
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-31 14:23:54


1 . A Christmas greeting and good wishes to you who is thought about all theyear through Have a beautiful Christmas and a happy New Year

2 . you are a special person in our life

3 . 感恩节就是我告诉你我爱你的时候。

4 . 在爱情的坎坷路上,我们最好别说爱。

5 . 不要妄加评断,你看到的,只是我选择让你看到的。

6 . Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family

7 . 再多的话语都是以悲伤为前奏

8 . 我愿颠沛流离再遇见温暖的你

9 . 脸残笑,笑苍生。

10 . May happiness follow you everywhere …just like we do


1 . One today is worth two tomorrows一个今天胜似两个明天。

2 . thank you for being my teacher

3 . ——觉得为时已晚的时候,恰恰是最早的时候。

4 . It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together

5 . Sometimes the perfect person for you is the one you least expect

6 . See see uncommon poems, gather together dowdy No visit

7 . 我们在爱里失去自己,也会在爱里找到自己。

8 . 再多的故事都是以幸福为结局

9 . Or: The landscape, bare and brown, begged for spring green。 (转换为并列结构作后置定语)

10 . 给你特别的祝福,愿圣诞和新年带给你无边的幸福如意。


1 . More stories are based on happiness for ending

2 . 我们变成了最熟悉的`陌生人

3 . i want to be like you, when i grow up 我长大也要像你一样

4 . 没有你,感恩节就不会一样了。

5 . ) Weak: Here are the books you ordered。

6 . 勇气就是虽感恐惧,但仍会前行。

7 . Go back to the past, can return

8 . Happiness will never miss any people, sooner or later it will find you

9 . A promise means everything but once it is broken, sorry means nothing

10 . 没人是完全自由的,即使是鸟儿,也有天空的约束。


1 . Revision: The team members play well。

2 . We won&#;t forget you this holiday season

3 . Will we at last forget ourselves result from the continuous affectation

4 . Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

5 . Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas

6 . Better: Mother stacked the biscuits on a plate。

7 . 苦难是磨练人的好机会

8 . May your Christmas be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happiness, the joy of covered ones near,and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness

9 . 愿你的圣诞充满温馨,祥和,与亲人团聚的快乐,祝圣诞乐陶陶,新年乐无限。

10 . 给不了你最好的 就成全你想要的


1 . 生活,一半是回忆,一半是继续。

2 . 当你想念心中所爱之人时时间总会过得比较慢。

3 . You are my big depend on

4 . Here is wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year bright with joy and success

5 . You are very important

6 . Laughter tears for you alone

7 . 人生最难的事情之一,就是把某人从你的心底删除。

8 . A Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year

9 . If I could save time in a bottle

10 . 有时候,最适合你的人,恰恰是你最没有想到的人。


1 . Christmas greetings and best wishes!

2 . That way the dark will eventually own walk

3 . 第条 感恩节快乐!好好吃一顿吧!

4 . 祝圣诞快乐,新年充满幸福和成功。

5 . 第条 希望我们共度的第一个感恩节将成为我们回忆里最美好的时光。

6 . to sir, with love 老师,我们敬爱您

7 . 生命如花,爱情是蜜。

8 . Life is apure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us。

9 . 但愿你能来过感恩节。

10 . 新年过后,我们会再回来。




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