
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-02 21:08:40


1 . , the tension is not helpful, why not let go to fight Temporary mo Confident winner All the ways of life are all life Relaxed in the face of the test on whether the merits of heart I wish you a smooth college entrance examination

2 . 美,是智慧,是静谧。祝你聪明!愿你上进!

3 . 所谓强者,拼的不是力气,也不是技巧,而是心态。踏踏实实努力,轻轻松松面对。将颤抖关在门外,让信心装满胸怀,高考尽力发挥,愿你载誉归来!

4 . 青春闪光明亮,不管成绩是怎样;爱情依旧会绽放,向前的脚步踏碎失败的忧伤;自我仍会灿烂辉煌,成绩的小河依旧汇入成长的海洋。祝你高考顺利,重视努力,淡看结局。

5 . 考个好大学,是目前你人生最大的捷径,也是性价比最高的投入,是你改变命运最重要的机会。

6 . , college entrance examination is coming, send you to college entrance examination three magic: lucky pen is a pen, a piece of rubber; hard to eliminate, a change of error; a deep blessing, have won the college entrance examination On the day of college entrance examination, I wish you success, lucky and double!

7 . 没有理想能够轻易实现,那些我们耳熟能详的伟大人物,都付出过不同寻常的勤奋和努力。

8 . 期末考试顺利,身体健康,一切都好!相信自己,你们一定是最棒的!

9 . )种下希望,培育理想和未来。播洒汗水,浇灌梦想和成功。放松心态,缓解挫折和压力。不懈追求,收获幸福和快乐。愿你考上理想的大学。祝你高考成功。

10 . , the day of college entrance examination is coming again When we have enough food, we will have enough sleep for a few days We should be fully aware of the importance of our college entrance examination Self-confidence is very important in our chest We should have a peace of mind and smile to prepare for the College entrance examination


1 . 希望考试卷上的题目都是你似曾相识的,并建立了深厚感情,让你可以迎刃而解!

2 . , studying for decades, only the title in the college entrance examination in sight, Jinbang put blessings: calmly went to the examination room, play a calm confidence high, extraordinary, to achieve the ideal I wish: entrance victory!

3 . 前途和生活是属于你自己的,我知道你有很大的潜力,希望你能充分发挥,再接再励,加油!你是好样的!

4 . )天蓝蓝,水清清,愿你态度端正头脑清,游刃有余思路清;云淡淡,风轻轻,愿你准备充分压力轻,看淡结果心态轻。祝你高考顺利!

5 . 世间最可宝贵的就是今天,最易丧失的也是今天;愿你在未来的一年之中,无限珍惜这每一个今天。

6 . 愿你在平时更注重基础知识的学习与训练,加强能力的培养,做一个全面发展的好学生!

7 . )高考在即,睡眠多一点,熬夜少一点;自信多一点,担忧少一点;轻松多一点,压力少一点;微笑多一点,顾虑少一点,祝高考顺利,取得优异成绩。

8 . )豪情满怀进考场,壮志凌云压群芳,雄鹰展翅任翱翔,骏马奋蹄勇敢闯。十载苦读在寒窗,一举成功题金榜,祝君高考获头彩,前程似锦宏图长!

9 . , three words: college entrance examination into the examination room, and better, firstly, after the difficult The examination questions are easy and not, I feel easy, people feel easy The exam is difficult, I am not bored, I feel difficult, people feel difficult Out of the examination room, no issue, to be tomorrow, and then fight

10 . 高考期间,要注意出行,避开高峰早出行。高考期间,要拿好证件,证件在身不慌神。高考期间,要理好心情,心情愉悦超发挥。高考日,祝千万大军,旗开得胜,马到成功!


1 . 鹏程万里今朝始,宏图大展正当时,十年寒窗奋展翅,豪情凌云遂壮志,书山勤磨剑锋利,学海苦游花香袭,祝君高考题金榜,前程似锦福迢递!

2 . 高考是海,青涩的我们也曾惧怕它试探它。然而当我们懂得人生的成长便是一次次从此岸到彼岸的跨越时,我们便可以接触它拥抱它并超越它。回首向来萧瑟处,每一次日出每一层涟漪都是美丽动人的;每一袭风浪每一片乌云都是值得感激的。

3 . )车水马龙此刻沉寂,街头巷尾此时无声,莘莘学子奔赴考场,奋笔疾书为前程,祝福考生超常发挥,早日进入理想大学,开创自己辉煌人生,加油呀!

5 . 辛勤奋战在学海,汗水扬起成功帆。无烟战场今日起,气定神闲退万军。心态良好细审题,才思敏捷答考卷。自信人生二百年,收获人生好前程。全国高考日,愿莘莘学子们胜利归来。

6 . , battle of the college entrance examination, traveling light, calm face, calm, don&#;t panic Mo busy, serious writing, confident, optimistic about the success or failure of the university entrance exam coming, look; I wish you success in the college entrance examination!

7 . 为你倒数,还有几个小时就要上战场了,希望你能够放松心情,不要紧张。知道你平时学习一向都很努力,学得很不错,相信你考好成绩是没问题的!

8 . 就要考试了,放开往日的学习中的紧张,用一颗平常心去轻松面对,相信你会考出自己理想的成绩的。愿好运一直陪伴着你!

9 . 寒窗苦读十几载,只为今日露锋芒。高考场上不慌张,从容答题心顺畅。才思敏捷审题准,难题下手也不挡。金榜题名在今朝,父母亲朋赞声扬。祝你高考取得好成绩!

10 . , the college entrance examination, I wish you the best, be done in one vigorous effort, a workaholic, learning is May you bring Sifangzhizhi, get up early, with a reluctant thinking art of war and books on that I wish the success of the college entrance examination and all the success


1 . and June are the season of struggle, and June is the harvest season After the college entrance examination, the arrival of anxiously waiting May you continue to work hard to swim in the knowledge sea of the higher institutions of higher learning I wish a bright future and a grand exhibition!

2 . 亲爱的同学,我们在一起这么久了,都是你在为我付出。我却没为你做些什么…下辈子如果做牛做马,我…我一定拔草给你吃!高考顺利!

3 . 学习靠的不是喊口号,不是打鸡血,而是一点一滴持续不懈的努力。用功不求太猛,但求有恒。

4 . 孩子,有尊严地活着吧!优秀的人必备的四种品德是:正直勇敢智慧节制!这是凯撒说的,我认为是对的。但我不强加给你们。孩子,我爱你们!

5 . 十年寒窗苦读,只为今朝一搏,前途光芒道路,需用高考测量,轻松进入考场,努力发挥才智,愿你梦想成真,祝你金榜提名。

6 . )慌张,愿你握紧“自信”的钢枪,扛起“淡定”的大炮,杀向“高考”的战场,祝你顺利夺取高地,轻松扫荡战场,吹响胜利号角,凯旋王者归来!

7 . , the world needs you, because you are strong; the world needs you, because you are an example; the world needs you, because you can fly; the world needs you, because you are the pillar

8 . 全国高考日到了,愿你执才高八斗生辉笔,饮才思万千智慧水,带气定神闲满面笑,拥胸中成竹满怀志,书锦绣嫣然好答卷,定折取桂冠来题名。

9 . , college entrance examination, senior high school entrance examination qualified, in life there are always so many references will be reliable, the rise of aircraft flying over the car ran down, life is always passing to real lives, friends, come on

10 . 想说爱你,感觉太沉;想说喜欢,感觉太轻;一天天地眷恋,一夜夜的无眠,我只有数着相思的绿莹帘珠,托星月寄到你窗前祝期末考试顺意!


1 . 相信自己就好了,没什么大不了的,真的,不用想太多,会什么做什么,你不会的他们肯定会的也不多,相信我没错!我的同学,衷心地祝福你在今年的期末考试中定能一举夺魁,榜上有名,考入心中理想的大学。

2 . , if the college entrance examination is a river, you will turn yourself into a confident helmsman If the college entrance examination is a mountain, you will install eagle wings for yourself If the college entrance examination is a dream, you will register a dream factory for yourself I wish the college entrance examination is smooth!

3 . 健康身体是基础,良好学风是条件,勤奋刻苦是前提,学习方法是关键,心理素质是保证。

4 . 高考三要素,地点,牢牢记住,不知莫慌路,提前看看地形图;时间,清清楚楚,定点要准时,错过时间机会失;睡眠,确保充足,避免紧张过度。祝你成功!

5 . , the so-called strong, the spell is not strength, is not a skill, but a state of mind Work hard and face it lightly Will tremble at the door, let the mind full of confidence, you may try to play the college entrance examination, the victorious return!

6 . 假如你曾有过虚度的时光,请不要以叹息作为补偿;明天的路途毕竟长于逝去的岁月。快迈步,前面相迎的是幸福的曙光!

7 . 真心地祝福你考试取得好成绩!发挥出最好的水平。你是个聪明和头脑灵活的人,我相信你一定成功!!!

8 . 明天期末考试啦,以后不用点起床啦,以后可以天天游泳啦,明天是新生活的开始,一定不能愁眉苦脸,今晚做个好梦!

9 . )高考在即,送去祝福,祝你在考场上,自信稳扎稳打,思路翻江倒海,智慧龙飞凤舞,大脑活蹦乱跳,心态四平八稳,钢笔翻飞疾书,成绩名列前茅,理想近在眼前。

10 . 忠心的祝愿你能取得优异的成绩,如愿以偿,金榜题名。因为这一年你付出了好多,也吃了不少的苦,受了不少的累。我们想,“天道酬勤”




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