
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-11-07 01:27:33


1 . :because of loving you so much that i stood aside although my figure left you away, my heart didn’t today i have made up my mind to say “i love you”正是因为爱才悄悄的躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的是默默的情怀;今天 终于鼓起勇气,向你表达 的爱。

2 . Amended from time to time with wisdom deviation compassion people everywhere convenience

3 . Man can survive, only when he has the substance, man can live only when he has ideal

4 . Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people

5 . Cease to struggle and you cease to live

6 . If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden

7 . 做许多事情的捷径就是一次只做一件一件事。

8 . Life is a festival only to the wise生活只是聪明人的喜庆日。

9 . 七 Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on 缺乏自信,就好象没拉手刹地在人生道路上行驶

10 . 觉得自己做得到和做不到,往往只在一念之间。


1 . All things in their being are good for something

2 . Love me, love my dog ----St Bernard 爱屋及乌。

3 . :the soul cannot live without love 灵魂不能没有爱而存在。

4 . 爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。

5 . There is no end to knowledgeThere is no end to perfect character

6 . Aristotle Onassis, Greek Shipping Magnate

7 . A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step

8 . 苦难是人生最伟大的老师。

9 . I have three wishes:May our friendship warm our hearts!May joy be always with you and me!May we often meet each other!我有三愿:一愿友情温暖我们心田,二愿欢乐永驻你我心间,三愿我们常常相见!

10 . Where love fails, we espy all faults ---Ray 在爱情丧失的地方,我们就察见所有的缺点了。


1 . 面对家人的时候,在我们内心深处我们始终觉得自己还是孩子。不管我们年龄多大了,我们还需要一个称之为家的地方。

2 . 男孩,是雄心勃勃的

3 . 成功的人总是愿意做没成功的人不愿意做的事。

4 . "路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的,人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。——吉鸿昌"

5 . I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards ( America

6 . 那以往的同窗生活,是一串冰糖葫芦,那迷人的甜与酸将永远回味不完。

7 . In the world the most exhausting matter is that spending every day falsely

8 . Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill

9 . Art is long, but lift is short

10 . life to learn to enjoy: enjoy working happy laughter, enjoy friends, enjoy the warmth of family, enjoy the joy to create, enjoy the sweet fruit 生活中要学会享受:享受工作的欢快,享受朋友的笑声,享受家人的温馨,享受创造的快慰,享受果实的甜美。


1 . Steve Jobs, Co-founder of Apple

2 . "Human life is limited, however, to serve the people is unlimited, I want a limited life, serving the people go into the infinite - Lei Feng "

3 . 永远不要不要不要不要放弃。(英国首相 丘吉尔

4 . Richard Branson, Chairman of Virgin Group

5 . 沃伦-巴菲特,波克夏·哈萨威公司行政总裁

6 . Oprah Winfrey, CEO of Oprah Winfrey Network

7 . Albert Einstein: Logic will get you from A to B Imagination will take you everywhere

8 . 正如恶劣的品质可以在幸运中暴露一样,最美好的品质也是在厄运中被显示的。——培根

9 . 孤独和勇敢是探路者的游戏。——冯宇学

10 . "Learning must be such as bees, taken too many flowers, which can spawn honey come - Lu Xun "


1 . 炫耀什么,缺少什么;掩饰什么,自卑什么。所谓正常人,只是自我防御比较好的人。真正的心理健康,是不设防而又不受害。

2 . 以智慧时时修正偏差,以慈悲处处给人方便。

3 . 十九 Brief is life, but love is long 生命虽短,爱却绵长。

4 . 如今又要离去的友人,至诚地祝福你拥有更美好的前程,以及光辉灿烂的人生。

5 . True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime

6 . 能量和坚持可以征服一切事情。

7 . Marry in haste, and repent at leisure ----Ray 草率成婚,后悔莫及。

8 . Winners do what losers don&#;t want to do

9 . :during the whole life, you will regret for two things:one is that you don’t get the one you love and the other is the one you love is not happy 人的一生,有两种遗憾最折磨人:一是得不到你心爱的人;二是心爱的人得不到幸福。

10 . Carios Slim Helu, CEO of Telmex, America Movil, Grupo Carso


1 . Nopains,nogains

2 . 一息若存,希望不灭。

3 . "Room no eternal night, the world is no eternal winter - Ai Qing "

4 . Life is a gift we and everyday生活是一份我们每日都收到的礼物。

5 . "Only experienced ups and downs in life, and understand the world of taste, and therefore must learn to cherish life and to cherish feelings - Fang Sea Power "

6 . Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway

7 . 我们每个人都生活在各自的过去中,人们会用一分钟的时间去认识一个人,用一小时的时间去喜欢一个人,再用一天的时间去爱上一个人,到最后呢,却要用一辈子的时间去忘记一个人。

8 . 举得起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重。可惜,大多数人的爱情,都是负重的。

9 . Don’t let a little dispute break up a great friendship

10 . If you are doing your best,you will not have to worry about failure


1 . 人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指。

2 . The home is where the heart is The heart is where you are心在哪里,家就在哪里。你在哪里,我的心就在哪里。

3 . :i love you not for who you are, but for who i am before you我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

4 . Love begets love ---Herrick 爱产生爱。

5 . 九 When love is not madness, it is not love 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

6 . Do not keep anything for a special occasion, because every day that you live is a special occasion

7 . 宁愿做事不完美,总比完美地不做事要好。

8 . :all time is no time when it is past光阴一去不复返。

9 . 世上最累人的事,莫过于虚伪的过日子。

10 . Life is a dream of a little less inconstant人生是一场稍稍不那么无常的梦而已。




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