
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-10 13:28:03


1 . 朋友是一种只能用心去衡量价值的礼物。

2 . Life is a vulgar flare amid the cool radiance生命只是惨淡的星光里的平凡的一闪。

3 . Love me little, love me long ----John Heywood 爱不贵亲密,而贵长久。

4 . 天生我才必有用。

5 . Love begets love ---Herrick 爱产生爱。

6 . "Geng not as fertile mind, good for treasure with endless We should have purity of heart, to be charitable for the public It will be a blessing boundless - Fang Sea Power "

7 . Without respect, love cannot go far ----A Dumas 倘不互相尊敬,爱亦难久持。

8 . Wish you a bright future and a happy life!

9 . A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams

10 . Good self-esteem is necessary for good relationships自尊才会有好人缘。


1 . Person&#;s value is determined by its own - Rousseau

2 . :if i know what love is, it is because of you 因为你,我懂得了爱。

3 . Never underestimate your power to change yourself!

4 . 规则一:永远别输钱。

5 . :no words are necessary between two loving hearts 两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语

6 . When you are young, you may want several love experiences But as timegoes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the wholelife will not be enough You need time to know, to forgive and to loveAll this needs a very big mind

7 . 勇敢永远不过时!

8 . 给予本身就是一个奖赏。

9 . 我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天

10 . Life is a continuous course of death and revival生命是连续不断的死亡与复活。


1 . 适当的准备能解决生活中%的问题。

2 . "路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的,人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。——吉鸿昌"

3 . Love and a cough cannot be hid 爱情与咳嗽不能隐匿。

4 . 沃伦-巴菲特,波克夏·哈萨威公司行政总裁

5 . 赔了夫人又折兵。

6 . Love cannot be compelled ----Chaucer 爱情不能被强迫。

7 . 对任何技能的掌握都需要一生的刻苦操练。

8 . Sweat is the lubricant of success

9 . 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。(巴里摩尔

10 . 亚里士多德-奥纳西斯,希腊船王


1 . 如果你竭尽全力,你就不用担心失败。

2 . 十一 Love never dies 爱情永不死。

3 . Least said, soonest mended

4 . Do not keep anything for a special occasion, because every day that you live is a special occasion

5 . "Only experienced ups and downs in life, and understand the world of taste, and therefore must learn to cherish life and to cherish feelings - Fang Sea Power "

6 . 七 Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on 缺乏自信,就好象没拉手刹地在人生道路上行驶

7 . The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart

8 . :Genius is formed in quiet, character in the stream of life (Goethe 天才形成于平静中,性格来自于生活的激流。(歌德

9 . Love and friendship make a home to its name A sweet home is the ritght place for hearts to have a good rest屋若有爱长驻,有友情为贵宾,就是真正的家,甜蜜的家。因为在那,心灵可以得到休息。

10 . Don’t let a little dispute break up a great friendship


1 . 怀念的情愫在心中滋长,问候远方的好友,送上我最美好的祝福。

2 . 成功的秘诀就是大家要一起努力。

4 . 九 When love is not madness, it is not love 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

5 . "Life is a great treasure, and I know to select the most precious jewels from the treasure inside "

6 . 智者不作非凡之想。

7 . Maybe our life is a cup of water也许生活本来就是一杯水。

8 . 多说反坏事。

9 . "You see cyclists pedaling hard in the cold not help Fortunately, cyclists swarmed the bus to see you could not help chuckle canned sardines in the bus, the original weaknesses are found from others the "

10 . Life is a test and this world a place of trial人生是一种考验,而这个世界就是考场。


1 . 人生只有必然,没有偶然。

2 . 当明天变成了今天成为了昨天,最后成为记忆里不再重要的某一天,我们突然发现自己在不知不觉中已被时间推着向前走,这不是静止火车里,与相邻列车交错时,仿佛自己在前进的错觉,而是我们真实的在成长,在这件事里成了另一个自己。

3 . 你梦想成为什么样的人,你就能成为什么样的人。你今时今日所处的位置都是基于你所信赖和梦想的一切。

4 . :you don’t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her 你不会因为美丽去爱一个女人,但她却会因为你的爱而变得美丽。

5 . 二十 Love is blind 爱情是盲目的。

6 . While there is life there is hope

7 . 告别林荫校园,扬帆起航,展开拼搏的篇章;告别书声琅琅,豪情万丈,追逐心中的梦想;告别昔日同窗,情谊绵长,寄语真情的愿望。毕业之际,愿你怀着憧憬,迈向成功的方向!

8 . Richard Branson, Chairman of Virgin Group

9 . 年轻的时候会想要谈很多次恋爱,但是随着年龄的增长,终于领悟到爱一个人,就算用一辈子的时间,还是会嫌不够。慢慢地去了解这个人,体谅这个人,直到爱上为止,是需要有非常宽大的胸襟才行。

10 . 心作良田耕不尽,善为至宝用无穷。我们应有纯洁的心灵,去积善为大众。就会获福无边。——方海权


1 . 我会将我们的美好回忆永远珍藏

2 . :it becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal 它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。

3 . :god finds himself by creating 神从创造中找到他自己优美的英语句子带翻译 句好词好句。

4 . :we cease loving ourselves if no one loves us 如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。

5 . Nopains,nogains

6 . :i send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window想将对你的思念寄予散落的星子,但愿那点点的星光能照进你的窗前,伴你好梦。

7 . Life is like a piano,what you get out of it,depends on how you play itNo sweat, no sweet

8 . Character decided the fate ,and knowledge changes our&#;s fate

9 . You have to believe in yourself That&#;s the secret of success(Charles Chaplin , American actor

10 . "As bad quality can be exposed to the same lucky, the best in quality but also in the bad luck to be displayed - Bacon "




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