语)谓语(定语)宾语(状语)

6 . The door remains open

7 . One-third of the students in this class are girls(数词)

8 . 请分析下面句子的结构说出各个成分

9 . 前一句应把“举行”改为“举办”,后一句中“创”与“气温”明显不搭配。《现代汉语词典中》中“创”解释为:开始(做);(初次)做。对象必须跟“做”联系上,气温是客观的,不能“做”,改为“创年以来广州春行的气温最高记录”,句子就通顺了。

10 . The food smells delicious


1 . There will be a sports meet at the end of this month, ____________?(完成反意疑问)

2 . Experienceisthebestteacher(被定语所修饰的形式为名词)

3 . 这句话讲的是“揠苗助长”的结果:禾苗都枯死了。那个人想“助长”禾苗,由于采用了“揠苗”的方法使禾苗根部受到损伤,当然会出现如此的`结果。

4 . .宾语:行为或活动的对象,接受者或受影响者。

5 . 这句话中ball games 作sports 的非限制性同位语。

6 . They helped the old with their housework yesterday(名词化形容词)

7 . He is asleep

8 . Thestudentsstudyhard(这些学生学习努力。

9 . Time is up The class is over(副词)

10 . 常见的系动词有: be, sound(听起来, look(看起来, feel(摸起来,smell(闻起来,




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