
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-02-11 07:05:02


1 . former, latter, elder等形容词, 词尾虽然是比较级形式, 但它们永远不用于比较句中, 也不能跟than, 如: He will come here in the latter part of year

2 . No one is to be compared with him for resourcefulness He has no equal in playing ping-pong ball

3 . Don&#;t take yourself too seriously 。

4 . Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills

5 . Willing to work under pressure with leadership quality

6 . One of the most happy moment, is to find the right person, he dote on you, pamper your habits, and love you all一个人最幸福的时刻,就是找对了人,他宠着你,纵容你的习惯,并爱着你的一切。

7 . Love is the moment of injury, do not want to let him see his weak side, in front of him to quietly wiped tears, turned his head is still a strong look happy喜欢是在受伤的时候,不想让他看到自己脆弱的一面,在他面前把眼泪悄悄抹掉,转过头依然是一副快乐坚强的模样。

8 . 有国才有家,有家才有你,有你才有我,祝我亲爱的爸妈国庆快乐!身体健康!

9 . I find the buildings in the campus are a bit old-fashioned 我发现校园里的建筑都很古老陈旧。 I mean what I say 我说到做到。 I mean to give you this book today, but I fo-rgot 我本来打算今天还你的书的,可是我忘了。

10 . I never saw a prettier sight No other book has had a greater influence on my life


1 . Plain living and high thinking(生活要朴素,情操要高尚。

2 . 要注意避免不合理的比较。如:(误)The face of his father looks older than his uncle

3 . I have only one heartHow can I survive if I devote it all to you?我只有这么一颗心,全给了你,你要我怎么活?

4 . The more I think of it, the happier I am

5 . 用其他词语表达:Three early mornings will make a day Only he in our class can cope with you in knowledge of English

6 . His strength is superior to (=greater than mine My knowledge is inferior to (=less than his

7 . Next to the Yangtze, the Yellow River is the second longest river in our country

8 . You’ll make it through whatever comes along (不管遇到什么困难,你最终都能克服

9 . Chinese is our native language,we must learn it well汉语是我们的母语,我们必须把它学好。 This is our first Chinese class of this term 这是我们本学期第一节语文课。

10 . Sometimes, you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to 有时候,你必须放手,才能明白是否真的值得拥有。


1 . 金秋的岁月,丰收的季节,愿我最真诚的笑容伴随你,深深的祝福你,国庆节快快乐乐,事业辉煌腾达!!!

2 . 国庆节之际,不想给你太多,只给你五千万:千万要快乐,千万要健康,千万要平安,千万要知足,千万莫忘记我!

3 . The revolutionaries preferred death to dishonor I prefer to work rather than (to sit idle

4 . Having good and extensive social connections具有良好而广泛的社会关系。

5 . "How long is he going to stay there?" - "I don&#;t know exactly, but… the longer he stays the better"

6 . 在翻译具有特殊结构和短语的句子时,应该从逻辑推理的角度去分析,并且确保把原句的意思准确清晰地表达出来。

7 . The enemy rots with every passing day, while for us things are getting better daily

8 . Don’t let one failure discourage you, try again (不要因为一次失败就气馁,再试一试看。

9 . Don t wait for me, you know my sad Don t wait for me to disappear, you will know that I exist不要等我流泪,你才明白我的悲伤。不要等我消失,你才知道我的存在。

10 . 好久不见,十分想念。在这漫漫的国庆长假里,常常忆起共处的岁月。找点时间,约个地点,带上祝福,来个非常体验!


1 . John doesn&#;t work so hard as Henry

2 . [附注] 关于等差句有以下几点需要注意:

3 . Better late than never Better to do well than to say well

4 . Better die standing than live kneeling (=it is better to die standing than to live kneeling

5 . The new edition is less expensive than the old one

6 . 笑着面对生活,始终不抱怨 。悠然,随心,随性,随缘 。

7 . = In whatever degree sooner you do it, in that degree better it will be The more, the merrier The more, the better

8 . Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it

9 . 句型[主语+would (had…as soon/as lief+…as+被弃对象]

10 . easy-going and congenial, with a strong sense of responsibility and good team-spirit


1 . Is there a drug sto-re nearby? 附近有药店吗?

2 . The dark clouds mean rain 乌云是下雨的征兆。

3 . 用其他介词短语表示: Mr Zhu is the strictest among the teachers of our school It is the finest thing under the sun

4 . Mature, dynamic and honest

5 . 按照原句的逻辑关系来组织译文,而不能局限于句子的自身结构和语法关系。

6 . None is so blind as those that won&#;t see

7 . Miss is a very mysterious thing, as the shadow follows the form思念是一种很玄的东西,如影随形。

8 . Oliver fell on his knees, clasping his hands together, and begged them to kill him if they pleased rather than send him away with that dreadful man He insisted on staying rather than go

9 . A relationship without trust is like a phone without service All you do is playing games离开信任的感情就像没有信号的手机。只能拿来玩玩游戏而已。

10 . 科技英语的翻译不仅仅是语言自身的问题,它同时还与其他的语言学因素相关。在这些因素中,最重要的是逻辑推理。一位著名的苏联语言学家曾举例:John is in the pen 毫无疑问,所有人的都会把pen翻译成“牲口圈”,而不是“笔”因为“人在钢笔里”的翻译明显不符合逻辑。翻译是一项逻辑活动,最终的译文是逻辑推理的产物。在进行逻辑推理的时




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